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  考试成绩好的同学最大的成功经验就是多做练习题,对于大学英语四级词汇来说也是如此,词汇题往往不太好把握  1.The patient s health failed to such an extent that he was put into ____ care.  A)tenseB)rigidC)intensiveD)tight  2.The course normally attracts 20 students per year,____up to half will be from overseas.  A)in which B)for whom C)with which D)of whom  3. You are very selfish.It s high time you ____ that you are not the most important person in the world. Edward said to his boss angrily.  A)realized B)have realized C)realize D)should realize  4.My father seemed to be in no ____ to look at my school report.  A)mood B)emotion C)attitude D)feeling  5.The price of the beer ____ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the su mmer season.  A)alteredB)rangedC)separatedD)differed  6.William Penn,the founder of Pennsylvania,____defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.  A)peculiarly B)indifferently C)vigorously D)inevitably  7.I ve never been to Beijing,but it s the place____.  A)where I d like to visit B)in which I d like to visit  C)I most want to visit D)that I want to visit it most  8.In previous times,when fresh meat was in short ____,pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food.  A)store B)provision C)reserve D)supply  9.The words of his old teacher left a ____ impression on his mind.He is still influenced by them.  A)long B)lively C)lasting D)liberal  10.I d ____ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community,and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.  A)take into account B)account for  C)make up for D)make out  答案与解析:  1.C  这位病人的健康严重恶化,因此需要精心护理。本题测试形容词辨异。根据句意 intensive 修饰 care , 正确。其余几项的词义分别为:A.tense 绷紧的,紧张的 ;B.rigid 刚硬的,刻板的, 严厉的 ;D.tight 紧的,拉紧的,密封的,挤满的 。  2.D  这门课一般每年有20多个学生,其中将近一半来自国外。本题测试非限定性定语从句。句意指人,可先排除A,C两项。把该句分解成两个独立的句子:The course normally attracts 20 students per year. half of them will be from overseas.可以看出,half后应接介词of,故D正确。  3.A  你太自私了,你应该认识到你并不是这世界上最重要的人 。艾德华 生气地对老板说道。本题测试虚拟句型。该题为 It s a high time that... 结构,从句中的动 词使用过去时,故A项正确。类似结构还有 It s time that... 和 it s about time that... 等。  4.A  我父亲似乎没有心情看我的学校成绩报告单。本题测试固定词组。 be in the mood to do sth. 为固定词组,意为 有做 的心境 。A正确。  5.B  夏季每升啤酒的价格从50美分至4美元不等。本题测试动词辨异。四选项的意思分别为:A.更改,改变;B.在 范围内变化;C.分开,隔离;D.有区别;发生分歧。  6.C  William Penn,宾西法尼亚州的开创者,不知疲倦际保卫每个公民宗教信仰自由的权利。本题测试副词辨异。四项意思分别为:A.特有地;奇特地;B.漠然地;漠不关心地;C.精力充沛地;有活力地;D.不可避免地;必然地。  7.C  我从未到过北京,但那是我非常想去的地方。本题测试定语从句。因为visit是及物动词,所以A,B两项中的关系代词用错了 ,而D项中that和it重复了,也错。C项中的关系代词因为作宾语成分,故可省略。  8.D  先前,鲜肉供应不足时,许多人家养鸽为食。本题测试固定词组。 in short supply 构成固定短语,意为 不足的,缺乏 的 。  9.C  从前老师说的话给他留下了长久印象。至今还影响着他。本题测试形容词辨异。四选项的意思分别是:A.长久的;B.活泼的,快活的;C .持久的,耐久的;D.自由主义的;慷慨的。  10.A  我会把他在该地区其他农民和商人中的声誉考虑在内,然后决定是否同 意贷款。本题测试动词短语辨异。四选项的意思分别为:A.把 考虑在内;B.说明 发生的原因;C.弥补,补偿;D.说明;理解;辩认出。


  考试成绩好的同学最大的成功经验就是多做练习题,对于大学英语四级词汇来说也是如此,词汇题往往不太好把握  1.The patient s health failed to such an extent that he was put into ____ care.  A)tenseB)rigidC)intensiveD)tight  2.The course normally attracts 20 students per year,____up to half will be from overseas.  A)in which B)for whom C)with which D)of whom  3. You are very selfish.It s high time you ____ that you are not the most important person in the world. Edward said to his boss angrily.  A)realized B)have realized C)realize D)should realize  4.My father seemed to be in no ____ to look at my school report.  A)mood B)emotion C)attitude D)feeling  5.The price of the beer ____ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the su mmer season.  A)alteredB)rangedC)separatedD)differed  6.William Penn,the founder of Pennsylvania,____defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.  A)peculiarly B)indifferently C)vigorously D)inevitably  7.I ve never been to Beijing,but it s the place____.  A)where I d like to visit B)in which I d like to visit  C)I most want to visit D)that I want to visit it most  8.In previous times,when fresh meat was in short ____,pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food.  A)store B)provision C)reserve D)supply  9.The words of his old teacher left a ____ impression on his mind.He is still influenced by them.  A)long B)lively C)lasting D)liberal  10.I d ____ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community,and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.  A)take into account B)account for  C)make up for D)make out  答案与解析:  1.C  这位病人的健康严重恶化,因此需要精心护理。本题测试形容词辨异。根据句意 intensive 修饰 care , 正确。其余几项的词义分别为:A.tense 绷紧的,紧张的 ;B.rigid 刚硬的,刻板的, 严厉的 ;D.tight 紧的,拉紧的,密封的,挤满的 。  2.D  这门课一般每年有20多个学生,其中将近一半来自国外。本题测试非限定性定语从句。句意指人,可先排除A,C两项。把该句分解成两个独立的句子:The course normally attracts 20 students per year. half of them will be from overseas.可以看出,half后应接介词of,故D正确。  3.A  你太自私了,你应该认识到你并不是这世界上最重要的人 。艾德华 生气地对老板说道。本题测试虚拟句型。该题为 It s a high time that... 结构,从句中的动 词使用过去时,故A项正确。类似结构还有 It s time that... 和 it s about time that... 等。  4.A  我父亲似乎没有心情看我的学校成绩报告单。本题测试固定词组。 be in the mood to do sth. 为固定词组,意为 有做 的心境 。A正确。  5.B  夏季每升啤酒的价格从50美分至4美元不等。本题测试动词辨异。四选项的意思分别为:A.更改,改变;B.在 范围内变化;C.分开,隔离;D.有区别;发生分歧。  6.C  William Penn,宾西法尼亚州的开创者,不知疲倦际保卫每个公民宗教信仰自由的权利。本题测试副词辨异。四项意思分别为:A.特有地;奇特地;B.漠然地;漠不关心地;C.精力充沛地;有活力地;D.不可避免地;必然地。  7.C  我从未到过北京,但那是我非常想去的地方。本题测试定语从句。因为visit是及物动词,所以A,B两项中的关系代词用错了 ,而D项中that和it重复了,也错。C项中的关系代词因为作宾语成分,故可省略。  8.D  先前,鲜肉供应不足时,许多人家养鸽为食。本题测试固定词组。 in short supply 构成固定短语,意为 不足的,缺乏 的 。  9.C  从前老师说的话给他留下了长久印象。至今还影响着他。本题测试形容词辨异。四选项的意思分别是:A.长久的;B.活泼的,快活的;C .持久的,耐久的;D.自由主义的;慷慨的。  10.A  我会把他在该地区其他农民和商人中的声誉考虑在内,然后决定是否同 意贷款。本题测试动词短语辨异。四选项的意思分别为:A.把 考虑在内;B.说明 发生的原因;C.弥补,补偿;D.说明;理解;辩认出。




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