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年新能源汽车 英语翻译




新能源汽车 英语翻译篇一

air-cooled engine 风冷发动机

air-fuel ratio 空燃比

alternator 交流发电器

arc 电弧

armature 转子

baffle 隔板

baffle plate 拆流板

bearing 轴承

brake 刹车

brake lining 制动器摩擦片

bumper 保险杠

carburetor 汽化器

centrifugal fan 离心式风扇

chassis 底盘

clutch 离合器

compression-ignition engine 压燃式发动机

coolant 冷却剂

corona 电晕

crankshaft 机轴,曲轴

diaphragm 膜片,隔膜片

differential 差速器

diffuser 扩散器

distributor 分电器,分配器

drag link 直拉杆,转向

electrode 电极

electromagnetic 电磁铁

engine 发动机

exhaust 排气

exhaust manifold 排气歧管

exhaust pipe 排气管

exhaust-valve port 排气门

expansion value 膨胀阀

filter 过滤器

frame 车架

front wing 前翼

gearbox 变速箱

generator 发电机,发生器

hood 车篷

hub 轮毂

ignition 点火

impeller 叶轮,刀盘

induction manifold 进气歧管

injector 喷油器

insulation 绝缘体

intake 进气

jet engine 喷气发动机

kinetic energy 动能从拉杆

knuckle 转向节臂

liquid-cooled engine 水冷发动机

lubricate 润滑

lubrication system 润滑系统

moisture 湿度

neutral 空挡

nozzle 喷嘴

oil pan 油底壳

piston 活塞

pitman arm 转向摆臂

primary windings 初级线圈

pulse transformer 脉冲变压器

quick release 快拆

radiation fin 散热片

radiator 水箱,冷却器

rear wing 尾翼

restrict 限制

secondary windings 次级线圈

serial port 串行端口

service brake pedal 行车制动踏板

shock absorber 减振器

spark plug 火花塞

spark-ignition engine 点燃式发动机

steer 转向机构

steering knuckle arm 转向节臂

steering linkage 转向连杆

steering wheel 方向盘

stroke 冲程

stub axle 半轴

suspension 悬架

terminal 端子

throttle 节气门

tie rod 转向横拉杆

torsion 扭转,转矩

transmission 传动装置,变速器

transmission shaft 传动轴

turbine 涡轮

upright 立柱

valve 气门阀

venturi 扩散器,滤光器

voltage 电压

first gear 一档

second gear 二档

reverse 倒车档

two-stroke engine 二冲程发动机

diesel 柴油机

limousine 豪华轿车

drophead 活动车篷汽车

racing car 赛车

saloon 轿车

roadster 敞蓬车

wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车

notchback 客货两用车

four-wheel drive 四轮驱动

front-wheel drive 前轮驱动

trailer 拖车

station wagon 小旅行车

truck 卡车

compact car 小型汽车

light-van 小型货车

garbage truck 垃圾车

automobile carrier 货运卡车

fire engine 消防车

tractor 牵引车

ambulance 救护车

taxi 出租车, 计程车

trailer truck 拖车

sports car 跑车

formula car 方程式赛车, 方程式汽车

mail car 邮车

jeep 吉普车

bloodmobile 血浆车

bumper car 碰撞用汽车

camper 露营车

police car 警车

wrecker 清障车

ambulance 急救车

新能源汽车 英语翻译篇二

good afternoon, teacher very happy to introduce my y chinee imy.

so i`m very a naughty boy.

i al/

and i y favourite colour iath beary school.

i have many hobbieinton, liuagazinemy.

so i`m very a naughty boy.

i alway and reading book, i want to be a car-de a car fan.


pleaember sunziuch!

新能源汽车 英语翻译篇三

each year there is an increasing number of cars on the roads as millions of new cars are produced. one out of six americans works at making cars, driving trucks, building roads or filling up gas. americans couldnt live without cars!

most americans would find it hard to imagine life without a car. however, some have realized the serious problem of air pollution caused by cars. the polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to health.

one way to get rid of the polluted air is to make a car without pollution. but to build a clean car is easier said than done. progress in this field is slow.

another way is to replace car engines with something else. inventors are now working on steam cars as well as electric cars. many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model for us.

to prevent the world from being polluted by cars, we have to make some changes in our lives. americans, for example, have to cut down on the number of their total are encouraged to use bicycles, which are thought to help keep the air clean.

but this change does not come easily. a large number of workers may find themselves without jobs if a car factory cioses down. thus the problem of air pollution would become less important than that of unemployment. although cars have led us to a better life, they have also brought us new problems.

新能源汽车 英语翻译篇四

although the world develops much faster and better, the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer. in order to protect them,something must be done.


save water. water is the source of life. no water, no life. so its very important for us to do only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it, but also make full use of it.

节约用水。水是生命之源。没有水,就没有生命。所以,我们这样做是非常重要的。it is crucial. we cant imagine what the life will be like without it. everyone should do his best to save electricity. dont forget to turn off lights or other electric machines when we finish working.


save forests. they are useful .please stop cutting them down and use recycled paper instead. make our world a green one to live in.


recycle useful rubbish. plenty of rubbish can be recycled like cans,paper, bottles, and so on. we can save resources in this way.




新能源汽车 英语翻译篇五











新能源汽车 英语翻译篇六

nowadays,it is generally acknowledged that the automobiles make our life argue that they play an essential role in our modern life andwe can not live well without their cars to go to work which saves more time and energy.


but some otherpeople believe that a great many of problems can be brought by the of all, much tail gas released by cars harm pollutes the fresh airgravely. secondly, too many cars result the roads in blocked. finally, fastdriving makes people crazy, which can account for so many traffic accidents.


as far as iconcerned, it is no doubt that vehicles contribute to our economic . but if we overuse it, many undesirable consequences can be surelycaused, which contains highway accidents, air pollution and so on. so at thismoment, we must take measures to avoid these happen.


新能源汽车 英语翻译篇七

1 even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the com*r revolution.


2 the automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century. there are presently 500 million cars on earth, or one car for every ten people. sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars, making it the worlds biggest manufacturing industry.


3 the car, and the roads it travels on, will be revolutionized in the twenty-first century. the key to tomorrows xxxsmart carsxxx will be sensors. xxxwell see vehicles and roads that see and hear and feel and smell and talk and act,xxx predicts bill spreitzer, technical director of general motors corporations its program, which is designing the smart car and road of the future.


4 approximately 40,000 people are killed each year in the united states in traffic accidents. the number of people that are killed or badly injured in car accidents is so vast that we dont even bother to mention them in the newspapers anymore. fully half of these fatalities come from drunk drivers, and many others from carelessness. a smart car could eliminate most of these car accidents. it can sense if a driver is drunk via electronic sensors that can pick up alcohol vapor in the air, and refuse to start up the engine. the car could also alert the police and provide its precise location if it is stolen.


5 smart cars have already been built which can monitor ones driving and the driving conditions nearby. small radars hidden in the bumpers can scan for nearby cars. should you make a serious driving mistake (., change lanes when there is a car in your xxxblind spotxxx) the com*r would sound an immediate warning.



新能源汽车 英语翻译篇八

although the world develops much faster and better, the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer. in order to protect them,something must be done.


save water. water is the source of life. no water, no life. so its very important for us to do only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it, but also make full use of it.

节约用水。水是生命之源。没有水,就没有生命。所以,我们这样做是非常重要的。it is crucial. we cant imagine what the life will be like without it. everyone should do his best to save electricity. dont forget to turn off lights or other electric machines when we finish working.


save forests. they are useful .please stop cutting them down and use recycled paper instead. make our world a green one to live in.


recycle useful rubbish. plenty of rubbish can be recycled like cans,paper, bottles, and so on. we can save resources in this way.


新能源汽车 英语翻译篇九

should peking opera be set as part of compulsory courses?

recently, the ministry of education launched a new reform,specifying that peking opera be set as part of the compulsory courses at primary and middle schools.

the reform has caused an enormous amount of controversy in society.

many people in favor of it agree that it may contribute a lot to promoting traditional chinese culture.

but even more people are against it for they think it is not quite feasible in teaching practice.

as to this issue, my view is that peking opera should step into classroom,not as a compulsory course, but as an optional one.

on the one hand, teaching peking opera at school could popularize traditional art so that more people will know and love it.

on the other hand, however, to some extent, setting a new compulsory course will add to students’ academic burden which has been already heavy enough.

therefore, by setting peking opera as an optional course,students may have more freedom to decide whether to take it or not.

in a word, promoting and developing traditional culture cannot merely depend on “revitalizing peking opera”.

the key lies in improving the cultural awareness of the whole nation substantially.

feasible [fi:zəbl] adj. 可行的,可能的

traditional [trədiʃənəl] adj. 传统的

optional [ɔpʃənl] adj. 任选的

issue [iʃju:] n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点

opera [ɔpərə] n. 歌剧

reform [rifɔ:m] v. 改革,改造,革新

contribute [kəntribju:t] vt. 捐助,投稿

enormous [inɔ:məs] adj. 巨大的,庞大的.

setting [setiŋ] n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

primary [praiməri] adj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的



新能源汽车 英语翻译篇十

today, it seems that everyone is studing english,especially students. but what do students study english for? a survey made by a teacher at a university gives us some hints.


the results of the survey suggest that students need english for diffrent students learn english because they need to read english textbooks or journals or attend english lectures, while only a few students use it to talk to english-speaking visitors, attend seminars, and write letters, etc. there are a1so some differences between economics students and engineering students. compared with engineering students economics students need to read english business textbooks and write reports in english.


from tbe results of the survey, we can see that the purposes students learn english for vary with the academic field students study in. whatever the purposes are,one thing is certain:students need english, and english teaching should be strengthened in universities.(149 words)


the results of the survey suggest that students need english for different purposes.





新能源汽车 英语翻译篇十一

in general, there are two ways of traveling, private cars and public transportation. chinese people should regard public transportation as their first traveling opinion.


first, there are so many people living in this countries that make it so crowded. if each chinese people own a car, there will be far more traffic jams and accidents, which increase you impatience.


moreover, there will be far more pollution resulted from cars. once a car started, it release huge amount of dirty gas and heat, which lead to great pollution and result in green house effect.


all in all, chinese people should take public transpotation into consideration first。


新能源汽车 英语翻译篇十二

1 the private car 私家车

mel gibson was arrested by the los angeles county sheriffs department in malibu, calif. for suspicion of dui. bail was set at $5,000.

a spokesman for the los angeles country sheriffs department told tmz, xxxmel gibson was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence. xxx

with the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by bus.

the popularization of private car has many , it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the , the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated industries.

i believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cannt live without it.






新能源汽车 英语翻译篇十三

good morning, my admirable professors and my dear fellows. it’s my great honor to be here to introduce myself to all of you.

my name is xing heng and i’m in my eighteen years old. i come fromxiamen, which is a famous and beautiful city. i




(1)名词+名词。例如:spark(火花)+plug(塞子)→sparkplug(火花塞);combustion(燃烧)+chamber(室)→combustion chamber(燃烧室)。这样的例子还有很多,例如:starter relay 起动机继电器,ignitionc+oil 点火线圈,relief valve 卸压阀等。




(1)前缀构词法(prefix),加上前缀的派生词,一般不改变词性,而只改变词义。例如:re 表示“再一次”,re+move(移动)=re-move(拆除);re+place(放置)=replace(替换);re+check(检查)=recheck(复查)。

(2)后缀构词法(suffix),加上后缀 er 或 or,变成某一个汽车零部件。indicate(指示)→indicator(指示器);ignite(点火)→igniter(点火器);inject(喷射)→injector(喷油器)。

转化法是指一个单词由一种词性转化为另一种词性。例如:monitor(n.监视器,监控器)→monitor(v.监视 ,监 控);oil(n. 机油)→oil(v.加机油);power(n.电能)→power(v.供电)。

新能源汽车 英语翻译篇十五

for many college students, going back home for the spring festival proves to be an ordeal.

despite the efforts of queuing up for several hours or even days, some can not get the tickets.

as the last resort, they would turn to train ticket scalpers.

according to numerous media reports, illegal ticket deal has become a flourishing and well-organized business.

though illegal train-ticket deal does help some home-bounded people, often times ticket scalpers sell fake tickets. consequently, those with fake tickets will be punished by train conductors.

furthermore, suspicion of scalpers being hand in glove with railway employees has already resulted in the public anxiety and anger, which will pose potential threat to the social stability. while the railway infrastructure can not be improved in the near future, the only solution to controlling the illegal ticket deal depends on the efficiency of railway system management.

if the ticket distribution system is reliable, then scalpers will eventually find their flourishing business doomed.

新能源汽车 英语翻译篇十六

mel gibson was arrested by the los angeles county sheriffs department in malibu, calif. for suspicion of dui. bail was set at $5,000.

a spokesman for the los angeles country sheriffs department told tmz, xxxmel gibson was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence. xxx

with the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by bus.

the popularization of private car has many , it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the , the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated industries.

i believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cannt live without it.






新能源汽车 英语翻译篇十七

nowadays,it is generally acknowledged that the automobiles make our life argue that they play an essential role in our modern life andwe can not live well without ledrive their cars to go to work which saves more time and energy。


but some otherpeople believe that a great many of problems can be brought by the t of all, much tail gas released by cars harm pollutes the fresh airgravely。 secondly, too many cars result the roads in blocked。 finally, fastdriving makes people crazy, which can account for so many traffic accidents。


as far as iconcerned, it is no doubt that vehicles contribute to our economic 。 but if we overuse it, many undesirable consequences can be surelycaused, which contains highway accidents, air pollution and so on。 so at thismoment, we must take measures to avoid these happen。


新能源汽车 英语翻译篇十八

in recent years, with the improvement of life condition, more and more families have private cars.

people think its convenient to go everywhere in their own cars. they donn need to spend too much time waiting buses. also owning a car makes others think the person is very rich.

a s the saying goes, xxxa coin has two on the one hand, the private cars provide convenience for our lives. people can drive the cars getting around the city easily. on the other hand, with the sharp increase of private cars, the air pollution becomes worse; the traffic jam is more serious; the road accidents more frequently occur. moreover, it is hard to find a place to park the car and it is costly too. so, if possible, take a walk instead of a drive.







新能源汽车 英语翻译篇十九

cars are an important part of life in the united states. cars have made the united slates a nation on wheels.

there are 3 main reasons why the car has become so popular in this country. first of all, americans like to travel. the car provides the most comfortable and cheapest form of transportation. with a car people can go any place without spending a lot of moncy.

the second reason that cars are popular is the fact that the united states never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public transportation. long-distance trains have never been as common in the united states as they are in other parts of the world. air-service provides a comfortable travel system. but it is too expensive to be used frequently.

the third reason is the most important one, though. the american spirit of inde pendence is what really made cars popular. americans do not like to wait for a bus, or a train or even a plane. they do not like to have to follow an exact schedule. a car gives them the frecdom to schedule their own time, and this is the freedom that americans want most to have.








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