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英语四级翻译考试真题分析练习:Exercises 22



  1. We _________________________________ the library only in the afternoon.

  2. ______________________the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.

  3. ________________________________, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht.

  4. The soldiers are very exhausted ______________________________________ in a blizzard.

  5. No one likes ___________________________________________ a poltroon.

  6. I dont want to ________________________________ this.

  7. He pronounced not clearly but dont _________________________ understanding.

  8. Guangdong might _________________________________ extra housing owners

  9. We are prepared to ____________________________ if negotiation failed.

  10. ______________________________ for lunch I am here all day.

  11. He doesnt seem to _____________________________ the coldness of their attitude towards his appeal.

  12. The great majority ____________________________ Golden Week holidays.

  13. Car drivers must _____________________ the rules of driving.

  14.__________________ the two companies, we see two different points of views.

  15. could you _____________________ my child?




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