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【第1句】:Life is what you make it.

【第2句】:A burden of one's choice is not felt.

【第3句】:All men can't be first.

【第4句】:Come what may,heacen won't fall.

【第5句】:If there is no struggle,there is no progress.

【第6句】:Life is not fair,get used to it.

【第7句】:While there is life there is hope.

【第8句】:Time and tide wait for no man.

【第9句】:One todayis worth two tomorrows.

【第10句】:Themorning sun never lasts a day.

【第11句】:Happinesstakes no account of time.

【第12句】:To savetime is to lengthen life.

【第13句】:Punctualityis the soul of business.

【第14句】:Wisdom isbetter than gold or silver.

【第15句】:Doubt isthe key of knowledge.

【第16句】:It isgood to learn at another man's cost.

【第17句】:Dexteritycomes by experience.

【第18句】:Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.

【第19句】:Do one thing at a time, and do well.

【第20句】:Whatever isworth doing is worth doing well.

【第21句】:Jack of alltrades and master of none.

【第22句】:Kings gomad, and the people suffer for it.

【第23句】:Lies cannever changes fact.

【第24句】:Life is halfspent before we know what it is.

【第25句】:Like mother,like daughter.

【第26句】:A man's best friends are his ten fingers.

【第27句】:Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.

【第28句】:True love is visible not to the eyes but to the heart.

【第29句】:better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.

【第30句】:nothing ventured,nothing gained.



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