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我打算起来,却动弹不得,我仰天躺着,这时才发现胳膊、腿都紧紧地被缚在地上;我的头发又长又密,也被缚在地上。我觉得从腋窝到大腿,身上横绑着几根细绳。我只能向上看,太阳渐渐热起来,阳光刺痛了眼睛。我听到周围人声嘈杂,可是我那样躺着,除了天空以外,什么也看不见。过了一会儿,只觉得有个活东西在我左腿上蠕动,它越过我胸脯,慢慢地走上前来,几乎来到我的下颔前了。我尽可能用眼睛朝下望,却原来是一个身长不到六英寸、手里拿着弓箭、背着一个箭袋的活人。同时,我觉得至少还有四十来个一模一样的人 ( 我猜想 ) 跟在他的后面。我非常吃惊,大吼了起来,吓得他们回头就跑。

后来有人告诉我,他们中间有几个人因为从我的腰部往地下跳,竟跌伤了。但是他们不久又走了回来。有一个人竟敢走到他能看到我整个面孔的地方,他举起两手抬眼仰视,表示惊讶,用尖锐而清晰的声音高喊 :“海琴那带古尔”,其余的人也把这句话喊了几遍,但是那时我还不懂他们的意思。读者们可以相信,我一直这样躺着是非常不舒服的,最后终于挣扎起来,想挣脱绑缚。我很侥幸,一下子就挣断了绳索,并且拔出了地上那些缚住我左臂的木钉。我把左臂举到面前,才发现了他们捆缚我的方法。这时我用力猛扯一下,虽然十分疼痛,却把左边绑我头发的绳索挣松了一点,这样才稍稍能够把头转动两英寸光景。但是我还没来得及捉住他们,他们就跑掉了;他们齐声尖锐刺耳地大喊,喊声过后,我听到一个人高声喊道 : “陶尔哥奉纳克”;一眨眼工夫,我觉得百来枝箭射中了我的左手,像针一样刺痛了我;接着他们又向天空射了一阵,就像我们欧洲人丢似的,我想有不少支箭落在我身上 ( 虽然我不觉得 ), 有的还落在我脸上,我就赶忙用左手遮住了脸。这一阵箭雨过去以后,我不胜悲痛地呻吟起来,过了一会儿我又挣扎着要脱身,他们又放了一阵比刚才放的那些还长的箭,有些人还想用矛刺我的腰部;幸亏我穿着一件牛皮背心,他们刺不进去。




接着,格列佛来到巫人岛。岛上的总督精通魔法,能随意召唤任何鬼魂,格列佛因此会见了古代的许多名人,结果发现史书上的记载很多不符合史实,甚至是非颠倒。尔 后,格列佛又游览了拉格耐格王国,见到一种长生不老人"斯特鲁布鲁格"。离开该国后,格列佛来到日本,然后乘船回到英国。



I decided to get up, but could not move, I then found lying on his back, arms and legs are tightly tied to the ground; my hair is long and thick, was tied to the ground。 I felt from my armpit to my thigh with a few strings attached to my body。 I can only look up, the sun is getting hotter and the sun pricked his eyes。 I heard the noise of the people around me, but I lay like that, and I could see nothing but the sky。 After a while, only to find a living thing squirming in my left leg, it crossed my chest, walking slowly forward, almost came to my front chin。 My eyes look as much as possible, but the original is a length less than six inches, holding the bow, carrying a quiver of the living。 At the same time, I think there are at least forty to a man as like as two peas (I guess) behind him。 I was so surprised that I roared and scared them back and ran。

Later someone told me that there are a few people from the waist to the ground because I jump between them, actually hurt himself。 But they soon came back again。 A person go to him to see my whole face, he lifted his hands looked up, surprised, shouting with a sharp and clear voice: "the boss, Gul" the rest of the sentence shouted several times, but I still do not know what they mean。 The readers could believe that I had been lying like this very uncomfortable, and finally struggled to get rid of it。 Lucky me, suddenly broke the rope and pulled out of the ground that tied my left arm peg。 I put my left arm up to the front, only to find the way they bind me。 At this time, I pulled hard, though it was very painful, I loosened the rope that tied my hair on the left side, so that I could slightly turn my head two inches。 But before I could catch them, they ran away; they shouted, shrill shouts after, I heard someone shouted loudly: "brother in Thor ng"; in a blink of an eye, I feel a hundred arrows hit my left hand, like the needle stung me; they continued to the sky shot for a while, as we lost like the Europeans, I think there are a lot of arrows on me (although I don't think), some also fell on my face, I hurried to cover his face with his left hand。 This burst of arrows later, I was overwhelmed by grief to groan, after a while I was struggling to get out, they put a longer than those who just put arrows, some people still want to use a spear to my waist; fortunately, I was wearing a leather vest, they stabbed in。

Appreciation and analysis:

In the beginning of the novel, the tone of the whole book is laid by the strange idea。 Gref was a storm on the island, woke up and found himself has been more than 100 people tied up。 This passage vividly depicts the manners and behaviors of the young people who first entered Gulliver's vision, especially their behavior of constantly shooting arrows and sting Gulliver, which laid the foreshadowing for the future development of the plot。

The writing is simple and simple。 The writer once declared, "I would like to describe the ordinary facts with the simplest and simple writing style, because I write this book mainly to report to you, not for your entertainment。" Although Gulliver travel around the world, different scenarios encountered different, but after the whole novel layout, consistent style, Gulliver every sea antecedents and consequences have a detailed explanation, the complicated plot according to the time and space sequence of description, the text concise and vivid, strong story, and so。 For a long time at home, but also with the "read Gulliver" to the sea。 This time, Gulliver rides the ship was hijacked ship, Gulliver escaped, was rescued by a flying island called "Laputa"。 These people look abnormal, strange clothing, all be in a brown study。 The king and the nobility lived in the flying island, people live in Balnibarbi island on three。 Gulliver left the flying island, Balnibarbi came to visit, and visited the island's "La Polytechnic college"。 The Academy's department is the result of the topic be a wild legend, everywhere desolate, the collapse of the housing, the people had no food, no clothes。

Then, Gregor came to the witch island。 The island's governor in magic, able to summon any ghosts, Gulliver met with so many celebrities in ancient times, the historical records on the lot does not accord with the facts, or even upside down。 Then, Gulliver and visited La NEGELE Kingdom, see a man of immortality "sitelubu"。 After leaving the country, Gregor came to Japan and returned to England by boat。

Appreciation and analysis:

The novel in third volumes, the irony of the brunt of the contemporary British philosopher, divorced from reality and indulge in fantasy, scientist, inventor, and be a wild legend the critics and historians confuse right and wrong, and exposed to the Irish British colonial rule and oppression。




1, this is the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; people before everything, we had nothing before us; people are on the way to heaven, we were all going to the gates of hell. -- Dickens's the book of Shuangcheng

2, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredlity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it is hoped that the winter is the spring we disappointed; all going to heaven, we were all going the other way -- in short, with the now very similar to that of some of its noisiest authorities insisted on superlatives to describe it. Say it is good, is the highest; say it is not good, is also the highest. -- Dickens's the book of Shuangcheng

3, this is the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredlity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we the future has everything, we had nothing before us; we are going to heaven, we are straight to hell. When the saints are also, when the perpetrators are also. This is also a benighted world, and this is also the wisdom of the world. This is also a bright season, this is also bleak season. This is also a year, this year. This is the spring of the dolly, who read the. Man or everything, man or nothing. The US made its permanent fall dust float upon the clouds. -- Dickens's the book of Shuangcheng

"To, the, world, you, may, be, one, person, but, to, me, you, may,, be, the, world., Shuangcheng.""

5, this is the best of times, this is the worst of times. This is the year of wisdom, this is the year of ignorance. This is the period of faith, this is the period of doubt. This is the season of light, and this is the season of darkness. This is the spring of hope, it is the winter of despair. We have everything in our future, and we have nothing in the future. We're heading for heaven, and we're going to hell. - Charles Dickens, the book of Shuangcheng

6 resurrection in me, and life in me. Those who believe in me will die again, though they die, but those who live and believe in me will never die. -- Dickens's the book of Shuangcheng

7, what I have done now is far better than all that I have done; the rest I will get is sweeter than all that I know. Charles Dickens, the book of Shuangcheng

8, what I do today is much better and better than what I have done in the past; the rest I enjoy today is better than all that I know; better - - Charles, Dickens, the book of Shuangcheng

9, when the saints are also, when the perpetrators are also. This is also a benighted world, and this is also the wisdom of the world. This is also a bright season, this is also bleak season. This is also a year, this year. This is the spring of the dolly, who read the. Man or everything, man or nothing. The US made its permanent fall dust float upon the clouds. -- Dickens's the book of Shuangcheng

10, this is the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredlity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; people had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going direct to heaven; people are straight to hell. -- Dickens's the book of Shuangcheng

11, this is the worst of times, but it is also the best of times. -- Dickens's the book of Shuangcheng

12, it is the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredlity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; I have witnessed everything, we are blind to everything; we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way -- hell. In short, it was very similar to the present, and some of the most noisy authorities insisted on the superlative of adjectives. For better or for worse, it is the superlative of the comparative. -- Dickens's the book of Shuangcheng

13, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredlity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we with all eyes, we had nothing before; we will be going to heaven, we will beat the hell. In short, it was very similar to the present, and some of the most noisy authorities insisted on the superlative of adjectives. Say it is good, is the highest; say it is not good, is also the highest. - Dickens, Shuangcheng book

14, what I have done is the best thing I ever did in my life. What I am about to achieve is the most peaceful and peaceful rest of my life. -- Dickens's the book of Shuangcheng

15 don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. For the world




























这本书叙述了法国大革命时期围绕在医生马奈特一家周围的事,这本书颠覆了我对自由,权利以及善恶的看法——法国人民不堪重负,推翻了波旁王朝,然而新政权建立之后朝他们走来的难道是他们心驰神往的自由吗?不,仍然是以往的提心吊胆,稍不留神明天就会被送上断头台。得势之后的德发日太太滥用 职权,将死敌们个个置于死地,最后却落得个惨死的下场。正如那句话所说的:“自由啊,有多少罪恶是假借你的名义干出来的。”大革命并不如想象中的那么美好,而是以暴易暴。它没有拯救人民,而是将人民推入了另一个火坑。






这本书叙述了法国大革命时期围绕在医生马奈特一家周围的事,这本书颠覆了我对自由,权利以及善恶的看法——法国人民不堪重负,推翻了波旁王朝,然而新政权建立之后朝他们走来的难道是他们心驰神往的自由吗?不,仍然是以往的提心吊胆,稍不留神明天就会被送上断头台。得势之后的德发日太太滥用 职权,将死敌们个个置于死地,最后却落得个惨死的下常正如那句话所说的:“自由啊,有多少罪恶是假借你的名义干出来的。”大革命并不如想象中的那么美好,而是以暴易暴。它没有拯救人民,而是将人民推入了另一个火坑。







"A tale of two cities" is one of Dickens's most important representative works。The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes。The novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displayed people's great strength。 The novel has portrayed many different people。 Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually , Lucie is beautiful and gentle ,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest ,Sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfless and lofty,Miss Pross is straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister。。。。。。The plex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as the price。 As an outstanding w

riter,in Dickens's work,the language skill is essential。Each kind of rhetoric technique,like the analogy,the exaggeration,the contrast,the humorous,and the taunt are handled skillfully,and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak。"A tale of two cities" has its difference with the general historical novel, its character and the main plot are all fictionalizes。With the broad real background of the French Revolution,the author take the fictional character Doctor Manette's experience as the main clue,interweaves the unjust charge, love and revenge three independences but also incident cross-correlation stories together,the plot is criss-crossed,and the clue is plex。The author use narrates,foreshadowing,upholstery and so many techniques,causes the structure integrity and strictness,the plot winding anxious and rich of theatrical nature,it displayed the remarkable artistic skill。the style "A tale of two cities" is solemnity and melancholy,fills indignantion,but lacks the

humor of the early works。


The tale of two cities is a historical story, one of Dickens’ long fictions。The background to the novel is the revolution of France 。It portrayed a brutal and bloody story , but it also contained love and friendship。搞笑说说大全

In the novel, Dickens sarcastically described a typical cruel nobleman—marquis of Evermonde 。 When he was young he and his brother stole a countrywoman by force and killed her family 。What’s worse , he used his power to imprison Dr Manette , a kind and honest man who knew all the things they had done and wanted to disclose their crimes 。 In order to hide their crimes。 Marquis of Evermonde and his brother threw Doctor Manette into prison for 18 years 。 During these 18 years,Doctor Manette lost his freedom and suffer a great in spirit 。

I felt unthinkable that Marquis of Evermonde and his brother killed people just as easily as they killed chickens。 They deprived other people’s freedom as they liked and they thought it was normal and unremarkable。 They had never realized that they had done something wrong or something improper。 Because their nature was cruel and evil, like demons。 There is an old saying which means: People who mit too many crimes will kill themselves。 After all, there is justice in the world。 The demons can’t be rampant forever。 Because the world will not forgive them。 They will pay their lives for their crimes。 Let’s see the consequence of the Marquis,’’He lay there like a stone with a knife pushed into his heart。” I think it was just what he ought to gain and it is a real exciting scene。

The Marquis’ death was just the beginning of people’s resistance to the nobleman。 Gradually more and more people joined in the revolution。 One after another nobleman were sentenced to death and their heads were cut down 。 However, some innocent people were implicated in the revolution。 Charles Darney was one of them He was the nephew of Marquis of Evermonde。 To the opposite of his uncle, Darney was a kind and independent young man。

Dickens spoke highly of kindness mercy and love in the novel too。 This is the other thone of the novel when Doctor Manette was released from prison。 It was his daughter Lucie who took care of him and helped him return to normal。 During this time, Dr manette and Lucie knew Charles Darney and Sydeny Carton, the two young man fell in love with Lucie at the same time 。 At last, Lucie married Chares Darney 。Dr Manette accepted Darney as his son-in-law although he knew that Darney was the nephew of the man who threw him into prison for18 years。 This is the love between father and daughter。 And Sydeny Carton , the very great man ,loved Lucie deeply。 He promised Lucie that he would do everything for her happiness。 He did it truely ,he sacrificed himself instead of Darney who looked the same as him。 This is love for lovers 。 This is the most wonderful thing in the world。 It also reminds us that no matter how no matter when there is true love existing。 At the end , Lucie, Dr Manette and Darney arri保护地球的标语

ved in England safely。

The tale of two cities is different from other historical fictions。 Its characters and main plots are fictional under the real background of the revolution of France。 The author made the experience of the fictional charactor Dr Manette as the main clue。The plots are plicated, and they are flexuous and dramatic。 The structure is plete and rigorous。

Dickens had dear love and hate。 He praised those who ought to be praised and attacked those who ought to be attacked。 The motivation of the novel maybe just warn the English dominators。 But I think we can learn something meaningful from the tale of two cities。



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