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  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. Theyve lost their suitcases.

  They cant find their dormitory.

  Their dorm rooms have been given to other students.

  Theyve missed the bus to their dormitory.

  20. Its far from the academic buildings.

  No buses go to it.

  There are few first-year studentsliving there.

  Its older than the other dormitories.

  21. Its fast.

  It runs at inconvenient times.

  It runs at convenient times.

  Its slow.

  22. They can get exercise.

  Its boring.

  They can go by bike.

  Its interesting.

  Questions 23 to 25 axe based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. She preferred homestay families.

  Her aunt needed the room for her cousin.

  She didnt like her cousin.

  Her aunt didnt like her.

  24. Eighteen months.

  Twelve months.

  Six months.

  Fifteen months.

  25. General English.

  Academic English.


  Medical English.

  Conversation One



  20.A综合推断题。女士说Bundy Hall离学校中心很远,很不方便,由此可知A正确。

  21.B信息明示题。女士说campus busit runs at really inconvenient times,所以B正确。

  22.A信息明示题。男士说we will get plenty of exercise,即可以得到大量锻炼,所以A正确。


  hang out在口语中指跟某人一起厮混,闲荡,同义短语有hang around,如:Peter hasto stop hanging around on the street all day and get a real job,彼得不能再成天在街上闲逛了,得找一份正经的工作。

  until=till=up to the time when,其中till比较通俗,until比较郑重,比till语气强。tin所引导的词组或从

  句常置于主句之后,until所引导的词组或从句也可用于主句之后,但常置于主句之前,如:Until you told me,I had no idea of it.你告诉我之前,我一直都不知道。

  Conversation Two





  get into sth.此处意为学习某事物,该短语还有以下含义:穿上;染上;对某事物产生兴趣;使陷入,如:get into difficulties陷入麻烦。

  Now youll hear two long conversations.

  Conversation One

  M: I see you still got all your suitcases with you too. We must have the same problem.

  W: Let me guess. Your rooms been given to someone else?

  M: Yes.

  W: I dont get it! They sent me my room number a long time ago.

  M: Me too. Well, at least there is room in another dorm, Bundy Hall.

  W: Thats where theyre putting me too. But youll realize that unless you have a car, Bundy is at least 25 minutes walk from the center of campus. And dont count on taking the campus bus. It runs at really inconvenient times.

  M: Great way to start your college career. But, I dont know, maybe there is a positive side of all this. Since well be so far away from everything, well be forced to use our time wisely.

  W: True. Ive heard lots of first year students get into trouble because they hang out every day in the student center till it closes.

  M: Exactly! And not only that, we will get plenty of exercise from all that extra walking.

  W: Yeah. And that is not exactly easy walking either. Around here you just need a pair of hiking boots, and to enjoy mountain climbing.

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. What problems do the students have?

  20. What is one disadvantage of living in Bundy Hall?

  21. What do they think of the campus bus?

  22. What does the man think of the extra walking?

  Conversation Two

  M: Sara, Ive heard that you want to move into a home stay family. Is that correct?

  W: Yes, thats right. Ive been staying with my aunt. Now my cousin is arriving from Singapore and my aunt needs the room for him.

  M: Oh, thats bad luck. Well, Ill need to get some particulars first. Sara, whats your full name?

  W: Sara Lim, and thats Sarah without the h at the end.

  M: Mmm. How old are you, Sara?

  W: 23, only just. It was my birthday on the 21st of August.

  M: Happy Birthday for yesterday. How long have you been in Australia?

  W: A year in Adelaide and six months in Sydney. I prefer Sydney, and Ive got more friends here.

  M: Whats your address at your aunts house?

  W: Flat one, 539 Forest Road, Canterbury. And the post code is 2036.

  M: OK. What are you studying now?

  W: I was studying General English in Adelaide and now Im doing Academic English, because Im trying to get into Medicine next year.

  M: That sounds good, but itll take you a long time. When would you like to move out from your aunts?

  W: My cousin arrives on Friday morning, so Id better be out on Thursday.

  M: Is that the seventh of September?

  W: Yes, thats right.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. Why does the woman want to move into a home stay family?

  24. How long has the woman been in Australia?

  25. What does the woman want to study?


  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. Theyve lost their suitcases.

  They cant find their dormitory.

  Their dorm rooms have been given to other students.

  Theyve missed the bus to their dormitory.

  20. Its far from the academic buildings.

  No buses go to it.

  There are few first-year studentsliving there.

  Its older than the other dormitories.

  21. Its fast.

  It runs at inconvenient times.

  It runs at convenient times.

  Its slow.

  22. They can get exercise.

  Its boring.

  They can go by bike.

  Its interesting.

  Questions 23 to 25 axe based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. She preferred homestay families.

  Her aunt needed the room for her cousin.

  She didnt like her cousin.

  Her aunt didnt like her.

  24. Eighteen months.

  Twelve months.

  Six months.

  Fifteen months.

  25. General English.

  Academic English.


  Medical English.

  Conversation One



  20.A综合推断题。女士说Bundy Hall离学校中心很远,很不方便,由此可知A正确。

  21.B信息明示题。女士说campus busit runs at really inconvenient times,所以B正确。

  22.A信息明示题。男士说we will get plenty of exercise,即可以得到大量锻炼,所以A正确。


  hang out在口语中指跟某人一起厮混,闲荡,同义短语有hang around,如:Peter hasto stop hanging around on the street all day and get a real job,彼得不能再成天在街上闲逛了,得找一份正经的工作。

  until=till=up to the time when,其中till比较通俗,until比较郑重,比till语气强。tin所引导的词组或从

  句常置于主句之后,until所引导的词组或从句也可用于主句之后,但常置于主句之前,如:Until you told me,I had no idea of it.你告诉我之前,我一直都不知道。

  Conversation Two





  get into sth.此处意为学习某事物,该短语还有以下含义:穿上;染上;对某事物产生兴趣;使陷入,如:get into difficulties陷入麻烦。

  Now youll hear two long conversations.

  Conversation One

  M: I see you still got all your suitcases with you too. We must have the same problem.

  W: Let me guess. Your rooms been given to someone else?

  M: Yes.

  W: I dont get it! They sent me my room number a long time ago.

  M: Me too. Well, at least there is room in another dorm, Bundy Hall.

  W: Thats where theyre putting me too. But youll realize that unless you have a car, Bundy is at least 25 minutes walk from the center of campus. And dont count on taking the campus bus. It runs at really inconvenient times.

  M: Great way to start your college career. But, I dont know, maybe there is a positive side of all this. Since well be so far away from everything, well be forced to use our time wisely.

  W: True. Ive heard lots of first year students get into trouble because they hang out every day in the student center till it closes.

  M: Exactly! And not only that, we will get plenty of exercise from all that extra walking.

  W: Yeah. And that is not exactly easy walking either. Around here you just need a pair of hiking boots, and to enjoy mountain climbing.

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. What problems do the students have?

  20. What is one disadvantage of living in Bundy Hall?

  21. What do they think of the campus bus?

  22. What does the man think of the extra walking?

  Conversation Two

  M: Sara, Ive heard that you want to move into a home stay family. Is that correct?

  W: Yes, thats right. Ive been staying with my aunt. Now my cousin is arriving from Singapore and my aunt needs the room for him.

  M: Oh, thats bad luck. Well, Ill need to get some particulars first. Sara, whats your full name?

  W: Sara Lim, and thats Sarah without the h at the end.

  M: Mmm. How old are you, Sara?

  W: 23, only just. It was my birthday on the 21st of August.

  M: Happy Birthday for yesterday. How long have you been in Australia?

  W: A year in Adelaide and six months in Sydney. I prefer Sydney, and Ive got more friends here.

  M: Whats your address at your aunts house?

  W: Flat one, 539 Forest Road, Canterbury. And the post code is 2036.

  M: OK. What are you studying now?

  W: I was studying General English in Adelaide and now Im doing Academic English, because Im trying to get into Medicine next year.

  M: That sounds good, but itll take you a long time. When would you like to move out from your aunts?

  W: My cousin arrives on Friday morning, so Id better be out on Thursday.

  M: Is that the seventh of September?

  W: Yes, thats right.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. Why does the woman want to move into a home stay family?

  24. How long has the woman been in Australia?

  25. What does the woman want to study?




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