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  n. 习惯,风俗  Social customs vary in different parts of the world. 世界各地的社会风俗都不同。  n. 惯例;(复数)关税  the customs 海关  customs duties 关税  customer  n. 顾客,主顾  cycle  n. 自行车;循环,周期  the cycle of the seasons 四季循环  vi. 骑自行车;循环  dairy  n. 牛奶场,乳品店;乳制品  adj. 牛奶的,乳品的  dam  n. 堤坝,水闸  damage  vt. 损害,毁损  A lot of houses were damaged by the flood. 许多房子被洪水冲毁了。  n. 毁损;(复数)损坏赔偿金  do damage to 对 有损害  damp  adj. 潮湿的,微湿的  n. 潮湿,湿气  darling  n. 心爱的人  dash  n. 猛冲,飞奔  He made a dash for the goal. 他向终点冲去。  the hundred-meters dash 百米短跑  n. 破折号  vi. 猛冲,飞奔  vt. 猛掷,打碎  He dashed the plate to pieces.  data  n. 数据,资料  dawn  n. 黎明  vi. 破晓  The day dawned. 天亮了。  daylight  n. 白昼,日光;黎明  dawn  deaf  adj. 聋的,装聋的,不愿听的  turn a deaf ear to 对 置若罔闻  He turned a deaf ear to our requests for help. 他对我们的援助请求置之不理。  debate  n. 辩论,讨论  discussion  debate sth. with sb. 与某人辩论某事  debate about sth. 讨论/辩论某事  debt  n. 债务,欠债  in debt 负债,欠债  out of debt 还清债务  decade  n. 十年,十年期  decay  vi. 腐烂,腐朽;衰败,衰落  n. 腐烂,腐朽;衰败,衰落  fall into decay 衰落,衰败  in decay 腐朽  deceive  v. 欺骗,蒙骗  deceive sb. Into doing sth. 骗某人做某事  be deceived in sb. 看错某人  deck  n. 甲板;桥面,层面  decorate  vt. 装饰,装潢  She decorated the room with flowers. 她用花装饰房间。


  n. 习惯,风俗  Social customs vary in different parts of the world. 世界各地的社会风俗都不同。  n. 惯例;(复数)关税  the customs 海关  customs duties 关税  customer  n. 顾客,主顾  cycle  n. 自行车;循环,周期  the cycle of the seasons 四季循环  vi. 骑自行车;循环  dairy  n. 牛奶场,乳品店;乳制品  adj. 牛奶的,乳品的  dam  n. 堤坝,水闸  damage  vt. 损害,毁损  A lot of houses were damaged by the flood. 许多房子被洪水冲毁了。  n. 毁损;(复数)损坏赔偿金  do damage to 对 有损害  damp  adj. 潮湿的,微湿的  n. 潮湿,湿气  darling  n. 心爱的人  dash  n. 猛冲,飞奔  He made a dash for the goal. 他向终点冲去。  the hundred-meters dash 百米短跑  n. 破折号  vi. 猛冲,飞奔  vt. 猛掷,打碎  He dashed the plate to pieces.  data  n. 数据,资料  dawn  n. 黎明  vi. 破晓  The day dawned. 天亮了。  daylight  n. 白昼,日光;黎明  dawn  deaf  adj. 聋的,装聋的,不愿听的  turn a deaf ear to 对 置若罔闻  He turned a deaf ear to our requests for help. 他对我们的援助请求置之不理。  debate  n. 辩论,讨论  discussion  debate sth. with sb. 与某人辩论某事  debate about sth. 讨论/辩论某事  debt  n. 债务,欠债  in debt 负债,欠债  out of debt 还清债务  decade  n. 十年,十年期  decay  vi. 腐烂,腐朽;衰败,衰落  n. 腐烂,腐朽;衰败,衰落  fall into decay 衰落,衰败  in decay 腐朽  deceive  v. 欺骗,蒙骗  deceive sb. Into doing sth. 骗某人做某事  be deceived in sb. 看错某人  deck  n. 甲板;桥面,层面  decorate  vt. 装饰,装潢  She decorated the room with flowers. 她用花装饰房间。




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