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【第1句】: Are We More Connected of More Alone


Technology provides us with more convience than ever before. We can shop online, talk online, read online, and we can also do things like go on facebook or instagram and 'like' each other, which is something that we cannot do before, but there are negative sides of technology and social medias.

The negative affect of technologies and social medias is that is, like Dr. Turkle said, "We are getting used to a new way of being alone together". Faces are now behind screens, heads are lowered on the street, and people across the dinner table are typing to communicate. There have been reports about car accidents because the person was not paying attention to the traffic light. This is all negative sides of technologies.

Another problem with social medias and the internet is that the user does not know who is behind the other screen. This leads to fraud and tricks, which we can sometimes see on the news about people's bank account lossing money. Sometimes you could think that you are talking to an eight years old girl but actually, it is a fifty years old man that you are talking to, which is not something people want because there are certain information that you can tell a eight years old child but not a fifty years old man.

The third problem with social medias and internet is that looking at the computer screen for too long is not good for people's eye sight. (这里自己找一个关于近年来人们平均视力下降的例子)

Even though the positive side of technologies, internet, and social medias are very clear, the negative sides are also obvious. People who are in the same room are not looking up, people are lossing money from their bank account, which is supposed to be safe, and people's eye sight is getting worst.


【第2句】: Today we are more "connected" than ever before. Our ability to

Today we are more "connected" than ever before. Our ability to connect with other people online makes us feel like a part of something bigger. Meanwhile, this ability also diminishes how we feel in "real" life. The more we are connected online, the less we seem to be in "real" life. Writer and psychologist Sherry Turkle said, "We are getting used to a new way of being alone together". Do you agree with this?

今天我们比以前更“连接”了。我们与其他人联机的能力使我们感觉自己是更大的东西的一部分。同时,这种能力也减少了我们在“真实”生活中的感受。我们越是在线连接,我们似乎越少在“真实”的生活。作家和心理学家Sherry Turkle说:“我们正在用一种新的方式单独在一起”。你同意吗?

Write an essay(about 200 words) on the above issue. Give reasons and specific evidence to support your point of view.


【第3句】: 题目Are We More Connected or More Alone

with the rapid development and increasing popularity of the information technology,connecting with other people online is coming into fashion in our life.I think we are more connected.there are some reasons for this.

Firstly,With the Internet, it's easy for us to connect with others,it bring many convenience are avaliable to us .secondly it can save some time for people who don't have much spare time. improving the efficiency of our study and work.thirdly, many of us connect through cell phones, email, instant messaging, blogs, and networking web sites anytime, yet we may be more connected to each other even if we are lace of face to face . for example,speaking of blogging, my blog has introduced me to people I would never have met. but we often connect.

therefore,Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of connecting with others ,we are more connected.

【第4句】: Are We More Connected or More Alone


这个应该是这篇作文的完整要求。今天,我们比以往任何时候都更加“互联”。我们在网上与他人联系的能力让我们觉得自己是更大的一部分。同时,这种能力也会减少我们在“真实”生活中的感受。我们在网上联系得越多,我们在“真实”生活中越少。作家兼心理学家Sherry Turkle说:“我们正在习惯一种新的独处方式。”你同意这个观点吗?写一篇关于上述问题的文章(大约200字)。给出理由和具体的证据来支持你的观点。

【第5句】: 作文题目 Are We More Connected or More Alone

When we asks parents for money and for other things, we are so naturally to do it and without thinking too much. If our parents refuse, we will be angry. But the fact is that they don't owe us, instead, we owes them and most of us don't know the meaning of gratitude. Don't take everything from our parents as a necessary.




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