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  【短对话试题】 9. Q: What does the man mean? A) He is afraid he wont be chosen for the trip. B) The boss has not decided where to go. C) Such a trip is necessary for the company. D) Its not certain whether the trip will take place.

  10. Q: How did the man feel about the girls speech? A) It was boring. B) It was entertaining. C) It was touching. D) It was encouraging.

  【听力翻译与答案讲解】 9. 女:这次去法国出差,老板选择了几个人? 男:嗯,据我所知,是否有这趟出差还没有决定呢。 问:男子什么意思? 答案解析: 正确答案为D。对话中女子问男子,老板选择了几个人去法国出差,男子说目前连有没有出差还都没决定呢,可知,男子的意思是,是否有出差安排还不确定,因此D项正确。A,他怕他不在出差名单中,对话中未涉及,排除。B,老板还没有决定去哪里出差,对话中没决定的是是否有出差安排,因此B项与对话内容不符,排除。C,这种出差对公司来说没有必要,对话中未涉及,排除。 10. 女:今晚晚上那位盲人女孩做的演讲真令人感动。 男:我想每个人都是同样的感受。 问:男子对女孩的演讲有什么看法? 答案解析: 正确答案为C。对话中女子说那位盲人女孩的演讲很感动,男子则说每个人都是相同的感受,可知,男子也觉得演讲很感动,因此C项正确。A,无聊,B,有趣,D,鼓舞人心,均与对话内容不符,排除。

  【听力原文】 9.W: How many people has the boss chosen for the business trip to France? M: Well, as far as I know, whether therell be such a trip is yet to be decided. Q: What does te man mean? 10.W: The speech the blind girl gave this evening was extremely moving. M: I think everyone felt the same. Q: How did the man feel about the girls speech?



  【短对话试题】 9. Q: What does the man mean? A) He is afraid he wont be chosen for the trip. B) The boss has not decided where to go. C) Such a trip is necessary for the company. D) Its not certain whether the trip will take place.

  10. Q: How did the man feel about the girls speech? A) It was boring. B) It was entertaining. C) It was touching. D) It was encouraging.

  【听力翻译与答案讲解】 9. 女:这次去法国出差,老板选择了几个人? 男:嗯,据我所知,是否有这趟出差还没有决定呢。 问:男子什么意思? 答案解析: 正确答案为D。对话中女子问男子,老板选择了几个人去法国出差,男子说目前连有没有出差还都没决定呢,可知,男子的意思是,是否有出差安排还不确定,因此D项正确。A,他怕他不在出差名单中,对话中未涉及,排除。B,老板还没有决定去哪里出差,对话中没决定的是是否有出差安排,因此B项与对话内容不符,排除。C,这种出差对公司来说没有必要,对话中未涉及,排除。 10. 女:今晚晚上那位盲人女孩做的演讲真令人感动。 男:我想每个人都是同样的感受。 问:男子对女孩的演讲有什么看法? 答案解析: 正确答案为C。对话中女子说那位盲人女孩的演讲很感动,男子则说每个人都是相同的感受,可知,男子也觉得演讲很感动,因此C项正确。A,无聊,B,有趣,D,鼓舞人心,均与对话内容不符,排除。

  【听力原文】 9.W: How many people has the boss chosen for the business trip to France? M: Well, as far as I know, whether therell be such a trip is yet to be decided. Q: What does te man mean? 10.W: The speech the blind girl gave this evening was extremely moving. M: I think everyone felt the same. Q: How did the man feel about the girls speech?




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