新思想 new thought
中共中央建议将习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想(Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)写入宪法,这一议题将在两会期间得到关注。
新的国家领导集体 new state leadership
新的反腐模式 new anti-corruption model
我国此前已经在部分省市开展国家监察体制改革试点(pilot reform of supervisory systems)工作,今年两会期间或将决定正式设立国家监察委员会(national supervisory commission)。中共中央关于修改宪法部分内容的建议中提出,国家监察委员会领导地方各级监察委员会的工作,上级监察委员会领导下级监察委员会的工作。监察机关办理职务违法和职务犯罪案件,应当与审判机关、检察机关、执法部门互相配合,互相制约(the supervisory organs to coordinate with judicial organs, procuratorial organs and law enforcement departments, and check each other in handling duty-related offenses)。
新增长目标 new growth target
分析人士认为,今年设定的经济增长目标或将与去年的目标持平(the economic growth target this year will be somewhat on par with that of last year)。
扶贫 poverty alleviation
我国计划到2024年实现现行标准下农村贫困人口脱贫。过去5年,我国共有6853万人口脱贫(China has lifted 68.53 million people out of poverty),相当于每年有至少1300万人脱贫。
宪法的地位 role of the Constitution
党的十九大确立的主要理论成就、原则及政策(major theoretical achievements, principles, and policies adopted at the 19th CPC National Congress)都将在此次宪法修改中体现,既保持宪法连续性 、稳定性、权威性(consistency, stability and authority),又推动宪法与时俱进、完善发展。
改革开放40周年 40 years of reform and opening up
2024年是改革开放40周年。40年来,我国人民的生活越来越好。2024年,我国也将迈出新的历史步伐(make new historical strides)。
民生 people's livelihood
民生话题今年依旧是热点话题。一个更加强大的社保体系不但能改善民生,同时也能促进个人消费,减少我国经济增长对出口的依赖(a stronger social security system will not only improve the well-being of Chinese people, but also boost individual consumption and reduce the dependence of China's economic growth on exports)。
We must put the people’s interests above all else, see that the gains of reform and development benefit all our people in a fair way, and strive to achieve shared prosperity for everyone.
国防 national defense
我国正在进行国防和军队改革(national defense and military reform),两会期间,我国的国防预算和军队改革举措(defense budget and new reform measures concerning army building)将受到普遍关注。
人类命运共同体 a community with shared future for humanity
中国推动构建人类命运共同体以及全球治理体系的发展(China champions the development of a community with a shared future for humanity, and has encouraged the evolution of the global governance system)。中国提出的“一带一路”倡议将继续成为今年两会的一个热点话题。
新思想 new thought
中共中央建议将习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想(Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)写入宪法,这一议题将在两会期间得到关注。
新的国家领导集体 new state leadership
新的反腐模式 new anti-corruption model
我国此前已经在部分省市开展国家监察体制改革试点(pilot reform of supervisory systems)工作,今年两会期间或将决定正式设立国家监察委员会(national supervisory commission)。中共中央关于修改宪法部分内容的建议中提出,国家监察委员会领导地方各级监察委员会的工作,上级监察委员会领导下级监察委员会的工作。监察机关办理职务违法和职务犯罪案件,应当与审判机关、检察机关、执法部门互相配合,互相制约(the supervisory organs to coordinate with judicial organs, procuratorial organs and law enforcement departments, and check each other in handling duty-related offenses)。
新增长目标 new growth target
分析人士认为,今年设定的经济增长目标或将与去年的目标持平(the economic growth target this year will be somewhat on par with that of last year)。
扶贫 poverty alleviation
我国计划到2024年实现现行标准下农村贫困人口脱贫。过去5年,我国共有6853万人口脱贫(China has lifted 68.53 million people out of poverty),相当于每年有至少1300万人脱贫。
宪法的地位 role of the Constitution
党的十九大确立的主要理论成就、原则及政策(major theoretical achievements, principles, and policies adopted at the 19th CPC National Congress)都将在此次宪法修改中体现,既保持宪法连续性 、稳定性、权威性(consistency, stability and authority),又推动宪法与时俱进、完善发展。
改革开放40周年 40 years of reform and opening up
2024年是改革开放40周年。40年来,我国人民的生活越来越好。2024年,我国也将迈出新的历史步伐(make new historical strides)。
民生 people's livelihood
民生话题今年依旧是热点话题。一个更加强大的社保体系不但能改善民生,同时也能促进个人消费,减少我国经济增长对出口的依赖(a stronger social security system will not only improve the well-being of Chinese people, but also boost individual consumption and reduce the dependence of China's economic growth on exports)。
We must put the people’s interests above all else, see that the gains of reform and development benefit all our people in a fair way, and strive to achieve shared prosperity for everyone.
国防 national defense
我国正在进行国防和军队改革(national defense and military reform),两会期间,我国的国防预算和军队改革举措(defense budget and new reform measures concerning army building)将受到普遍关注。
人类命运共同体 a community with shared future for humanity
中国推动构建人类命运共同体以及全球治理体系的发展(China champions the development of a community with a shared future for humanity, and has encouraged the evolution of the global governance system)。中国提出的“一带一路”倡议将继续成为今年两会的一个热点话题。