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英语六级听力小对话练习题 第86期



  7.Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place?

  A) At a shopping center.

  B) At an electronics company.

  C) At an international trade fair.

  D) At a DVD counter in a music store.

  8.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?

  A) The woman hated the man talking throughout the movie.

  B) The woman saw a comedy instead of a horror movie.

  C) The woman prefers light movies before sleep.

  D) The woman regrets going to the movie.


  7.M: Er... Hi, could you tell me where electronic products are displayed? I want to see some TVs, digital video cameras, DVD players, that sort of thing.

  W: Well. Several countries are displaying electronic products. China s selection is very large this year. You might as well go to the east wing first to take a look at a Chinese booth.

  8.M: Well, what did you think of the movie?

  W: I don t know why I let you talk me into going. I just don t like violence. Next time you d better choose a comedy.


  7.男:嗯 你好,你能告诉我电子产品在哪里吗?我想看看电视,数码摄像机,DVD播放机那些产品。



  正确答案为C。 对话中,男子想看电子产品的展区,女子说有些国家展出了电子产品,并给他推荐了中国的展区。可推知,对话应该发生在一场国际贸易展览会上。因此C项正确。A,在购物中心。购物中心不涉及各国的展品分类,A项排除。B,在一家电子公司。从男子询问电子产品展区来看,应该还有其他各种产品的展区,不仅仅是电子类,B项范围局限,排除。D,在音乐店的DVD柜台,男子在找电子产品展区,D项范围局限,排除。




  正确答案为D。 talk into是说服某人做某事的意思。对话中,女子说不知道为什么听了男子的话看那部电影,并表示讨厌暴力片,喜欢喜剧片。可知,女子后悔去看那部电影。因此D项正确。A,女子讨厌男子在看电影的时候说话。与对话内容无关,排除。B,女子看了部喜剧片,而不是恐怖片。对话中女子说下次最好看喜剧片,可知她这次并没看喜剧片,因此B项与对话内容不符,排除。C,女子在睡觉前喜欢看轻松的电影,对话中并未涉及睡觉的问题,因此C项与对话内容不符,排除。


  7.Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place?

  A) At a shopping center.

  B) At an electronics company.

  C) At an international trade fair.

  D) At a DVD counter in a music store.

  8.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?

  A) The woman hated the man talking throughout the movie.

  B) The woman saw a comedy instead of a horror movie.

  C) The woman prefers light movies before sleep.

  D) The woman regrets going to the movie.


  7.M: Er... Hi, could you tell me where electronic products are displayed? I want to see some TVs, digital video cameras, DVD players, that sort of thing.

  W: Well. Several countries are displaying electronic products. China s selection is very large this year. You might as well go to the east wing first to take a look at a Chinese booth.

  8.M: Well, what did you think of the movie?

  W: I don t know why I let you talk me into going. I just don t like violence. Next time you d better choose a comedy.


  7.男:嗯 你好,你能告诉我电子产品在哪里吗?我想看看电视,数码摄像机,DVD播放机那些产品。



  正确答案为C。 对话中,男子想看电子产品的展区,女子说有些国家展出了电子产品,并给他推荐了中国的展区。可推知,对话应该发生在一场国际贸易展览会上。因此C项正确。A,在购物中心。购物中心不涉及各国的展品分类,A项排除。B,在一家电子公司。从男子询问电子产品展区来看,应该还有其他各种产品的展区,不仅仅是电子类,B项范围局限,排除。D,在音乐店的DVD柜台,男子在找电子产品展区,D项范围局限,排除。




  正确答案为D。 talk into是说服某人做某事的意思。对话中,女子说不知道为什么听了男子的话看那部电影,并表示讨厌暴力片,喜欢喜剧片。可知,女子后悔去看那部电影。因此D项正确。A,女子讨厌男子在看电影的时候说话。与对话内容无关,排除。B,女子看了部喜剧片,而不是恐怖片。对话中女子说下次最好看喜剧片,可知她这次并没看喜剧片,因此B项与对话内容不符,排除。C,女子在睡觉前喜欢看轻松的电影,对话中并未涉及睡觉的问题,因此C项与对话内容不符,排除。




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