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Do you have an eraser



  Unit 22 Do you have an eraser?



  y [j] yes yours young

  ay[ei] say play away

  y [ai] fly bye try

  ey[ei] they hey grey

  y [i] body only easy

  oy[Ri] boy toy



  shop, closed, day, Friday, early, supermarket, Wednesday, may, borrow, from, Thursday week, Monday, Saturday, Sunday, hey, dictionary, back, tomorrow, CD, lot, evening, model, park, rest, maths / math, all, hard, fun, yeah, take, use, straight, wheel, into,


  fromto 从到

  go to shop 去商店

  give a hand 给予(某人)帮助

  give sth. back 把某物还回

  after class 课后/放学后

  help with 帮助做

  have a (good) rest (好好)休息一下

  at this time of day 每天的这个时候

  work hard 努力工作


  1.Do you have a dictionary / any dictionaries?

  Yes, I do. / No, I dont.

  2.We / They have some CDs.

  We / They dont have any CD

  3.What day is it today / tomorrow?

  Its Monday.

  4.May I borrow your colour pens, please?

  Certainly. Here you are.

  5.Please give it / them back tomorrow.



  1: have的用法

  2: some和any的用法


  1, I think the shop is closed at this time of day. 我想这个时候商店不会开的。

  (1)I think意为我想,我认为,它后面是一个宾语从句。(引导宾语从句的引导词that可以省掉),例如:I think Mike is at home. 我想迈克在家。I cant think of their names. 我想不起他们的名字


  The shop closes early on Friday. 星期五店门关得早。

  (3)at this time of day是英语中的一个习惯表达方法,意思是一天中的这个时候。例如:

  What do you do at this time of day? 你每天这个时候干什么?

  I do my homework. 我做家庭作业。

  2. What day is it today? 今天星期几?

  Its Monday? 今天星期一。

  表示星期几时,要用what day提问。

  3,But please give it back tomorrow. 但请明天归还。

  give sth.back意为归还,还给,如果表示归还给某人,用give sth. Back to sb.。这个词组是由动词+副词构成的短语动词,其宾语是名词时,要将名词放在副词之前或之后;如果宾语是人称代词时,则要将其置于动词和副词之间。例如:

  You must give my bike back to me tomorrow morning. 你必须在明天早上把自行车还给我。

  You must give it back to me tomorrow morning. 你必须在明天早上把它还给我。

  Can I borrow your pen? Yes. But please give it back soon. 把你的钢笔借给我好吗?可以,但请早点还回来。

  如果表示归还给某人,应该用give sth. Back to sb.

  4,May I speak to Uncle John, please? 请找约翰叔叔接电话?

  这是打电话用语。表示找某人接电话时用:Hello. May/Could/Can I speak to ... ? 或Id like to speak to ... 如果接电话的人就是对方要找的人,回答语应是:Speaking.,意为我就是。,完整的句子是:Its/This is Sam (speaking) here (我是萨姆)。例如:

  May I speak to Mary, please? 请找玛丽接电话?

  This is Mary speaking. 我是玛丽。

  如果对方找的人不在场,接电话的人可以说Hold on, please. 请稍等。或别挂断。如果是对方要找的人根本没在家,可以说Sorry, he / she isnt in at the moment.对不起,此刻他不在家。等。

  5,Theres something wrong with my computer. 我的计算机有毛病了。

  Theres something wrong with sb. / sth. 是一个常用句型,表示某物出了毛病或某人出了差错麻烦等。一般都用there be 的单数形式,(there is 或theres)。其问句是Whats wrong with ... ? 或Is there anything wrong with ... ? 例如:

  Theres something wrong with my bike. 我的自行车有毛病了。

  Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?

  6. How about Friday evening? 星期五怎么样?

  How about ... ? 用于征求意见或询问消息,意为怎么样?与What about ... ? 句型的用法相同。例如:

  What about this green sweater? 这件绿色的毛衣怎么样?

  How about playing football?踢足球去怎么样?

  7. On Monday and Wednesday, he helps his friends with their English. 在星期一和星期三,他帮助他的朋友学习英语。

  句中的help... with... 意为帮助某人做某事,相当于help sb (to) do sth 。动词help要和主语保持一致(加s),help是及物动词,后面可接人称代词的宾格形式或表示人的名词,with后接表示事物的名词。例如:

  Could you come and help me mend it? 你能来帮我修理一下吗?

  【语 法】

  1, have的用法

  Do you have an eraser? 你有橡皮吗?

  Sorry, I dont have one. 对不起,我没有。


  He has an apple. 他有一个苹果。

  They have some CDs. 他们有一些激光唱片。

  I have a big room。 我有一个大房间。


  第一种疑问式:Do you have a good friend?

  Does have a good friend?

  否定式:I dont have a good friend.

  第二种疑问式:Have you a bike?

  Has he a bike?

  否定式:I havent a bike.

  He hasnt a bike.

  注意:当have意为吃饭(have breakfast),举行(have a meeting)或者进行野餐(have a picnic)时,它被看做行为动词,其疑问式和否定式构成与实意动词相同,即用助动词do或does来变为疑问句或否定句。

  2, some和any的用法

  ① some一般用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句,some和any都可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。例如:

  I think he has some. 我想他有一些。

  I want to get some books. 我想得到一些书。

  I want some help. 我想得到一些帮助。

  My brother has some new pencils. 我弟弟有几支新铅笔。

  Excuse me, do you have any glasses? 打拢了,你有玻璃杯吗?



  Would you like some bottles of orange? 你想要几瓶橘汁吗?

  Could I have some bottles of milk, please? 请给我几瓶牛奶。


  May I hve some milk, Mum? 妈妈,我可以喝些牛奶吗?

  Do you want to buy some food for supper? 你要买些食品做晚饭吗?


  Arent there some apples on the table? 桌上不是有几个苹果吗?

  Cant you see some birds in the picture? 难道你看不见面上有几只鸟吗?



  1. May I use your pen?


  A. Yes, you may B. OK, give you

  C. No, you cant D. Certainly, here you are.

  2. Thank you for the present. ____________

  A. Im new here. B. Not at all.

  C. Im not sure. D. Its easy.

  3. What day is it today?


  A. Its Wednesday B. Its eight oclock

  C. Its December D. Its cloudy

  4. __________?

  This is Mr Smith speaking now.

  A. Who are you B. Whos that

  C. Who are you calling D. What do you want to say



  1. I want to go and play football with my friends on this morning. ( )

  2. What are you doing?

  Im wearing black trousers. ( )

  3. Here your book is. ( )

  4. Lucy doesnt has an eraser. ( )

  5. Lets to stay at home and watch the TV play. ( )

  6. What about play football? ( )


  Look at the clothes line in the twins bedroom. There are some clothes on it. You can see a green blouse and a yellow skirt. The trousers on the clothes line are black. They are not new but clean. Are they Lilys clothes? No. I know they are Lucys. Lilys clothes are on a clothes tree near the window. Her trousers are brown, her blouse is white and her skirt is blue. There is a new hat on the clothes tree, but its not Lilys, its Lucys. There is an old hat on Lucys bed in the room, its Lilys. There are no clothes on the other bed, the bed is Lilys.

  1. What can you see in the bedroom? I can see __________.

  A. a clothes line B. a tree C. a bed

  2. What colour are Lucys trousers? They are ________.

  A. green B. black C. brown

  3. Where is Lucys hat? Its on _________.

  A. the clothes tree B. the clothes line C. lilys bed

  4. How many beds are there in the room? ________.

  A. only one B. three C. two

  5. Are there any things on Lilys bed? ________.

  A. Yes, there is a hat on it

  B. No, there is not anything on it

  C. Sorry, I dont know



  1.D.在别人表示请求时,一般不用Yes, you may.而要用表示委婉客气的用语。

  2.B.Not at all意为不用谢,用于表示感谢时的应答语。

  3.A.What day用于问星期几?,A中的Wednesday是星期三B表示时刻,意为8点C是月份;D是阴天。

  4.B.在打电话量,询问对方是哪一位要用Whos that?回答用This is ... 。


  1.表示在某一天时用介词on,如on Sunday(在星期日);但表示在某一天早上/下午/晚上时,应去掉on。

  2.从语境看,答语表示正在穿裤子,wear表示穿的状态,put on则表示穿的动作。应将wearing改为putting on。

  3.以here, there开头的句子,当主语是代词时,动词要放在主语之后;当主语是名词时,动词要放在主语之前。应将该句改为Here is your book。


  5.以lets开头的祈使句,后跟动词原形。应将to stay改为stay。

  6.What about ... ? 常用来征求对方的意见或者询问某人对某事物的看法,后面常接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式,但不能接动词原形。所以应该将play改为playing。


  1.从第一句Look at the clothes line in the twins bedroom.可以看出,应选A。

  2.从The trousers on the clothes line are black.和后面的Are they Lilys clothes? No. I know they are Lucys. 判断,应选B。

  3.从There is a new hat on the clothes tree, but its not Lilys, its Lucys.可以断定,应该选A。




  Unit 22 Do you have an eraser?



  y [j] yes yours young

  ay[ei] say play away

  y [ai] fly bye try

  ey[ei] they hey grey

  y [i] body only easy

  oy[Ri] boy toy



  shop, closed, day, Friday, early, supermarket, Wednesday, may, borrow, from, Thursday week, Monday, Saturday, Sunday, hey, dictionary, back, tomorrow, CD, lot, evening, model, park, rest, maths / math, all, hard, fun, yeah, take, use, straight, wheel, into,


  fromto 从到

  go to shop 去商店

  give a hand 给予(某人)帮助

  give sth. back 把某物还回

  after class 课后/放学后

  help with 帮助做

  have a (good) rest (好好)休息一下

  at this time of day 每天的这个时候

  work hard 努力工作


  1.Do you have a dictionary / any dictionaries?

  Yes, I do. / No, I dont.

  2.We / They have some CDs.

  We / They dont have any CD

  3.What day is it today / tomorrow?

  Its Monday.

  4.May I borrow your colour pens, please?

  Certainly. Here you are.

  5.Please give it / them back tomorrow.



  1: have的用法

  2: some和any的用法


  1, I think the shop is closed at this time of day. 我想这个时候商店不会开的。

  (1)I think意为我想,我认为,它后面是一个宾语从句。(引导宾语从句的引导词that可以省掉),例如:I think Mike is at home. 我想迈克在家。I cant think of their names. 我想不起他们的名字


  The shop closes early on Friday. 星期五店门关得早。

  (3)at this time of day是英语中的一个习惯表达方法,意思是一天中的这个时候。例如:

  What do you do at this time of day? 你每天这个时候干什么?

  I do my homework. 我做家庭作业。

  2. What day is it today? 今天星期几?

  Its Monday? 今天星期一。

  表示星期几时,要用what day提问。

  3,But please give it back tomorrow. 但请明天归还。

  give sth.back意为归还,还给,如果表示归还给某人,用give sth. Back to sb.。这个词组是由动词+副词构成的短语动词,其宾语是名词时,要将名词放在副词之前或之后;如果宾语是人称代词时,则要将其置于动词和副词之间。例如:

  You must give my bike back to me tomorrow morning. 你必须在明天早上把自行车还给我。

  You must give it back to me tomorrow morning. 你必须在明天早上把它还给我。

  Can I borrow your pen? Yes. But please give it back soon. 把你的钢笔借给我好吗?可以,但请早点还回来。

  如果表示归还给某人,应该用give sth. Back to sb.

  4,May I speak to Uncle John, please? 请找约翰叔叔接电话?

  这是打电话用语。表示找某人接电话时用:Hello. May/Could/Can I speak to ... ? 或Id like to speak to ... 如果接电话的人就是对方要找的人,回答语应是:Speaking.,意为我就是。,完整的句子是:Its/This is Sam (speaking) here (我是萨姆)。例如:

  May I speak to Mary, please? 请找玛丽接电话?

  This is Mary speaking. 我是玛丽。

  如果对方找的人不在场,接电话的人可以说Hold on, please. 请稍等。或别挂断。如果是对方要找的人根本没在家,可以说Sorry, he / she isnt in at the moment.对不起,此刻他不在家。等。

  5,Theres something wrong with my computer. 我的计算机有毛病了。

  Theres something wrong with sb. / sth. 是一个常用句型,表示某物出了毛病或某人出了差错麻烦等。一般都用there be 的单数形式,(there is 或theres)。其问句是Whats wrong with ... ? 或Is there anything wrong with ... ? 例如:

  Theres something wrong with my bike. 我的自行车有毛病了。

  Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?

  6. How about Friday evening? 星期五怎么样?

  How about ... ? 用于征求意见或询问消息,意为怎么样?与What about ... ? 句型的用法相同。例如:

  What about this green sweater? 这件绿色的毛衣怎么样?

  How about playing football?踢足球去怎么样?

  7. On Monday and Wednesday, he helps his friends with their English. 在星期一和星期三,他帮助他的朋友学习英语。

  句中的help... with... 意为帮助某人做某事,相当于help sb (to) do sth 。动词help要和主语保持一致(加s),help是及物动词,后面可接人称代词的宾格形式或表示人的名词,with后接表示事物的名词。例如:

  Could you come and help me mend it? 你能来帮我修理一下吗?

  【语 法】

  1, have的用法

  Do you have an eraser? 你有橡皮吗?

  Sorry, I dont have one. 对不起,我没有。


  He has an apple. 他有一个苹果。

  They have some CDs. 他们有一些激光唱片。

  I have a big room。 我有一个大房间。


  第一种疑问式:Do you have a good friend?

  Does have a good friend?

  否定式:I dont have a good friend.

  第二种疑问式:Have you a bike?

  Has he a bike?

  否定式:I havent a bike.

  He hasnt a bike.

  注意:当have意为吃饭(have breakfast),举行(have a meeting)或者进行野餐(have a picnic)时,它被看做行为动词,其疑问式和否定式构成与实意动词相同,即用助动词do或does来变为疑问句或否定句。

  2, some和any的用法

  ① some一般用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句,some和any都可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。例如:

  I think he has some. 我想他有一些。

  I want to get some books. 我想得到一些书。

  I want some help. 我想得到一些帮助。

  My brother has some new pencils. 我弟弟有几支新铅笔。

  Excuse me, do you have any glasses? 打拢了,你有玻璃杯吗?



  Would you like some bottles of orange? 你想要几瓶橘汁吗?

  Could I have some bottles of milk, please? 请给我几瓶牛奶。


  May I hve some milk, Mum? 妈妈,我可以喝些牛奶吗?

  Do you want to buy some food for supper? 你要买些食品做晚饭吗?


  Arent there some apples on the table? 桌上不是有几个苹果吗?

  Cant you see some birds in the picture? 难道你看不见面上有几只鸟吗?



  1. May I use your pen?


  A. Yes, you may B. OK, give you

  C. No, you cant D. Certainly, here you are.

  2. Thank you for the present. ____________

  A. Im new here. B. Not at all.

  C. Im not sure. D. Its easy.

  3. What day is it today?


  A. Its Wednesday B. Its eight oclock

  C. Its December D. Its cloudy

  4. __________?

  This is Mr Smith speaking now.

  A. Who are you B. Whos that

  C. Who are you calling D. What do you want to say



  1. I want to go and play football with my friends on this morning. ( )

  2. What are you doing?

  Im wearing black trousers. ( )

  3. Here your book is. ( )

  4. Lucy doesnt has an eraser. ( )

  5. Lets to stay at home and watch the TV play. ( )

  6. What about play football? ( )


  Look at the clothes line in the twins bedroom. There are some clothes on it. You can see a green blouse and a yellow skirt. The trousers on the clothes line are black. They are not new but clean. Are they Lilys clothes? No. I know they are Lucys. Lilys clothes are on a clothes tree near the window. Her trousers are brown, her blouse is white and her skirt is blue. There is a new hat on the clothes tree, but its not Lilys, its Lucys. There is an old hat on Lucys bed in the room, its Lilys. There are no clothes on the other bed, the bed is Lilys.

  1. What can you see in the bedroom? I can see __________.

  A. a clothes line B. a tree C. a bed

  2. What colour are Lucys trousers? They are ________.

  A. green B. black C. brown

  3. Where is Lucys hat? Its on _________.

  A. the clothes tree B. the clothes line C. lilys bed

  4. How many beds are there in the room? ________.

  A. only one B. three C. two

  5. Are there any things on Lilys bed? ________.

  A. Yes, there is a hat on it

  B. No, there is not anything on it

  C. Sorry, I dont know



  1.D.在别人表示请求时,一般不用Yes, you may.而要用表示委婉客气的用语。

  2.B.Not at all意为不用谢,用于表示感谢时的应答语。

  3.A.What day用于问星期几?,A中的Wednesday是星期三B表示时刻,意为8点C是月份;D是阴天。

  4.B.在打电话量,询问对方是哪一位要用Whos that?回答用This is ... 。


  1.表示在某一天时用介词on,如on Sunday(在星期日);但表示在某一天早上/下午/晚上时,应去掉on。

  2.从语境看,答语表示正在穿裤子,wear表示穿的状态,put on则表示穿的动作。应将wearing改为putting on。

  3.以here, there开头的句子,当主语是代词时,动词要放在主语之后;当主语是名词时,动词要放在主语之前。应将该句改为Here is your book。


  5.以lets开头的祈使句,后跟动词原形。应将to stay改为stay。

  6.What about ... ? 常用来征求对方的意见或者询问某人对某事物的看法,后面常接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式,但不能接动词原形。所以应该将play改为playing。


  1.从第一句Look at the clothes line in the twins bedroom.可以看出,应选A。

  2.从The trousers on the clothes line are black.和后面的Are they Lilys clothes? No. I know they are Lucys. 判断,应选B。

  3.从There is a new hat on the clothes tree, but its not Lilys, its Lucys.可以断定,应该选A。






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