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  Section 15 Flying

  We usually fly in aeroplane.我们通常乘坐飞机飞行。

  But there are many different kinds of machines for flying in.但是,还有许多可载人飞行的机器。

  The general term for machines we fly in is aircraft.一般说来,我们乘坐的飞行器叫做ldquo;飞机rdquo;。

  The types most people use for travel are called passenger aircraft.大多数人旅行乘坐的机型叫做ldquo;客机rdquo;。

  Similar aeroplanes are used for transporting goods.类似的飞机也用于运输货物。

  These we term as transport aircraft.我们通常称这些类型为运输机。

  Helicopters are used by both the military and by private citizens.直升机不仅军用也做私用。

  However, some aircraft are used only by the military.然而有些飞机只用于军事上。

  The military is the army, navy and airforce.军队指的是陆军、海军、空军。

  Not just the airforce use aircraft.不仅空军才使用飞机。

  Most military aircraft are used for fighting or defense.大多数军用飞机用来作战或防御。

  Many, however, are used for transport.还有很多是用于运输的。

  These provide food etc. for the armed forces.他们为军队运输食品等。

  Some aircraft fly from ships called aircraft carriers.有些船能让飞机起降,它们是航空母舰。

  Even space rockets can be called aircraft.宇宙飞船也是飞行器。


  Section 15 Flying

  We usually fly in aeroplane.我们通常乘坐飞机飞行。

  But there are many different kinds of machines for flying in.但是,还有许多可载人飞行的机器。

  The general term for machines we fly in is aircraft.一般说来,我们乘坐的飞行器叫做ldquo;飞机rdquo;。

  The types most people use for travel are called passenger aircraft.大多数人旅行乘坐的机型叫做ldquo;客机rdquo;。

  Similar aeroplanes are used for transporting goods.类似的飞机也用于运输货物。

  These we term as transport aircraft.我们通常称这些类型为运输机。

  Helicopters are used by both the military and by private citizens.直升机不仅军用也做私用。

  However, some aircraft are used only by the military.然而有些飞机只用于军事上。

  The military is the army, navy and airforce.军队指的是陆军、海军、空军。

  Not just the airforce use aircraft.不仅空军才使用飞机。

  Most military aircraft are used for fighting or defense.大多数军用飞机用来作战或防御。

  Many, however, are used for transport.还有很多是用于运输的。

  These provide food etc. for the armed forces.他们为军队运输食品等。

  Some aircraft fly from ships called aircraft carriers.有些船能让飞机起降,它们是航空母舰。

  Even space rockets can be called aircraft.宇宙飞船也是飞行器。




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