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  【短对话试题】 5.Q: What does the man mean? A) The woman isnt a skillful typist. B) The woman should work as hard as Mary. C) The woman should do the typing for Mary. D) The woman would understand if she did Marys job. 6.Q: Why is the man making the phone call? A) He wants to change the time of the appointment. B) He wants the woman to meet him at three oclock. C) He wants to make an appointment with Mr. Smith. D) He wants to make sure that Mr. Smith will see him.

  【听力翻译与答案讲解】 5.女:玛丽总是抱怨她的工作。 男:也许你要是试试天天打信的话,你就知道那是什么感受了。 问:男子什么意思? 答案解析: 正确答案为D。对话中女子说玛丽总是抱怨工作,男子说要是女子试试天天都打信的话,就会明白玛丽的感受。可知,男子的意思是,如果女子做玛丽的工作,就会理解的。因此D项正确。A,女子打字技巧不娴熟,对话中未涉及,排除。B,女子应像玛丽一样努力工作,对话中未涉及工作是否努力,排除。C,女子应该替玛丽打字,对话中无此意,排除。 6.男:早上好。我是约翰帕克。我打来想确认一下今天下午和史密斯先生的预约。 女:好的。史密斯先生和您约好3点见面。 问:男子为什么打电话? 答案解析: 正确答案为D。对话中男子说他打电话的原因是确认一下今天下午和史密斯先生的预约,可知,男子是想确认一下今天下午史密斯先生会见他,因此D项正确。A,他想更改预约时间,对话中男子是想确认预约,并不想改时间,因此A项与对话内容不符,排除。B,他想让女子三点和他见面,对话中与女子无关,是男子和史密斯先生有预约,因此B项与对话内容不符,排除。C,他想和史密斯先生预约,对话中男子已经和史密斯先生预约了,只是确认一下,因此D项与对话内容不符,排除。

  【听力原文】 5.W: Mary is always complaining about her job. M: Maybe if you try typing letters every day, youd see what its like. Q: What does the man mean? 6.M: Good morning. This is John Parker speaking. Im just ringing to confirm my appointment with Mr. Smith for this afternoon. W: Yes. Mr. Smiths expecting you at 3 oclock. Q: Why is the man making the phone call?



  【短对话试题】 5.Q: What does the man mean? A) The woman isnt a skillful typist. B) The woman should work as hard as Mary. C) The woman should do the typing for Mary. D) The woman would understand if she did Marys job. 6.Q: Why is the man making the phone call? A) He wants to change the time of the appointment. B) He wants the woman to meet him at three oclock. C) He wants to make an appointment with Mr. Smith. D) He wants to make sure that Mr. Smith will see him.

  【听力翻译与答案讲解】 5.女:玛丽总是抱怨她的工作。 男:也许你要是试试天天打信的话,你就知道那是什么感受了。 问:男子什么意思? 答案解析: 正确答案为D。对话中女子说玛丽总是抱怨工作,男子说要是女子试试天天都打信的话,就会明白玛丽的感受。可知,男子的意思是,如果女子做玛丽的工作,就会理解的。因此D项正确。A,女子打字技巧不娴熟,对话中未涉及,排除。B,女子应像玛丽一样努力工作,对话中未涉及工作是否努力,排除。C,女子应该替玛丽打字,对话中无此意,排除。 6.男:早上好。我是约翰帕克。我打来想确认一下今天下午和史密斯先生的预约。 女:好的。史密斯先生和您约好3点见面。 问:男子为什么打电话? 答案解析: 正确答案为D。对话中男子说他打电话的原因是确认一下今天下午和史密斯先生的预约,可知,男子是想确认一下今天下午史密斯先生会见他,因此D项正确。A,他想更改预约时间,对话中男子是想确认预约,并不想改时间,因此A项与对话内容不符,排除。B,他想让女子三点和他见面,对话中与女子无关,是男子和史密斯先生有预约,因此B项与对话内容不符,排除。C,他想和史密斯先生预约,对话中男子已经和史密斯先生预约了,只是确认一下,因此D项与对话内容不符,排除。

  【听力原文】 5.W: Mary is always complaining about her job. M: Maybe if you try typing letters every day, youd see what its like. Q: What does the man mean? 6.M: Good morning. This is John Parker speaking. Im just ringing to confirm my appointment with Mr. Smith for this afternoon. W: Yes. Mr. Smiths expecting you at 3 oclock. Q: Why is the man making the phone call?




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