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2024年给国外客户的邀请函 邀请外国人的邀请函




给国外客户的邀请函 邀请外国人的邀请函篇一

we would like to send (your customer name) to visit your country and negotiate cooperate of our company’s goods business with enterprises including (the company you want to visit) within (the day you issue the document) will be staying (how long you want to stay in destination) days.

if you can approve their visa should be high appreciate!

the number of passport:

best wishes!

(general manager name)

(company name)

(company stamp and signature)

给国外客户的邀请函 邀请外国人的邀请函篇二

dear sirmadam

ref: - china multiple entry visa for mr. xxxxxx

xxxx xxx .,ltd. (xx ) wishes to support holder of xxxx(填护照上的国家名) passport no: xxxxx, to apply for a china visa, to attend design review meetings, to inspect prototypes and production lots at xx’s production facilities in xxxx guang dong province.

he will refine and approve fixture designs plus carry out the inspection on pre-production samples and postproduction items, for their fixture supply program. thus he requires to get a multiple entry visa to enable him to travel conveniently to china during the whole process.

the factory address in china is:

xxxxx city xxxxxxx mfy. co., ltd.


this is an urgent case, as is required to visit the factory on 23rd october 20xx, to ensure production can proceed. should you have any queries or require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us at the contacts below.

your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.

yours truly,


给国外客户的邀请函 邀请外国人的邀请函篇三

to: ibrahim

it is our great honor to invite you to visit xxxxxxxxxxx import&export company, ltd. located at zhengzhou city, henan province from september 25 to october 25,20xx. we extend our warm welcome to you.

details of travellers:

name: kravchenko oleksandr

nationality: ukraine

passport no: ae501542

name: ihor melnyk

nationality: ukraine

passport no: ax980706

name: karakuta vladymyr

natinality: ukraine

passport no: am025333

this visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues and to communicate our future business cooperation in detail.

looking forward to your arrival!

best regards

xxxxxxx i/e company, ltd.



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