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2024时尚盘点之趋势风潮 敢和穿骚粉的男友一起赴约吗?






The official start of the Year of the Rooster in the Chinese Zodiac begins on January 28th, and the fashion industry has been paying homage in a big way.


Given it's the most lucrative time of year for designer brands to target Chinese consumers – one of the most significant forces in global luxury consumption - a surge in zodiac-themed items can be seen everywhere but, they’re facing immense criticism.


Cashing in on the demand for holiday gifts, these brands are thrusting cultural references upon wealthy Chinese shoppers. However, many of the country’s millennials consider them outdated.


Instead of overused elements like red, yellow, phoenix’s and the seasonal rooster; this new market are seeking more authentic and modern representations of Chinese culture.


From Dior’s rooster bracelet to Calvin Klein’s red and gold unmentionables, luxury retailers’ New Year-themed products are leaving Chinese consumers disgruntled.


自然解放浪潮来袭 近四分之一女性不再剃除腋毛


Almost one in four young women have stopped shaving their underarms, figures show.


Research by analysts Mintel shows that there has been a steady decline in millennial women removing hair from their legs and underarms.


In 2024, 95 percent of women aged 16 to 24 said they removed hair from their underarms. In 2024, this had dropped to just 77 percent.


Leg-shaving is also falling out of fashion - in 2024 92 percent said they shaved their legs, a proportion which had fallen to 85 percent in 2024.


Industry figures show that sales of shaving and hair removal products fell by 5 percent between 2024 and 2024, from £598 million to an estimated £567 million.


Products such as shaving foam and hair removal cream are perceived to be bad for the skin, leading women to shun them in favour of natural beauty products.


The "free from" trend, which sees women rejecting chemicals in favour of natural products, has been influential, with 53 percent of women saying they only use products with "natural" ingredients.




With cattle breeding at an all time high, manure has become one of the world’s greatest environmental hazards, but one Dutch artist is using chemistry to turn into something that is both eco-friendly and valuable. Her innovative technique turns manure into a variety of useful materials like clothing fabric, bio-degradable plastic and paper.


Working in her BioArtLab, Jalila Essaïdi discovered that cow manure provided both the base for a new, bio-degradable material and the chemicals required to produce it. She started by separating the waste, with the dry manure used to extract pure cellulose from the grass that cows eat. From the wet manure, she extracted acids used to create cellulose acetate, a natural liquid plastic. This was used to make fibers, which are later turned into fabric or bio-plastics, but it can also be freeze-dried to create an aerogel.


The new material was named Mestic, from mest, the Dutch word for manure. Essaïdi claims that it has the same properties as plastic derived from fossil fuels, but is bio-degradable. Better yet, the degradability can be tweaked in the lab, making it possible to create materials that last for different periods of time depending on their purpose.


粉色当道 如果男友穿骚粉你还会爱他吗

在电影《了不起的盖茨比》中,高富帅汤姆曾这样讽刺盖茨比,“穿粉色西装的人上过牛津(A man in the pink went to Oxford)?”。这句话透露了两点信息:其一,牛津很高大上;其二,男生穿粉色很“掉价”。很多人对穿粉色衣服的男生都存在偏见,认为他们不够爷们儿,甚至是病态的表现。但是,最近几年,粉色再度回归“男人装”。而事实上,粉色一点都不“娘”,它甚至曾是贵族男人最爱的颜色。

As Philip Schofield frequently shows on TV show This Morning, there is nothing like the marriage of a pink shirt and silver hair to get a daytime television viewer hot under the collar.

正如菲利普•斯科菲尔德经常在电视节目《This Morning》展现的形象那样,没有比粉色衬衫加银色头发的搭配更加让日间电视节目观众恼火的了。

It isn't just ageing television presenters who have a thing for dressing in pink though. Rapper Tinie Tempah has shown he isn't afraid to wear a suit that's shaded like a bottle of Pepto Bismol...and David Beckham has been snapped on multiple occasions wearing pink attire.


Radio 4 show Woman's Hour suggested that pink, traditionally - and irritatingly for many - associated with little girls, is getting a make-over, having been rediscovered by the world's fashion houses.


No longer sickly sweet, the couture pinks striding up and down the world's catwalks are more likely to be carry names like 'dusky rose' or 'millennial pink' and vary from strong mid colours, to the most delicate shades of it.


Jane Monington Boddy, Director Of Colour and Womenswear at ‎WGSN, told Woman's Hour host Jane Garvey that the colour has been enjoying a rebirth since 2011.


She explained: 'Pink has been evolving for quite a few years - millennial pink has a duskier shade but we've seen a variety of pinks from millennial to brights. '




From the Duchess of Cambridge to Rihanna and Jennifer Lawrence, celebrities have been spotted carrying tiny versions of designers’ full-size offerings.


Forget huge holdalls or roomy shoppers. It’s all about ‘micro’ or ‘nano’ bags, with every designer from Louis Vuitton to Fendi shrinking their popular styles to doll-like proportions, barely big enough to hold a mobile phone and a lipstick.

忘掉那些巨大的帆布袋或者购物袋吧。现在是 “微缩”和“迷你”的时代,从LV到芬迪,各大品牌的设计师都把自己的经典包包打造成了迷你款,小到只能装下一部手机和一支唇膏。

Even Theresa May has one. Our on-trend PM was recently spotted carrying a dinky Redford bag by her favourite British designer, Amanda Wakeley. At 17cm tall and a mere 7.5cm deep, it’s roughly the same size as a box of chocolates, yet still costs almost £1,000.


And the High Street has followed suit, with sales of micro bags up 72 percent on last year at John Lewis, and a staggering 200 percent at Debenhams. On fashion sites such as Net-a-Porter, the tiny bags often sell out seconds after they arrive.

商业区也不甘落后。去年,英国老牌百货公司John Lewis迷你包包的销量上涨了72%,英国高档百货公司Debenhams的迷你包销量上涨200%,令人震惊不已。在Net-a-Porter等时尚购物网站上,迷你包到货后就秒售。

But while some women may well swap their oversized bag for a neater, shrunken version, there will always be those who can’t decide between the two — and buy both, even using them at the same time.


这些时尚单品今年还流行 你入手了吗?


Good news for those who enjoy warm legs: tights are a big deal this season. Not black opaques, obviously, but plain sheers of the kind worn by Melanie Griffith in Working Girl. The most 2024 way to wear them is styled awkwardly with little white ankle socks and trainers, or with strappy sandals in a contrasting colour. On the Céline catwalk, they were paired with mismatching sandals - one black, one white. It's a bold look, but fashion was never going to make the rehabilitation of tights simple.


Most records pinpoint the genesis of fashion's obsession with trainers at 6 March 2011, when Phoebe Philo took her post-show bow in a pair of Stan Smiths. We are well overdue something new. The new white trainer fashion types are into is the Reebok Club C85. Where Stan Smith was 70s tennis clubhouse, this is 80s aerobics class.

很多记录精确显示,运动鞋于2011年3月6日开始在时尚界流行,当时菲比•菲洛在登台谢幕时穿了一双Stan Smiths。已经很久没有出现新款小白鞋了。最新的小白鞋流行款式是锐步C85。Stan Smiths是70年代网球俱乐部风,而锐步C85是健美操课风。

Last spring/summer's mega-trend – the neckline that united Hillary Clinton, Kate Middleton and Millie Mackintosh – is still happening, but with an inclusive twist: rather than going bra-free, wearers are now flashing their bra straps.




It’s a unique departure from traditional perfumes and colognes that are generally made up of top-, middle- and base-notes, and tend to smell the same on everyone.


Because of something called olfactory adaptation, you never know quite how strongly your fragrance smells either - after a few minutes of exposure to a smell, it becomes 80 percent less powerful.


Escentric Molecules are shaking things up though, and celebrities including Rihanna, Beyoncé, Jay-Z and Kate Moss are rumoured to be fans. It likely won't be long before other perfumers are experimenting with the technology too.

Escentric Molecules香水让人们大开眼界。据说蕾哈娜、碧昂斯、杰斯、和凯特-摩斯等众多明星都是这款香水的粉丝。看起来很快其他香水商就也要尝试这种制作方法了。



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