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英语人教版六年级上册单词句子 人教版小学英语六年级上册的句子表




三上: Whai's your name? My name's Chen Jie. This is John. Mice to meet you. How are you? I'm fine,thank you. Let's paint. Great. Look!I have a rabbit. Cool. May I have a look? Sure.Here you are. I like hamburgers. Have some French fries. Thank you. Can I have some chicken? Sure.,Here you are. How old are you? I'm 【第9句】: How many balloons? 【第4句】: 参考资料:《小学英语词语学习手册》,很好用,去买一本吧,外皮是红色的。

【第2句】:六年级英语人教版 上册1到2单元单词和句子

on foot by bike by bus by train by plane by boat by car by taxi by ship go to school traffic lights traffic rules stop wait get to usually sometimes 【第1句】:How do you go to school, Sarah? Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. 【第2句】:How can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go by the No.15 bus.【第3句】:Can I go on foot? Sure, if you like.Unit 2:library post office hospital cinema bookstore science museum welcome Excuse me where please next to turn right turn left go straight north south west east then【第1句】:Where is the cinema, please? It's next to the hospital. 【第2句】:Is it far from here? No, it's not far.【第3句】:Thank you. You're welcome.【第4句】:Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It's on the left.Unit 3: next week next weehend this morning this afternoon this evening tomorrow tonight take a trip go on a trip comic book read a magazine go to the cinema post card newspaper dictionary magazine buy What Where When How【第1句】: What are you going to do on the weekend? I'm going to visit my grandparents this weekend.【第2句】: Where are you going this afternoon? I'm going to the bookstore.【第3句】:What are you going to buy? I am going to buy a comic book.【第4句】:When are you going to the bookstore? I'm going to the bookstore at 3 o'clock.【第5句】:How are you going to the bookstore? I'm going to the bookstore by bus.Unit 4: pen pal hobby riding a bike diving playing the violin making kites collecting stamps live teaches English watches goes to work does doesn't=does not reads newspapers 【第1句】:What's your hobby? I like collecting stamps. 【第2句】:What's his hobby? He likes collecting stamps.【第3句】: What's her hobby? She likes collecting stamps.【第4句】:Does she teach English? No, she doesn't. 【第5句】:Does she teach you math? Yes, she does.Unit 5: Xkb【第1句】:com singer writer actor actress artist cleaner TV reporter engineer accountant policeman teacher salesperson driver worker doctor nurse sell design work factory company【第1句】:What does your mother do? She is a TV reporter.【第2句】:Where does she work? She works in a school. 【第3句】:How does she go to work? She goes to work by bus.【第4句】:What are you going to be? I'm going to be an engineer.【第5句】: Who is she? She's my aunt.Unit 6: rain cloud sun stream vapour water come from become shine seed soil sprout plant should pot grow then 【第1句】:Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds. 【第2句】:How can the water become vapour? The sun shines, and the watert becomes vapour.【第3句】: How do you do that? Put the seeds in the soil.【第4句】:What should you do then? Water them.作文:【第1句】:This is the water cycle. The rain comes from the cloud. The cloud comes from the vapour. The vapour comes from the water. The water comes from the rain.【第2句】:种花:Put the seeds in the soil. Put the pot in the sun. Water them. Wait for a sprout. Wait for a flower to grow.【第3句】:种树:Dig the soil. Put the plant in the soil. Water it. Wait for the plant to grow.【第4句】: 种玉米:Dig the soil and put the seeds in the soil. Water them. We can see a sprout. We can see a plant. We can see the corn.P21: There are 6 people in the picture. There are 4 boys. There are 2 girls. They are having a party. There is a big cake on the table. They are happy.P33: Today is Sunday. It's sunny. They are Chen Jie and Sarah. They are going to plant trees. They are going by bus. They are happy.P39:There are 7 people in the picture.There are 5 boys.There are 2 girls. The boys are playing ping-pong.The girls are skating. They are happy。

【第3句】:小学六年级pep英语单词.句子句型 谢谢哩

Unit One【第1句】: by 经….;乘….【第2句】: foot 脚 【第3句】: bike 自行车 【第4句】: bus 公共汽车 【第5句】: train 火车 【第6句】: plane 飞机 【第7句】: ship 轮船 【第8句】: subway 地铁【第9句】: how 如何;怎样 【第10句】: go to school 去上学 【第11句】: then 然后【第12句】: fifth 第五 【第13句】: traffic 交通 【第14句】: traffic light 交通灯【第15句】: traffic rule 交通规则 【第16句】: stop 停;停车站 【第17句】: wait 等;等待【第18句】: remember 记住 【第19句】: get to 到达 【第20句】: find 寻找;找到【第21句】: difference 不同;区别 【第22句】: same 相同的 【第23句】: every 每个;所有的【第24句】: country 国家 【第25句】: always 总是;一直【第26句】: mean 意思是【第27句】: drive 驾驶【第28句】: right 右边的【第29句】: side 边【第30句】: England 英国【第31句】: Australia 澳大利亚【第32句】: however 但是【第33句】: left 左边的【第34句】: if 如果【第35句】: must 必须;一定【第36句】: know 知道;认识Unit Two【第37句】: library 图书馆【第38句】: post office 邮局【第39句】: hospital 医院【第40句】: cinema 电影院【第41句】: bookstore 书店(美式)【第42句】: science museum 科学博物馆【第43句】: excuse me 对不起;请原谅【第44句】: where 在哪里【第45句】: please 请【第46句】: next to 与… …相邻【第47句】: far 远【第48句】: supermarket 超市【第49句】: bank 银行【第50句】: after school 放学以后【第51句】: want 想要【第52句】: buy 购买【第53句】: a pair of 一双【第54句】: shoe store 鞋店【第55句】: get off 下车【第56句】: minute 分钟 【第57句】: north 北【第58句】: south 南【第59句】: east 东【第60句】: west 西【第61句】: turn 转弯【第62句】: right 右边;对的【第63句】: left 左边【第64句】: straight 成直线地【第65句】: then 然后【第66句】: twelfth 第十二【第67句】: party 聚会【第68句】: tell 告诉【第69句】: start 开始【第70句】: take 乘坐;带走【第71句】: look for 寻找Unit 3【第72句】: next week 下周【第73句】: this morning 今天上午【第74句】: this afternoon 今天下午【第75句】: this evening 今天晚上【第76句】: tonight 今晚【第77句】: tomorrow 明天【第78句】: take a trip 作旅行【第79句】: read a magazine 阅读杂志【第80句】: go to the cinema 去看电影【第81句】: theme park 主题公园【第82句】: the Great Wall 长城【第83句】: busy 忙碌的【第84句】: together 一起地【第85句】: comic book 漫画书【第86句】: post card 明信片【第87句】: newspaper 报纸【第88句】: magazine 杂志【第89句】: dictionary 字典【第90句】: shoe store 鞋店【第91句】: buy 购买【第92句】: fruit sand 水果摊【第93句】: pet shop 宠物商店【第94句】: need 需要【第95句】: plant 植物【第96句】: else 其他;另外【第97句】: shop 商店Unit 4【第98句】: hobby 爱好【第99句】: ride a bike 骑自行车100. dive 跳水10【第1句】: play the violin 拉小提琴10【第2句】: make kites 制作风筝10【第3句】: collect stamps 集邮10【第4句】: show 展览10【第5句】: pen pal 笔友10【第6句】: dear 亲爱的10【第7句】: twin 双胞胎之一10【第8句】: look 看上去10【第9句】: something 某事物1【第10句】: must 一定;肯定1【第11句】: fun 快乐;乐趣1【第12句】: with 同…;和…1【第13句】: TV reporter 电视台记者1【第14句】: live 居住;住1【第15句】: teach 教1【第16句】: go 去1【第17句】: watch (观)看1【第18句】: read 读;看1【第19句】: does 做;干1【第20句】: doesn't=does not 不做;不干1【第21句】: different 不同的 1【第22句】: week 星期;周1【第23句】: say 说;讲1【第24句】: soon 不久1【第25句】: excited 兴奋的;激动的Unit 51【第26句】: singer 歌唱家;歌手1【第27句】: writer 作家1【第28句】: actor 男演员1【第29句】: actress 女演员1【第30句】: artist 画家1【第31句】: TV reporter 电视台记者1【第32句】: show 演出;表演;节目1【第33句】: Hong Kong 香港1【第34句】: engineer 工程师1【第35句】: accountant 会计1【第36句】: policeman (男)警察1【第37句】: salesperson 销售员1【第38句】: cleaner 清洁工1【第39句】: company 公司1【第40句】: where 在哪里;到哪里1【第41句】: work 工作1【第42句】: factory 工厂1【第43句】: design 设计1【第44句】: tip (小)建议1【第45句】: help 帮助1【第46句】: money 钱;金钱1【第47句】: well 好;对1【第48句】: enjoy 喜爱;享受…乐趣1【第49句】: tourist 旅行者;旅游者1【第50句】: way 路;道1【第51句】: motor cycle 摩托车1【第52句】: police 警方Unit 61【第53句】: rain 雨;下雨1【第54句】: cloud 云;云彩1【第55句】: vapour 蒸汽;水汽1【第56句】: sun 太阳1【第57句】: stream 小河;小溪1【第58句】: come from 来自1【第59句】: shine 照耀1【第60句】: become 变成1【第61句】: little 小的;少的1【第62句】: drop 珠;滴1【第63句】: wake up 醒来;醒1【第64句】: feel 感觉到;感受到1【第65句】: think 想;思考1【第66句】: meet 遇见;碰见1【第67句】: high 高的1【第68句】: other 其他的;另外的1【第69句】: fall 落下;跌落1【第70句】: down 向下1【第71句】: into 进入1【第72句】: come out 露出;出现1【第73句】: again 又;再1【第74句】: seed 种子1【第75句】: soil 土壤1【第76句】: sprout 苗;芽1【第77句】: plant 植物;种植1【第78句】: should 应该1【第79句】: then 然后1【第80句】: garden 花园1【第81句】: easy 简单的1【第82句】: put 放;放置1【第83句】: several 几个;一些1【第84句】: day 天;白天1【第85句】: see 看见1【第86句】: pot 锅;碗;瓢;盆1【第87句】: lovely 可爱的;美丽的1【第88句】: make sure 核实;查明1【第89句】: get 得到1【第90句】: month 月份;月1【第91句】: old 老的;(某)年龄的1【第92句】: still 仍然;还是1【第93句】: come on 加油;过来;继续1【第94句】: hardly 几乎没有;几乎不六年级上册句型:How do you go to school? 你怎么去学校?Usually I go to school on foot. 通常我步行上学。

Sometimes I go by bike.有时候我骑车。How can I go to Zhongshan park?我可以怎么去中山公园?You can go by the No. 15bus.你可以坐15路汽车。

Where is the cinema,please?请问电影院在哪里?It's next to the hospital.在医院旁边。Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It's on the left.在电影院左转,然后直走,就在它的左边。

What are you going to do on the weekend?你周末要干什么?I'm going to visit my grandparents this weekend.我这个周末要去看爷爷奶奶。Where are you going this afternoon?你今天下午要去哪里?I'm going to the bookstore.我要去书店。

What are you going to buy?你要去买什么?I am going to buy a comic book..我要去买一本漫画书。What's your hobb。


三上: Whai's your name? My name's Chen Jie. This is John. Mice to meet you. How are you? I'm fine,thank you. Let's paint. Great. Look!I have a rabbit. Cool. May I have a look? Sure.Here you are. I like hamburgers. Have some French fries. Thank you. Can I have some chicken? Sure.,Here you are. How old are you? I'm 【第9句】: How many balloons? 【第4句】: 参考资料:《小学英语词语学习手册》,很好用,去买一本吧,外皮是红色的。


小学英语词汇归类表(三年级上册--六年级下册) 【第1句】:学习用品(school things) pen(钢笔) pencil(铅笔) pencil-case(铅笔盒) ruler(尺子) book(书) bag (包) comic book(漫画书) post card(明信片) newspaper(报纸) schoolbag(书包) eraser(橡皮) crayon(蜡笔) sharpener(卷笔刀) story-book(故事书) notebook(笔记本) Chinese book(语文书) English book(英语书) math book(数学书) magazine(杂志) dictionary(词典) 【第2句】:人体(body) foot(脚) head(头) face(脸) hair(头发) nose(鼻子) mouth(嘴) eye(眼睛) ear(耳朵) arm(手臂) hand(手) finger(手指) leg(腿) tail(尾巴) 【第3句】:颜色(colours) red(红) blue(蓝) yellow(黄) green(绿) white(白) black(黑) pink(粉红) purple(紫) orange(橙) brown(棕) 【第4句】:动物(animals) cat(猫) dog(狗) pig(猪) duck(鸭) rabbit(兔) horse(马) elephant(大象) ant(蚂蚁) fish(鱼) bird(鸟) eagle(鹰) beaver(海狸) snake(蛇) mouse(老鼠) squirrel(松鼠)kangaroo(袋鼠) monkey(猴) panda(熊猫) bear(熊) lion(狮子) tiger(老虎) fox(狐狸) zebra(斑马) deer(鹿) giraffe(长颈鹿) goose(鹅) hen(母鸡) turkey(火鸡) lamb(小羊)sheep(绵羊) goat(山羊) cow(奶牛) donkey(驴) squid(鱿鱼) lobster(龙虾) shark(鲨鱼) seal(海豹) sperm whale(抹香鲸) killer whale(虎鲸) 【第5句】:人物(people) friend(朋友) boy(男孩) girl(女孩) mother(母亲) father(父亲) sister(姐妹) brother(兄弟) uncle(叔叔;舅舅) man(男人) woman(女人) Mr(先生) Miss(小姐) lady(女士;小姐)mom(妈妈) dad(爸爸) parents(父母) grandma/grandmother (外)祖母 grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父 aunt(姑姑) cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 son(儿子) baby(婴儿) kid(小孩) classmate(同学) queen(女王) visitor(参观者) neighbour(邻居) principal(校长) university student(大学生) pen pal(笔友) tourist(旅行者) people(人物) robot(机器人) 【第6句】:职业(jobs) teacher(教师) student(学生) doctor(医生) nurse(护士) driver(司机) farmer(农民) singer(歌唱家) writer(作家) actor(男演员) actress(女演员) artist(画家) TV reporter(电视台记者)engineer(工程师) accountant(会计) policeman(警察) salesperson(销售员) cleaner(清洁工) baseball player(棒球运动员)assistant(售货员) policeman(警察) 【第7句】:食品、饮料(food & drink) rice(米饭) bread(面包) beef(牛肉) milk(牛奶) water(水)egg(蛋) fish(鱼) tofu(豆腐) cake(蛋糕) hot dog(热狗)hamburger(汉堡包) French fries(炸薯条) cookie(曲奇)biscuit(饼干) jam(果酱) noodles(面条) meat(肉) chicken(鸡肉) pork(猪肉) mutton(羊肉) vegetable(蔬菜) salad(沙拉) soup(汤)ice(冰) ice-cream(冰淇淋) Coke(可乐) juice(果汁) tea(茶)coffee(咖啡) breakfast(早餐) lunch(中餐) dinner(晚餐) 【第8句】:水果、蔬菜(fruit & vegetables) apple(苹果) banana(香蕉) pear(梨) orange(橙) watermelon(西瓜) grape(葡萄) eggplant(茄子) green beans(青豆) tomato(西红柿) potato(土豆) peach(桃) strawberry(草莓) cucumber(黄瓜) onion(洋葱) carrot(胡萝卜) cabbage(卷心菜)。






【第9句】:When?are?you?going??你们什么时候去?【第4句】:【第1句】:What?are?your?hobbies??你有什么爱好??【第2句】:What?are?Peter's?hobbies??彼得有什么爱好?【第3句】:He?likes?reading?stories.?他喜欢读故事。【第4句】:Does he live in China? 他住在中国吗?【第5句】:No,?he?doesn't.?不,他不在【第6句】:Does?he?like?doing?word?puzzles??and??going hiking?他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗?【第7句】:Yes,?he?does.?是的,他喜欢【第5句】:【第1句】:What?does?he?do??他是干什么工作的?【第2句】:He?is?a?student.?他是一个学生【第3句】:He's?a?businessman.?他是个商人【第4句】:Where?does?he?work??他在哪儿工作?【第5句】:He?works?at?sea.?他在海上工作【第6句】:How?does?he?go?to?work??他怎么上班?【第7句】:He goes to work3by bike . 他骑自行车上班【第6句】:【第1句】:How?do?you?feel??你感觉怎么样【第2句】:What's?wrong??怎么了?【第3句】:I?am?happy.?我很高兴【第4句】:He?is?sad.?他很难过【第5句】:She?is?angry.?她很生气【第6句】:We?are?worried.?我们很担心【第7句】:Your?father?is?ill.?你爸爸病了【第8句】:He?should?see?a?doctor?this?morning.?他今天早上应该去看病【第9句】:Don't?be?sad.?别伤心【第10句】:Don't?worry.?别担心【第11句】:They?are?afraid?of?him.?他们怕他【第12句】:The?cat?is?angry?.?这只猫很生气。


honest adj 诚实的;正直的 brave adj 勇敢的 Loyal adj 忠诚的;忠心的 wise adj 英明的;明智的;聪明的 handsome adj 英俊的;大方的;美观的 smart adj 聪明的;漂亮的;敏捷的 argue vt 争论;辩论 △solution n 解答;解决办法;解决方案 classical adj 古典的;古典文学的 fond adj 喜爱的;多情的;喜欢的 fond of 喜欢;爱好 match n 火柴 mirror n 镜子 fry vt&vi 油煎;油炸 gun n 炮;枪 hammer n 锤子;槌 saw n&vt&vi 锯 rope n 绳;索;绳索 △compass n 罗盘;指南针 movie n 电影 cast vt&vi 投掷;投射;抛 △survive vt 幸免于;从……中生还 vi 幸存 deserted adj 荒芜的;荒废的 hunt vt&vi&n 打猎;猎取;搜寻 hunt for 搜索,追寻;寻找 in order to 为了 share vt&vi 分享;共有;分配 n 共享;份额 sorrow n 悲哀;悲痛 care about 担心;关心 feeling n.触觉;知觉;感觉;情绪 such as 例如 airplane n 飞机 △parachute n 降落伞 lie n 谎话;谎言 speech n 演说;讲话;语音 adventure n&vt&vi 冒险;冒险经历 notebook n 笔记本;笔记本式电脑 △scared adj 恐惧的 △e-pal n 网友 drop sb a line 给某人写信(通常指写短信〉 △formal adj 正式的;正规的 error n 错误;差错 bathroom n 浴室;盥洗室;厕所 make oneself at home 别客气 towel n 毛巾 △landlady n 女房东;老板娘 closet n 壁橱;储藏室 pronounce v 发音;宣告;断言 broad adj 宽的 repeat vt&vi 重做;重复;复述 n 重复;反复 △ketchup n 蕃茄酱;蕃茄沙司 majority n 多数;大半 native adj 本国的;本地的 n 本地人;本国人 total n 总数;合计 adj 总的;全部的;整个的 in total 总共 △the United Kingdom 英国 tongue n 舌头;语言;口语 △mother tongue 母语 equal adj 相等的;胜任的 vt 等于;比得上 government n 政府;内阁 situation n 情形;境遇; (建筑物等的)位置 except for 除了……之外 international adj 国际的;世界的 organization n 组织;机构;团体 trade n 贸易;商业 tourism n 旅游;观光 global adj 全球的;球形的 communicate vi 交际;沟通;传达(感情、信息等) communication n 交流;通讯;通信 exchange vt&n 交换;交流;兑换 service n 服务,服务性工作 signal n 信号 movement n 运动;动作;运转 △peg n 钉;栓;桩 commander n 司令官;指挥官 tidy vt&vi 整理:收拾 adj 整齐的;整洁的 stand n 台;看台;摊,摊位 stay up 不睡,熬夜 come about 发生 independent adj 独立自主的 fall n 秋天;瀑布 expression n 短语;表情 end up with …告终 typhoon n 台风 △tornado n 旋风;龙卷风 )publish vt 发表;出版;公布 southern adj 南方的;南部的 △statement n 陈述;声明;综述 president n 总统;校长;行长;会长 European adj 欧洲的;欧洲人的 bring in 引进;引来 a great many 许许多多;极多 howl vi&n 嚎叫;怒吼;嚎哭 cookbook n 食谱 compare vt 比较 replace vt 替换 consider vt 考虑;照顾;认为 means n 手段;方法 transportation n 运输;运送 board n 上(船、飞机等) △destination n 目的地 experience vt&n 体验;经历;经验 simply adv 仅仅;只不过; 简单地;完全;简直 get away from 逃离 △raft vi 乘筏 n 木筏 vacation n 假期;休假 nature n 自然;自然界;本性 basic adj 基本的 n 基本;要素 equipment n 装备;设备 simple adj 简单的 △backpack n 背包 tip n 指点;忠告;尖端;小费 watch out 注意;当心 △spider n 蜘蛛 poisonous adj 有毒的;有害的;恶毒的 protect sb/sth from 保护、保卫某人(某事物) △cellphone n 手机 paddle vi 划桨;涉水。

vt 用桨划 n 短桨;划桨 stream n 溪;川;流 normal adj 正常的;正规的;标准的 n 正规;常态 excitement n 刺激;兴奋;激动 adventurous adj 喜欢冒险的;充满危险的 handle vt 操作; 处理 n 柄;把手 similarity n 类似;类似处 particular adj 特别的;特殊的 poison n 毒药;毒害 vt&vi 毒害;投毒 separate adj 单独的;分开的 vt 分开;隔离 see sb off 到火车站、飞机场等处为某人送行 eco-travel n 生态旅游 combine vt&vi (使)联合;(使)结合 on the other hand 另一方面 △responsibly adv 负责地 as well as 也;还;而且 task n 任务;作业 △unpack vt&vi 打开(包裹、行李等);卸货 unforgettable adj 难忘的 △seismograph n 地动仪;测震仪 host vt 主办或主持某活动 n 主人 take place 发生;产生 on fire 失火 scare vt 恐吓 vi 受惊吓 disaster n 灾难;灾祸 finally adv 最后;终于 rescue n &vt 援救;营救 △Flora 弗洛拉(女子名) △roar n 轰鸣;咆哮;怒号 advance vt& vi 前进;提前 n 前进;提升 upon prep 在……之上 seize vt 抓住;逮住;夺取 swallow vt 咽;淹没;吞没 n 吞咽;燕子 drag vt 拖;拖曳 pull sb up 把。.往上曳 struggle vi 努力;挣扎;奋斗 n 竞争;努力;奋斗 get on one's feet 站立起来 fight vi 搏斗;斗争;争吵 f1ow n&vi 流动 fright n 惊骇;吃惊 shake n&vt 震动; 颤抖 vt 摇动;摇 △stair n (阶梯的)一级;楼梯 △boom n 隆隆声 vt&vi 发隆隆声 strike vt&vi 击打;打动 △crack vi 发破裂声;劈啪地响。


【第1句】:you:You are smart boy. 【第2句】:twins:We are twins. 【第3句】:apple:I like apple. 【第4句】:right:You are right! 【第5句】:look:This loook isn't prety. 【第6句】:love:I love you. 【第7句】:can:I can water the flowers. 【第8句】:will:I hope you will get better soon. 【第9句】:but:She is prety,but isn't smart. 【第10句】:if:If you like. 【第11句】:father:My father is a teacher. 【第12句】:sister:My sister is a student. 【第13句】:sewwt:The honey is so sweet. 【第14句】:June:June the first is Children's Day. 【第15句】:English:Luxy studies hard English. 【第16句】:an:An apple a day keeps a doctor away. 【第17句】:strong:Mr.Li looks strong. 【第18句】:class:Miss Lin's class is funny. 【第19句】:phone:Answer the phone ,please. 【第20句】:why:Why do you like fall? 【第21句】:day:My favourite day is Monday. 【第22句】:dog:Lisa's little dog's name is Ben. 【第23句】:don't:Don't forget tell him this. 【第24句】:for:This clothes is for you. 【第25句】:China:I love China. 【第26句】:boy:The boy is active. 【第27句】:girl:The girl is quiet. 【第28句】:rain:The rain ,just never seems to bring. 【第29句】:one: I could be the one. 【第30句】:today:Today is a bad day. 【第31句】:by:I often go to school by bus. 【第32句】:who:who are you? 【第33句】:may:May I have a look? 【第34句】:songs:My hobby is singing songs. 【第35句】:big:Who in a big big would? 【第36句】:feel:How do you feel? 【第37句】:miss: I'll miss very much. 【第38句】:did:Why did it thve two happen?。


第七册四会单词和句子 UNIT ONE How do you go to school? on foot……………………………………走路 by bike………………………………骑自行车 by bus………………………………乘公交车 by train……………………………乘火车 traffic lights……………………………交通灯 traffic rules………………………交通规则 stop……………………………………停 wait ………………………………等待 How do you go to school, Sarah ? Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. How can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go by the No.15 bus. UNIT TWO Where is the science museum? library ………………………………图书馆 post office………………………………邮局 hospital ………………………………医院 cinema ……………………………电影院 bookstore …………………………书店 turn left……………………………向左转 turn right……………………………向右转 go straight…………………………直走 Where is the cinema, please ? It's next to the hospital. Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It's on the left. UNIT THREE What are you going to do? this morning ………………………今天早晨 this afternoon………………………今天下午 this evening…………………………今天晚上 next week…………………………下星期 post card…………………………明信片 comic book………………………漫画书 newspaper………………………报纸 What are you going to do on the weekend? I'm going to visit my grandparents this weekend. Where are going to this afternoon? I'm going to bookstore. What are you going to buy? I'm going to buy a comic book. UNIT FOUR I have a pen pal. riding a bike………………………骑自行车 diving……………………………跳水 playing the violin…………………拉小提琴 collecting stamps…………………集邮 making kites………………………制作风筝 lives……………………………居住;住 teaches……………………………教 goes……………………………去 watches……………………………看 reads……………………………读;看 What' your hobby? I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps, too. Does she teach English? No, she doesn't. Yes, she does. UNIT FIVE What does she do? singer……………………………歌唱家;歌手 writer……………………………作家 TV reporter………………………电视台记者 actor……………………………男演员 actress……………………………女演员 artist……………………………画家 engineer……………………………工程师 accountant…………………………会计 policeman……………………………(男)警察 salesperson……………………………销售员 cleaner……………………………清洁工 What does your mother do? She is a TV reporter. Where does she work? How does she go to work? UNIT SIX The story of rain. rain……………………………雨;下雨 stream………………………(小)河;(小)溪 cloud……………………………云;云彩 sun……………………………太阳 seed……………………………种子 soil……………………………土壤 sprout……………………………苗;芽;嫩芽 plant……………………………………植物;种植 Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds. How do you do that? What should you do then?。



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