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One's number one cut! William pays £180 for a buzzcut from Kate's hairdresser 'after Prince Harry teased him about his baldness.


He is said to have received advice from the Duchess of Cambridge's hairdresser, Richard Ward, and later decided to get the number one buzzcut.


It is thought that Joey Wheeler, who works under Mr Ward, trimmed his hair at his royal residence at Kensington Palace.


The 35-year-old showed off his new hairstyle while backing the national roll out of a recruitment drive to help veterans find work in the NHS.


His brother Harry often teases his older brother about losing his locks and said that William 'was already bald aged 12' while chatting to a Second World War veteran in Barbados several years ago.

弟弟哈里经常嘲笑哥哥的头发日益稀疏,在好几年前,哈里有一次和二战老兵聊天时,就说威廉 “在12岁已经秃了”。

But barber Antony Kent, who runs a shop in Birmingham was stunned at the £180 figure and said he would have done it 'for a tenner'.


He told The Sun: 'That price has no relation to the actual cost - if Wills came in here he'd get the same cut for just over a tenner.


'I guess it's the price of privacy. He's paying for them to be discreet.'


One's number one cut! William pays £180 for a buzzcut from Kate's hairdresser 'after Prince Harry teased him about his baldness.


He is said to have received advice from the Duchess of Cambridge's hairdresser, Richard Ward, and later decided to get the number one buzzcut.


It is thought that Joey Wheeler, who works under Mr Ward, trimmed his hair at his royal residence at Kensington Palace.


The 35-year-old showed off his new hairstyle while backing the national roll out of a recruitment drive to help veterans find work in the NHS.


His brother Harry often teases his older brother about losing his locks and said that William 'was already bald aged 12' while chatting to a Second World War veteran in Barbados several years ago.

弟弟哈里经常嘲笑哥哥的头发日益稀疏,在好几年前,哈里有一次和二战老兵聊天时,就说威廉 “在12岁已经秃了”。

But barber Antony Kent, who runs a shop in Birmingham was stunned at the £180 figure and said he would have done it 'for a tenner'.


He told The Sun: 'That price has no relation to the actual cost - if Wills came in here he'd get the same cut for just over a tenner.


'I guess it's the price of privacy. He's paying for them to be discreet.'




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