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  A) His car was hit by another car.

  B) He was hurt while playing volleyball.

  C) He fell down the stairs.

  D) While crossing the street, he was hit by a car.

  W: Did you hear Mike is in hospital with head injuries and a broken arm?

  M: Yes, apparently he was struck by another vehicle and turned completely over.

  Q: What happened to Mike?

  A) Took a photo of him.

  B) Bought him a picture.

  C) Held a birthday party.

  D) Bought him a frame for his picture.

  M: Could you help me to decide what I should buy for my brothers birthday?

  W: Remember, you took a picture of him at his last birthday party? Why not buy him a frame so that he can fix the picture in it.

  Q: What did the man do last year for his brothers birthday?

  注:提醒模式 remember, first, today, now

  A) Womens rights in society.

  B) The womans job is a librarian.

  C) An important election.

  D) Career planning.

  W: We all talk about how liberated we are, but in fact women are still not equally treated.

  M: I dont think so. Youve got the vote, youve got your careers-I think youve got everything important.

  Q: What are they arguing about?

  注:liberated 自由的,被解放了的

  free 免费的,有空闲时间的。

  Statue of Liberty 自由女神

  A) She totally agrees with him.

  B) She thinks it is easier said than done.

  C) She feels that what he says is simply nonsense.

  D) She thinks that he is rather impolite person.

  M: Its partly your own fault. You should never let in anyone like that unless youre expecting him.

  W: Its all very well to say that, but someone comes to the door and says electricity or gas and you automatically think he is OK, especially if he shows you a card.

  Q: How does the woman feel about the mans remarks?

  注:fault 过失


  Its all very well to say that. 说起来容易。

  It is easier said than done. 说起来容易,做起来难。

  A) The woman thanks the man for his efforts.

  B) The woman thinks that everything was all right.

  C) The woman blames the man for his absence.

  D) The woman doesnt think it was the mans fault.

  M: Look, Im sorry I didnt turn up for the match yesterday, but it wasnt really my fault, you know.

  W: Its all very well saying it wasnt your fault, but thanks to you we lost 10 to 1.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  注:thank to 由于

  A) He is not to blame.

  B) It was his fault.

  C) He will accept all responsibility.

  D) He will be more careful next time.

  W: What an accident! If you had been careful, things would not be as they are.

  M: What do you mean, it was my fault? If it were, surely I would take all responsibility for it.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  A) On the 6th of June.

  B) On the 8th of June.

  C) On the 9th of June.

  D) On the 19th of June.

  M: Id like to make two reservations on Flight 651 for June 8th.

  W: Im sorry, were booked up on the 8th. But we still have a few seats available on the 9th.

  Q: When does the man want to leave?

  注:1. make reservation 预定,保留

  2. be booked up 被定光

  be filled 充满了

  be full of 充满了

  be taken 被占用






  airplane 飞机

  flight 航班

  take off 起飞

  land 降落

  circle 盘旋

  wing 机翼;建筑物的侧楼;博物馆侧面展厅;翅膀

  terminal 终端机;终点站;候机大厅

  A) The cause of the flood.

  B) The heroic fight against a flood.

  C) The effects of the flood.

  D) Floods of the past twenty years.

  M: This has been the worst flood for the past 20 years. It has caused much damage and destruction.

  W: Look at the prices of fruits and vegetables. No wonder they are so expensive.

  Q: What are they talking about?




  A) They waited for each other at different places.

  B) They were both busy doing their own work.

  C) They went to the street corner at different times.

  D) The man went to the concert but the woman didnt.

  W: George, where were you yesterday evening? I expected to see you at the concert.

  M: Oh, I waited for you at the corner of your street. Then I looked for you at your flat, but the housekeeper said you were out.

  Q: Why didnt they meet that evening?

  注:flat 公寓=apartment

  sneaker 运动鞋

  trainer 运动鞋

  sweat shirt 运动衫

  jersey 运动衫

  corn 玉米

  maize 玉米

  church 教堂

  chapel 教堂,小礼拜堂

  cathedral 天主教大教堂

  luggage 行李

  baggage 行李

  bang 头发刘海

  fringe 头发刘海

  A) In Mexico.

  B) In New Mexico.

  C) In the city.

  D) In California.

  M: Id like to make an appointment to see Dr. Smith tomorrow.

  W: I m sorry. Dr. Smith went on a one-week vacation in Mexico, and on his way back hell be staying in California for 5 days. Let me see. Hell probably be back the day after tomorrow.

  Q: Where is Dr. Smith now?

  A) The credit hours required for an M. A. degree.

  B) The requirements of an M. A. degree.

  C) Getting extra credits.

  D) Taking more optional courses.

  M: Youll need 36 credit hours to get an M. A. degree. Fifteen must be from the English Department and fifteen from the Education Department. For the remaining six credit hours, you can either write a thesis or take two more optional courses.

  W: Right now, this is very confusing to me, but Im sure Ill know what to do as I learn more about it.

  Q: What are they talking about?

  注:M. A. Master of Arts 文学硕士

  选课:take, take up, enroll in, register for, sign up for



  A) His car was hit by another car.

  B) He was hurt while playing volleyball.

  C) He fell down the stairs.

  D) While crossing the street, he was hit by a car.

  W: Did you hear Mike is in hospital with head injuries and a broken arm?

  M: Yes, apparently he was struck by another vehicle and turned completely over.

  Q: What happened to Mike?

  A) Took a photo of him.

  B) Bought him a picture.

  C) Held a birthday party.

  D) Bought him a frame for his picture.

  M: Could you help me to decide what I should buy for my brothers birthday?

  W: Remember, you took a picture of him at his last birthday party? Why not buy him a frame so that he can fix the picture in it.

  Q: What did the man do last year for his brothers birthday?

  注:提醒模式 remember, first, today, now

  A) Womens rights in society.

  B) The womans job is a librarian.

  C) An important election.

  D) Career planning.

  W: We all talk about how liberated we are, but in fact women are still not equally treated.

  M: I dont think so. Youve got the vote, youve got your careers-I think youve got everything important.

  Q: What are they arguing about?

  注:liberated 自由的,被解放了的

  free 免费的,有空闲时间的。

  Statue of Liberty 自由女神

  A) She totally agrees with him.

  B) She thinks it is easier said than done.

  C) She feels that what he says is simply nonsense.

  D) She thinks that he is rather impolite person.

  M: Its partly your own fault. You should never let in anyone like that unless youre expecting him.

  W: Its all very well to say that, but someone comes to the door and says electricity or gas and you automatically think he is OK, especially if he shows you a card.

  Q: How does the woman feel about the mans remarks?

  注:fault 过失


  Its all very well to say that. 说起来容易。

  It is easier said than done. 说起来容易,做起来难。

  A) The woman thanks the man for his efforts.

  B) The woman thinks that everything was all right.

  C) The woman blames the man for his absence.

  D) The woman doesnt think it was the mans fault.

  M: Look, Im sorry I didnt turn up for the match yesterday, but it wasnt really my fault, you know.

  W: Its all very well saying it wasnt your fault, but thanks to you we lost 10 to 1.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  注:thank to 由于

  A) He is not to blame.

  B) It was his fault.

  C) He will accept all responsibility.

  D) He will be more careful next time.

  W: What an accident! If you had been careful, things would not be as they are.

  M: What do you mean, it was my fault? If it were, surely I would take all responsibility for it.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  A) On the 6th of June.

  B) On the 8th of June.

  C) On the 9th of June.

  D) On the 19th of June.

  M: Id like to make two reservations on Flight 651 for June 8th.

  W: Im sorry, were booked up on the 8th. But we still have a few seats available on the 9th.

  Q: When does the man want to leave?

  注:1. make reservation 预定,保留

  2. be booked up 被定光

  be filled 充满了

  be full of 充满了

  be taken 被占用






  airplane 飞机

  flight 航班

  take off 起飞

  land 降落

  circle 盘旋

  wing 机翼;建筑物的侧楼;博物馆侧面展厅;翅膀

  terminal 终端机;终点站;候机大厅

  A) The cause of the flood.

  B) The heroic fight against a flood.

  C) The effects of the flood.

  D) Floods of the past twenty years.

  M: This has been the worst flood for the past 20 years. It has caused much damage and destruction.

  W: Look at the prices of fruits and vegetables. No wonder they are so expensive.

  Q: What are they talking about?




  A) They waited for each other at different places.

  B) They were both busy doing their own work.

  C) They went to the street corner at different times.

  D) The man went to the concert but the woman didnt.

  W: George, where were you yesterday evening? I expected to see you at the concert.

  M: Oh, I waited for you at the corner of your street. Then I looked for you at your flat, but the housekeeper said you were out.

  Q: Why didnt they meet that evening?

  注:flat 公寓=apartment

  sneaker 运动鞋

  trainer 运动鞋

  sweat shirt 运动衫

  jersey 运动衫

  corn 玉米

  maize 玉米

  church 教堂

  chapel 教堂,小礼拜堂

  cathedral 天主教大教堂

  luggage 行李

  baggage 行李

  bang 头发刘海

  fringe 头发刘海

  A) In Mexico.

  B) In New Mexico.

  C) In the city.

  D) In California.

  M: Id like to make an appointment to see Dr. Smith tomorrow.

  W: I m sorry. Dr. Smith went on a one-week vacation in Mexico, and on his way back hell be staying in California for 5 days. Let me see. Hell probably be back the day after tomorrow.

  Q: Where is Dr. Smith now?

  A) The credit hours required for an M. A. degree.

  B) The requirements of an M. A. degree.

  C) Getting extra credits.

  D) Taking more optional courses.

  M: Youll need 36 credit hours to get an M. A. degree. Fifteen must be from the English Department and fifteen from the Education Department. For the remaining six credit hours, you can either write a thesis or take two more optional courses.

  W: Right now, this is very confusing to me, but Im sure Ill know what to do as I learn more about it.

  Q: What are they talking about?

  注:M. A. Master of Arts 文学硕士

  选课:take, take up, enroll in, register for, sign up for




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