1、因为我们都是凡人死亡诗社台词完整版,孩子们因为信不信由你,这间房子里死亡诗社台词完整版的每个人总有一天都要停止呼吸,僵冷,死亡 I would like you to step forward over here, and peruse some of the faces from the past You#39ve walked past them many。
3、电影死亡诗社经典台词1I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately hellip I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life! To put to rout all that was not lifehellip。
4、from up here If you don#39t believe it, stand up here and try it All of you Take turns#16013死亡诗人致力于吸取生命的精华The Dead Poets was dedicated to quotsucking the marrow out of lifequot。
5、死亡诗社经典台词欣赏 1I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately hellip I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life! To put to rout all that was not lifehellip And。
7、梭罗死亡诗人致力于吸取生命的精华The Dead Poets was dedicated to quotsucking the marrow out of lifequot我们是一群浪漫主义者我们不仅仅是念诗,诗从我们舌间滑落,就像蜜糖情绪高涨,女人亢奋,灵魂驰骋We。
8、Not a clue? It#39s from a poem by Walt Whitman about Mr Abraham Lincoln Now in this class you can either call me Mr Keating Or, if you#39re slightly more daring, Oh Captain, My Captain Now let。
9、死亡诗社优美台词赏析 1诗歌美丽浪漫爱情,才是我们活着的意义 2一旦觉得自己懂得,就必须换一种角度来看这可能显得有些荒唐,或者愚蠢,但必须试一下同样读书的时候,不要只想作者怎么看,想想你自己怎么看 3梭罗说“。
11、We all have great need for acceptanceBut you must trust that your beliefs are unique,your own even though others may think them odd or unpopularEven though thr herd may go,quotThat#39s badquotRobert Frost。
12、死亡诗社剧情一位热爱诗歌的老师,他认真地思考一个问题当整个班级的男生都死气沉沉,被家庭的期望和学校的刻板所束缚,要怎样做才能帮助他们成为自己最终,他撬动了这群年轻人内心的热情好老师 约翰·基汀 经。
13、KEATING quotOh Captain, My Captainquot who knows where that comes from? Anybody? Not a clue? It#39s from a poem by Walt Whitman about Mr Abraham Lincoln Now in this class you can either call me Mr。
14、不要顺从命运, 突破自我吧 来吧,我的朋友,现在去寻找新世界为时未晚我决心驶过夕阳的尽头,尽管我们不再拥有昔日的力量,可以惊天动地,我们仍然拥有同样的英雄气概纵然时间和命运使它衰弱,但坚强意志仍在,去。
15、65 000631,157 000634,126 How was your summer, Slick? Keen。