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  Field of dreams


  Harvard Business School reinvents its MBA course

  哈佛商学院改良其工商管理硕士 课程

  YOUNG mums shopping in the Copley Mall in downtown Boston last month found themselvesbeing questioned about their use of soap by students from Harvard Business School. Thestudents were not doing odd jobs to earn beer money. They were preparing to help a firm inBrazil launch an antibacterial cleanser.

  上月,年轻的妈妈们在波士顿市区的科普利商场 购物时,发现有来自哈佛商学院的学生询问她们使用肥皂的情况。这些学生并不在打临时工赚取啤酒钱。他们在帮助一家巴西公司发布一款抗病菌洁面乳做准备工作。

  Fieldworkie, going out and talking to peopleis a big change for HBS. Its students used to sitin a classroom and discuss case studies written by professors. Now they may also work in adeveloping country and launch a start-up. Learning by doing will become the norm, if aradical overhaul of the MBA curriculum succeeds.

  实地工作走出教室,与人交谈是哈佛商学院的一项大变革。哈佛商学院的学生过去常常坐在教室里讨论教授们写的研究案例。现在,他们也可能在一个发展中国家工作,并且建立一家新兴企业。如果这项对 MBA课程的重大改革成功,那么,做中学将变为常规。

  The 900 students arriving in Boston this summer for their two-year course were told theywould be guinea pigs. The new practical addition to HBSs curriculum is known as FIELD . Not all the staff and students areoverjoyed to be experimented on. But the man responsible, Nitin Nohria, who became dean ofHBS in July 2010, says that if it works, the FIELD method could become an equal partner tothe case method.

  今年夏季哈佛商学院通知接受其两年制课程的 900 名新生:他们将是试验对象。哈佛商学院实际新增课程称为 FIELD 。并非所有的员工和学生都对成为这次实验的对象而感到欣喜若狂。但于2010 年 7 月就任哈佛商学院院长的项目负责人尼廷?诺里亚 称,如果成功,实地教学法将与案例教学法并驾齐驱。

  Long before he became dean, Mr Nohria lamented the failure of business schools to fulfil theirmission of turning management into a profession similar to law or medicine. Asked what shouldbe expected from someone with an MBA, he replies that obviously, they should master a bodyof knowledge. But we should also expect them to apply that knowledge with some measure ofjudgment. MBA students have long been sent on summer internships with prospectiveemployers, but HBS, like most business schools, did little else to help them with the practicalapplication of management studies.


  What happens in the second year of the new course is still being worked out. But the first yearhas three elements. First, team-building exercises. Students take turns to lead a groupengaged in a project such as designing an eco-friendly sculpture. They learn to collaborateand to give and take feedback. These exercises are loosely based on ones used in the US army.


  Second, students will be sent to work for a week with one of more than 140 firms in 11countries. Already the new intake have had conference calls with these companies, rangingfrom the Brazilian soapmaker to a Chinese property firm, and gone off-campus to conductproduct-development dashes like the one in Copley Mall. This sort of structured learning-by-doing is a world away from HBSs traditional encouragement of students to go on anadventure outside of classes.

  第二,把学生派往 11 国家里逾 140 家公司之一工作一周。这些新生已经同这些公司举行了电话会议,走出学校,为产品开发在附近四处奔波,例如去科普利超市。此类有组织的做中学不同于哈佛商学院鼓励学生到教室外去冒险的传统做法。

  In the third novel part of the course, students will be given eight weeks, and seed money of$3,000 each, to launch a small company. The most successful, as voted by their fellowstudents, will get more funding. It remains to be seen if this amounts to much more than asouped-up business-plan competition, though Mr Nohria says he hopes some real businesseswill be created.

  此门课程的第三个创新之处是,给予学生八周时间以及每人 3,000 美元基金来创办一家小型公司。按照同学投票,最成功的公司将给予更丰厚的资金。仅管诺利亚称,他希望创造出一些真正的企业,但是,它是否不仅仅是一个花哨的商业计划比赛尚待观察。 开始创办微软,马克?扎克伯格 打造脸谱 时,哈佛商学院就已想到这个主意该多好或许哈佛商学院可能已经收到了这两家公司的股份。)

  It is unclear how much the one-week working assignments will achieve. Pankaj Ghemawat, amanagement guru, says the literature suggests that an immersion experience needs to be atleast 2-3 weeks and be backed up with time in the classroom. The HBS students classroompreparation will have to be pretty thorough, then, to make up for the brevity of their fieldtrips. Moreover, some of the HBS alumni who have agreed to offer work experience at theirfirms say they are unsure what meaningful work they can offer the students.

  一周的工作任务有多大成效还不得而知。管理大师潘卡基?格玛沃特称文献资料显示,浸入式体验至少需要 2-3 周的时间且需要课堂时间的配合。这样,哈佛商学院学生的课堂准备将必须非常充分,以弥补他们实地体验期的短暂。还有,已经同意提供工作经历的哈佛商学院校友们称,对提供给学生们何种有意义的工作他们并不确定。

  Privately, some faculty members are sceptical that all this change will be worthwhile. InJanuary, the vote in favour of trying the field method was as enthusiastic as you could getfrom a faculty, says Mr Nohria, wryly. He wisely ensured that ownership of the idea was widelyspread by delegating design of the new curriculum to several faculty committees. The votegave the go-ahead to run a delicate experiment for 3-5 years to see if we can move theneedle, he says, compared with the 13 years it took to develop the case method into more orless what it is today.

  私下里,某些教职员工对是否值得进行所有这些变革持怀疑态度。1 月份,你能从教职员工那里得到的顶多也就是支持实地教学法的投票而已,诺利亚嘲讽地说道。通过将设计新课程的权力下放到几个教职员工委员会,他明智地确保了更广泛的教职员工能参与到这项变革中来。教职工投票同意进行3-5 年的谨慎试验,看下能否产生显著影响,诺利亚称。而案例教学法整整用了13年才走到今天这一步。

  The experiment does not come cheap, adding 10-15% to the courses cost , which HBS will bear while it figures out what works. A lot is at stake. Forwhere Harvard leads, other universities may follow.



  Field of dreams


  Harvard Business School reinvents its MBA course

  哈佛商学院改良其工商管理硕士 课程

  YOUNG mums shopping in the Copley Mall in downtown Boston last month found themselvesbeing questioned about their use of soap by students from Harvard Business School. Thestudents were not doing odd jobs to earn beer money. They were preparing to help a firm inBrazil launch an antibacterial cleanser.

  上月,年轻的妈妈们在波士顿市区的科普利商场 购物时,发现有来自哈佛商学院的学生询问她们使用肥皂的情况。这些学生并不在打临时工赚取啤酒钱。他们在帮助一家巴西公司发布一款抗病菌洁面乳做准备工作。

  Fieldworkie, going out and talking to peopleis a big change for HBS. Its students used to sitin a classroom and discuss case studies written by professors. Now they may also work in adeveloping country and launch a start-up. Learning by doing will become the norm, if aradical overhaul of the MBA curriculum succeeds.

  实地工作走出教室,与人交谈是哈佛商学院的一项大变革。哈佛商学院的学生过去常常坐在教室里讨论教授们写的研究案例。现在,他们也可能在一个发展中国家工作,并且建立一家新兴企业。如果这项对 MBA课程的重大改革成功,那么,做中学将变为常规。

  The 900 students arriving in Boston this summer for their two-year course were told theywould be guinea pigs. The new practical addition to HBSs curriculum is known as FIELD . Not all the staff and students areoverjoyed to be experimented on. But the man responsible, Nitin Nohria, who became dean ofHBS in July 2010, says that if it works, the FIELD method could become an equal partner tothe case method.

  今年夏季哈佛商学院通知接受其两年制课程的 900 名新生:他们将是试验对象。哈佛商学院实际新增课程称为 FIELD 。并非所有的员工和学生都对成为这次实验的对象而感到欣喜若狂。但于2010 年 7 月就任哈佛商学院院长的项目负责人尼廷?诺里亚 称,如果成功,实地教学法将与案例教学法并驾齐驱。

  Long before he became dean, Mr Nohria lamented the failure of business schools to fulfil theirmission of turning management into a profession similar to law or medicine. Asked what shouldbe expected from someone with an MBA, he replies that obviously, they should master a bodyof knowledge. But we should also expect them to apply that knowledge with some measure ofjudgment. MBA students have long been sent on summer internships with prospectiveemployers, but HBS, like most business schools, did little else to help them with the practicalapplication of management studies.


  What happens in the second year of the new course is still being worked out. But the first yearhas three elements. First, team-building exercises. Students take turns to lead a groupengaged in a project such as designing an eco-friendly sculpture. They learn to collaborateand to give and take feedback. These exercises are loosely based on ones used in the US army.


  Second, students will be sent to work for a week with one of more than 140 firms in 11countries. Already the new intake have had conference calls with these companies, rangingfrom the Brazilian soapmaker to a Chinese property firm, and gone off-campus to conductproduct-development dashes like the one in Copley Mall. This sort of structured learning-by-doing is a world away from HBSs traditional encouragement of students to go on anadventure outside of classes.

  第二,把学生派往 11 国家里逾 140 家公司之一工作一周。这些新生已经同这些公司举行了电话会议,走出学校,为产品开发在附近四处奔波,例如去科普利超市。此类有组织的做中学不同于哈佛商学院鼓励学生到教室外去冒险的传统做法。

  In the third novel part of the course, students will be given eight weeks, and seed money of$3,000 each, to launch a small company. The most successful, as voted by their fellowstudents, will get more funding. It remains to be seen if this amounts to much more than asouped-up business-plan competition, though Mr Nohria says he hopes some real businesseswill be created.

  此门课程的第三个创新之处是,给予学生八周时间以及每人 3,000 美元基金来创办一家小型公司。按照同学投票,最成功的公司将给予更丰厚的资金。仅管诺利亚称,他希望创造出一些真正的企业,但是,它是否不仅仅是一个花哨的商业计划比赛尚待观察。 开始创办微软,马克?扎克伯格 打造脸谱 时,哈佛商学院就已想到这个主意该多好或许哈佛商学院可能已经收到了这两家公司的股份。)

  It is unclear how much the one-week working assignments will achieve. Pankaj Ghemawat, amanagement guru, says the literature suggests that an immersion experience needs to be atleast 2-3 weeks and be backed up with time in the classroom. The HBS students classroompreparation will have to be pretty thorough, then, to make up for the brevity of their fieldtrips. Moreover, some of the HBS alumni who have agreed to offer work experience at theirfirms say they are unsure what meaningful work they can offer the students.

  一周的工作任务有多大成效还不得而知。管理大师潘卡基?格玛沃特称文献资料显示,浸入式体验至少需要 2-3 周的时间且需要课堂时间的配合。这样,哈佛商学院学生的课堂准备将必须非常充分,以弥补他们实地体验期的短暂。还有,已经同意提供工作经历的哈佛商学院校友们称,对提供给学生们何种有意义的工作他们并不确定。

  Privately, some faculty members are sceptical that all this change will be worthwhile. InJanuary, the vote in favour of trying the field method was as enthusiastic as you could getfrom a faculty, says Mr Nohria, wryly. He wisely ensured that ownership of the idea was widelyspread by delegating design of the new curriculum to several faculty committees. The votegave the go-ahead to run a delicate experiment for 3-5 years to see if we can move theneedle, he says, compared with the 13 years it took to develop the case method into more orless what it is today.

  私下里,某些教职员工对是否值得进行所有这些变革持怀疑态度。1 月份,你能从教职员工那里得到的顶多也就是支持实地教学法的投票而已,诺利亚嘲讽地说道。通过将设计新课程的权力下放到几个教职员工委员会,他明智地确保了更广泛的教职员工能参与到这项变革中来。教职工投票同意进行3-5 年的谨慎试验,看下能否产生显著影响,诺利亚称。而案例教学法整整用了13年才走到今天这一步。

  The experiment does not come cheap, adding 10-15% to the courses cost , which HBS will bear while it figures out what works. A lot is at stake. Forwhere Harvard leads, other universities may follow.





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