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  [误] Did you attend the football club

  [正] Did you join the football club

  [析] join经常用于参加某个团体、政党,并作为其中的一个成员;attend则重点强调出会议、到场,而不一定进行具体活动,如: Did you attend the meeting yesterday而take part in则强调参与某些具体活动或运动,如: I take part in the football game.


  [误] I have finished my work just now.

  [正] I finished my work just now.

  [析] just now意义刚才,所以句中的谓语动词要用过去式。

  [误] Just I won the game.

  [正] I just won the game.

  [析] just单独使用时不应放在句首,而应放于① be动词之后,如: He is just a student.② 名词与一般动词之间。③ 用在第一助动词之后,如: I have just returned home. 但just与其他词组成词组时,如just now, just then, 则可用于句首和句尾。如: Just then he saw the bus coming.

  just justly

  just常用于三种含意: ① 恰好,如: Its just five oclock. ② 仅仅,相当于only, 如: I have just enough money to buy a dictionary. ③ 不久前,如: I just missed my old friend; He left a few minutes ago. 而justly其意为公正的,如: He was justly punished for his crimes.



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