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  棱镜门余波又起 苹果被曝留后门   Last weekend, a hacker who s been campaigning to make a point about Apple security by playing fast and loose with the now widely-accepted definition of backdoor struck gold when journalists didn t do their homework and erroneously reported a diagnostic mechanism as a nefarious, malfeasant, secret opening to their private data.   随着后门这个词的走红,上周有一名黑客开始拿后门说事,宣称苹果安全性存在问题,而记者们显然没有做好功课,在报道中错误地将这一诊断功能说成不法窃取用户个人数据的秘密入口。   Speaking at the Hackers On Planet Earth conference in New York, Jonathan Zdziarski said that Apples iOS contains intentionally created access that could be used by governments to spy on iPhone and iPad users to access a user s address book, photos, voicemail and any accounts configured on the device.   乔纳森扎德尔斯基在纽约的地球黑客大会上称,苹果的iOS系统故意预留了后门以便政府暗中监视iPhone和iPad用户,通过后门接入用户的通讯录、照片、语音信箱和任何在设备上设置的账户。   As he has been doing since the Snowden documents started making headlines last year, Mr. Zdziarski re-cast Apple s developer diagnostics kit in a new narrative, turning a tool that could probably gain from better user security implementation into a sinister backdoor.   自从去年斯诺登文件披露造成轰动后,扎德尔斯基就换了一套说辞来解释苹果的开发者诊断工具,将本来可能从更好的用户安全中收益的工具描述为了用心险恶的后门。   The Apple installed backdoors on millions of devices story is still making headlines, despite the fact that respected security researchers started debunking researcher Jonathan Zdziarski s claims the minute people started tweeting about his HopeX talk on Sunday.   成千上百万苹果设备中安装了后门这样一则报道仍然上了各家的头条,扎德尔斯基周日在HopeX大会上发言后人们立马开始在推特上传递这一消息,但安全研究专家也同时开始辟谣,驳斥扎德尔斯基的错误言论。   In fact, this allegedly secret backdoor was added to diagnostic information that has been as freely available as a page out of a phone book since 2002.   这个所谓的秘密后门实际上是诊断信息的一部分,2002年之后就可以自由使用了。   The packet capture software used for diagnostics referenced by Mr. Zdziarski in support of his claims is similar in functionality as the one that s installed on every Apple laptop and desktop computer for diagnostics.   从功能上说,扎德尔斯基所说的这个用于诊断的数据包捕获软件与每台苹果笔记本和台式机上安装的诊断工具一样。   It appears that no one reporting Zdziarski s claims as fact attended his talk, watched it online, and less than a handful fact-checked or consulted outside experts.   报道这则消息的记者似乎没有一个真的到了会场或在网上看了他的发言,也没多少人去核实过或咨询过其他专家。


  棱镜门余波又起 苹果被曝留后门   Last weekend, a hacker who s been campaigning to make a point about Apple security by playing fast and loose with the now widely-accepted definition of backdoor struck gold when journalists didn t do their homework and erroneously reported a diagnostic mechanism as a nefarious, malfeasant, secret opening to their private data.   随着后门这个词的走红,上周有一名黑客开始拿后门说事,宣称苹果安全性存在问题,而记者们显然没有做好功课,在报道中错误地将这一诊断功能说成不法窃取用户个人数据的秘密入口。   Speaking at the Hackers On Planet Earth conference in New York, Jonathan Zdziarski said that Apples iOS contains intentionally created access that could be used by governments to spy on iPhone and iPad users to access a user s address book, photos, voicemail and any accounts configured on the device.   乔纳森扎德尔斯基在纽约的地球黑客大会上称,苹果的iOS系统故意预留了后门以便政府暗中监视iPhone和iPad用户,通过后门接入用户的通讯录、照片、语音信箱和任何在设备上设置的账户。   As he has been doing since the Snowden documents started making headlines last year, Mr. Zdziarski re-cast Apple s developer diagnostics kit in a new narrative, turning a tool that could probably gain from better user security implementation into a sinister backdoor.   自从去年斯诺登文件披露造成轰动后,扎德尔斯基就换了一套说辞来解释苹果的开发者诊断工具,将本来可能从更好的用户安全中收益的工具描述为了用心险恶的后门。   The Apple installed backdoors on millions of devices story is still making headlines, despite the fact that respected security researchers started debunking researcher Jonathan Zdziarski s claims the minute people started tweeting about his HopeX talk on Sunday.   成千上百万苹果设备中安装了后门这样一则报道仍然上了各家的头条,扎德尔斯基周日在HopeX大会上发言后人们立马开始在推特上传递这一消息,但安全研究专家也同时开始辟谣,驳斥扎德尔斯基的错误言论。   In fact, this allegedly secret backdoor was added to diagnostic information that has been as freely available as a page out of a phone book since 2002.   这个所谓的秘密后门实际上是诊断信息的一部分,2002年之后就可以自由使用了。   The packet capture software used for diagnostics referenced by Mr. Zdziarski in support of his claims is similar in functionality as the one that s installed on every Apple laptop and desktop computer for diagnostics.   从功能上说,扎德尔斯基所说的这个用于诊断的数据包捕获软件与每台苹果笔记本和台式机上安装的诊断工具一样。   It appears that no one reporting Zdziarski s claims as fact attended his talk, watched it online, and less than a handful fact-checked or consulted outside experts.   报道这则消息的记者似乎没有一个真的到了会场或在网上看了他的发言,也没多少人去核实过或咨询过其他专家。




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