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  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Credit cards   信用卡   Skimming off the top   偷蒙拐骗   Why America has such a high rate of payment-cardfraud.   美国支付卡诈骗频发原因何在   AMERICA leads the world in many categories: shale-gas production, defence spending,incarceration rates and, alas, payment-card fraud.   美国在很多方面都引领世界:页岩气生产,国防开销,监禁率以及,啧啧啧,支付卡诈骗。   In December Target, an American retailer, said that hackers had breached its network andstolen payment-card details of about 40m of its customers.   去年12月份,美国零售商塔吉特公司表示,黑客入侵了其网络系统并窃取了约四千万名顾客的支付卡信息。   A few months before the Target breach, roughly 152m customers had their informationstolen in a hack of Adobe Systems.   在塔吉特入侵事件发生几个月之前,一次对Adobe系统的黑客入侵使得大约1亿5200万顾客的信息被盗。   Last month Neiman-Marcus, a department store, reported a similar breach.   尼曼百货商店也于上月报道了类似的入侵事件。   For crooks, there are rich pickings in such data.   对不法分子来说,这些数据有很大的利用价值。   Total global payment-card fraud losses were 11.3 billion in 2023, up nearly 15% from theprior year.   2023年,全球因支付卡诈骗造成的损失达到113亿美元,比前一年增长了15%。   The United Statesthe only country in which counterfeit-card fraud is consistentlygrowingaccounted for 47% of that amount, according to the Nilson Report: card issuers lost3.4 billion and merchants another 1.9 billion.   美国作为全球唯一一个伪造卡诈骗不断增加的国家,占到了其中的47%:根据尼尔森报告,持卡人的损失为34亿美元,而商户们则是19亿美元。   A survey released in 2023 by the Aite Group and ACI Worldwide, a research and apayment-software firm respectively, found that 42% of Americans had experienced someform of payment-card fraud in the preceding five years.   研究公司Aite Group和支付软件公司ACI Worldwide发布于2023年的一项调查结果显示,42%的美国人在调查之前的5年中都遇到过支付卡诈骗。   Nor is it just Americans who are affected: foreigners whose card data is stolen often find thethieves have little trouble waltzing into stores and making purchases with ersatz cards.   当然受害的不仅仅是美国人:支付卡信息被盗取的外国顾客也经常发现不法分子轻而易举地就能在商店里用仿制的支付卡进行购买。   Europeans rack up more losses in this way in America than in any other country.   欧洲顾客在美因此类手段而遭受的损失要超过在其他地区。   In part, fraudsters target the United States because that s where the cards are.   诈骗犯瞄准美国的一个原因是,大部分的支付卡都在这里。   At the end of 2023 there were 1.2 billion debit, credit and pre-paid cards in circulation inAmericamore than in any other region.   在2023年底,在美国流通的借记卡、信用卡和预付卡总数为12亿超过任何其他地区。   That is nearly five cards per adult.   平均每个成年人拥有近5张支付卡。   But America also makes things easy for fraudsters: alone among developed countries, it stillrelies exclusively on cards with magnetic strips, which are far less secure than thechip-and-PIN technology used elsewhere.   同时美国也让诈骗犯们更易得手:它是发达国家中唯一依然只使用卡片磁条作为安全手段的。   This combines a personal code with a microchip from which it is harder to extract data thana magnetic strip.   相比其他地区使用的芯片密码技术,这要不安全得多。芯片密码技术将个人密码存储在微芯片中,从中提取出信息要比从磁条中提取困难得多。   As of 2023, 45% of the world s payment cards and 76% of terminals were equipped to usechip-and-PIN.   截至2023年,全世界45%的支付卡和76%的支付终端装备了使用芯片密码的设备。   By 2011 this technology had brought some forms of card fraud in Britain to their lowest levelin two decades.   这项技术在2011年为英国将各种形式的支付卡诈骗降低到了20年中的最低水平。   The spread of chipped cards in Canada brought losses from skimmingstealing data fromcredit cardsfrom C142m in 2009 to C38.5m in 2023.   而在加拿大,芯片卡的普及也使盗取信用卡信息引起的损失从2009年的1亿4200万加元减少到了2023年的3850万加元。   At a series of Senate hearings earlier this month, Target s CFO said it would spend 100m toroll out chip-and-PIN store-issued credit cards and payment devices that accept them.   本月早些时候,在一系列参议院听证会上,塔吉特的财务总监表示该公司会斥资1亿美元推行采用芯片密码的商店发行信用卡以及相应的支付设备。   A consumer advocate urged other card issuers to do the same.   消费者呼吁其他支付卡发行商也采取类似措施。   Though the switch may cost issuers and merchants as much as 8 billion, interest at long lastappears to be growing.   虽然这样做会给发行商与商户们增加高达80亿美元的开销,但长期利益将不断显现。   Many of those costs may be recoverable over time through lower fraud losses.   这些花费中的大部分会通过降低诈骗导致的损失而得到补偿。   Chip-and-PIN would also harmonise American and global standards, making it easier forAmericans to use their cards abroad and foreigners to use theirs in America.   芯片密码技术还会统一美国和全球标准,利于美国民众在境外以及国外顾客在美国境内刷卡消费。   It will make mobile payments easier.   这将使移动支付更为便利。   And because recent banking regulations have reduced the amount of money banks makefrom interchange fees on debit cards, issuers are looking to trim costs elsewhere.   由于银行业中新出台的法规使得银行借记卡交换费的收入减少,支付卡发行方们正想方设法削减开支,   Fraud losses no longer seem as manageable as they once did.   而诈骗引起的损失看来没有往日那样容易控制了。   词语解释   1.account for 导致,引起   Do women account for more of today s affairs?   如今女性在婚外情中所占比例是不是更大?   Philosophers had long wondered how to account foressences.   长期以来,哲学家们困惑于如何说明这些本质。   2.according to 根据,按照   Again this is according to recently declassified information.   这也还是根据最近解密的信息得知的。   It did not go according to plan.   这个妥协方案并没有按计划执行。   3.rack up 在比赛中获胜   Adding soy can also help you rack up protein.   增加大豆也能帮助你获得蛋白质。   We use an online bill-paying service, and we buy almost everything by credit card so we canrack up mileage rewards.   我们使用一项网络付账服务,用信用卡买几乎每件东西,因此我们可以累积里程奖励。   4.credit card n.信用卡   Review your bank and credit card information regularly.   周期性检查银行和信用卡信息。   Well you can split it with another credit card.   那你可以用几张卡里剩下的一起算。


  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Credit cards   信用卡   Skimming off the top   偷蒙拐骗   Why America has such a high rate of payment-cardfraud.   美国支付卡诈骗频发原因何在   AMERICA leads the world in many categories: shale-gas production, defence spending,incarceration rates and, alas, payment-card fraud.   美国在很多方面都引领世界:页岩气生产,国防开销,监禁率以及,啧啧啧,支付卡诈骗。   In December Target, an American retailer, said that hackers had breached its network andstolen payment-card details of about 40m of its customers.   去年12月份,美国零售商塔吉特公司表示,黑客入侵了其网络系统并窃取了约四千万名顾客的支付卡信息。   A few months before the Target breach, roughly 152m customers had their informationstolen in a hack of Adobe Systems.   在塔吉特入侵事件发生几个月之前,一次对Adobe系统的黑客入侵使得大约1亿5200万顾客的信息被盗。   Last month Neiman-Marcus, a department store, reported a similar breach.   尼曼百货商店也于上月报道了类似的入侵事件。   For crooks, there are rich pickings in such data.   对不法分子来说,这些数据有很大的利用价值。   Total global payment-card fraud losses were 11.3 billion in 2023, up nearly 15% from theprior year.   2023年,全球因支付卡诈骗造成的损失达到113亿美元,比前一年增长了15%。   The United Statesthe only country in which counterfeit-card fraud is consistentlygrowingaccounted for 47% of that amount, according to the Nilson Report: card issuers lost3.4 billion and merchants another 1.9 billion.   美国作为全球唯一一个伪造卡诈骗不断增加的国家,占到了其中的47%:根据尼尔森报告,持卡人的损失为34亿美元,而商户们则是19亿美元。   A survey released in 2023 by the Aite Group and ACI Worldwide, a research and apayment-software firm respectively, found that 42% of Americans had experienced someform of payment-card fraud in the preceding five years.   研究公司Aite Group和支付软件公司ACI Worldwide发布于2023年的一项调查结果显示,42%的美国人在调查之前的5年中都遇到过支付卡诈骗。   Nor is it just Americans who are affected: foreigners whose card data is stolen often find thethieves have little trouble waltzing into stores and making purchases with ersatz cards.   当然受害的不仅仅是美国人:支付卡信息被盗取的外国顾客也经常发现不法分子轻而易举地就能在商店里用仿制的支付卡进行购买。   Europeans rack up more losses in this way in America than in any other country.   欧洲顾客在美因此类手段而遭受的损失要超过在其他地区。   In part, fraudsters target the United States because that s where the cards are.   诈骗犯瞄准美国的一个原因是,大部分的支付卡都在这里。   At the end of 2023 there were 1.2 billion debit, credit and pre-paid cards in circulation inAmericamore than in any other region.   在2023年底,在美国流通的借记卡、信用卡和预付卡总数为12亿超过任何其他地区。   That is nearly five cards per adult.   平均每个成年人拥有近5张支付卡。   But America also makes things easy for fraudsters: alone among developed countries, it stillrelies exclusively on cards with magnetic strips, which are far less secure than thechip-and-PIN technology used elsewhere.   同时美国也让诈骗犯们更易得手:它是发达国家中唯一依然只使用卡片磁条作为安全手段的。   This combines a personal code with a microchip from which it is harder to extract data thana magnetic strip.   相比其他地区使用的芯片密码技术,这要不安全得多。芯片密码技术将个人密码存储在微芯片中,从中提取出信息要比从磁条中提取困难得多。   As of 2023, 45% of the world s payment cards and 76% of terminals were equipped to usechip-and-PIN.   截至2023年,全世界45%的支付卡和76%的支付终端装备了使用芯片密码的设备。   By 2011 this technology had brought some forms of card fraud in Britain to their lowest levelin two decades.   这项技术在2011年为英国将各种形式的支付卡诈骗降低到了20年中的最低水平。   The spread of chipped cards in Canada brought losses from skimmingstealing data fromcredit cardsfrom C142m in 2009 to C38.5m in 2023.   而在加拿大,芯片卡的普及也使盗取信用卡信息引起的损失从2009年的1亿4200万加元减少到了2023年的3850万加元。   At a series of Senate hearings earlier this month, Target s CFO said it would spend 100m toroll out chip-and-PIN store-issued credit cards and payment devices that accept them.   本月早些时候,在一系列参议院听证会上,塔吉特的财务总监表示该公司会斥资1亿美元推行采用芯片密码的商店发行信用卡以及相应的支付设备。   A consumer advocate urged other card issuers to do the same.   消费者呼吁其他支付卡发行商也采取类似措施。   Though the switch may cost issuers and merchants as much as 8 billion, interest at long lastappears to be growing.   虽然这样做会给发行商与商户们增加高达80亿美元的开销,但长期利益将不断显现。   Many of those costs may be recoverable over time through lower fraud losses.   这些花费中的大部分会通过降低诈骗导致的损失而得到补偿。   Chip-and-PIN would also harmonise American and global standards, making it easier forAmericans to use their cards abroad and foreigners to use theirs in America.   芯片密码技术还会统一美国和全球标准,利于美国民众在境外以及国外顾客在美国境内刷卡消费。   It will make mobile payments easier.   这将使移动支付更为便利。   And because recent banking regulations have reduced the amount of money banks makefrom interchange fees on debit cards, issuers are looking to trim costs elsewhere.   由于银行业中新出台的法规使得银行借记卡交换费的收入减少,支付卡发行方们正想方设法削减开支,   Fraud losses no longer seem as manageable as they once did.   而诈骗引起的损失看来没有往日那样容易控制了。   词语解释   1.account for 导致,引起   Do women account for more of today s affairs?   如今女性在婚外情中所占比例是不是更大?   Philosophers had long wondered how to account foressences.   长期以来,哲学家们困惑于如何说明这些本质。   2.according to 根据,按照   Again this is according to recently declassified information.   这也还是根据最近解密的信息得知的。   It did not go according to plan.   这个妥协方案并没有按计划执行。   3.rack up 在比赛中获胜   Adding soy can also help you rack up protein.   增加大豆也能帮助你获得蛋白质。   We use an online bill-paying service, and we buy almost everything by credit card so we canrack up mileage rewards.   我们使用一项网络付账服务,用信用卡买几乎每件东西,因此我们可以累积里程奖励。   4.credit card n.信用卡   Review your bank and credit card information regularly.   周期性检查银行和信用卡信息。   Well you can split it with another credit card.   那你可以用几张卡里剩下的一起算。




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