Don t shoot the cucumber
A deadly outbreak in Hamburg causes ripples roundEurope
SEVENTEEN deaths, some 1,500 confirmed orsuspected cases and hundreds of millions of euros inlosses: the outbreak of E. coli infections in northernGermany is causing havoc across Europe. The culpritis an especially nasty strain of E. coli, which normallyresides harmlessly in the gut. Type O104:H4 can causebloody diarrhoea, convulsions and, most lethally,haemolytic-uraemic syndrome, which attacks thekidneys. Nearly all the dead are women. Nobody knowswhy.
German health authorities at first traced the infection to organic cucumbers from Spain andadvised people to avoid them, along with salad and raw tomatoes. Now it seems the cucumberswere innocent . But thevegetable warning still stands, and the economic and political damage is mounting.
Don t shoot the cucumber
A deadly outbreak in Hamburg causes ripples roundEurope
SEVENTEEN deaths, some 1,500 confirmed orsuspected cases and hundreds of millions of euros inlosses: the outbreak of E. coli infections in northernGermany is causing havoc across Europe. The culpritis an especially nasty strain of E. coli, which normallyresides harmlessly in the gut. Type O104:H4 can causebloody diarrhoea, convulsions and, most lethally,haemolytic-uraemic syndrome, which attacks thekidneys. Nearly all the dead are women. Nobody knowswhy.
German health authorities at first traced the infection to organic cucumbers from Spain andadvised people to avoid them, along with salad and raw tomatoes. Now it seems the cucumberswere innocent . But thevegetable warning still stands, and the economic and political damage is mounting.