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  Destiny n.命运;定数,天命

  Do you believe marriage is the result of destiny?你认为婚姻是命中注定的吗?

  Destiny brought us together.命运把我们连在一起.

  Distort vt.歪曲,曲解;扭曲,使变形 vi.变形

  Metal distorts under stress.金属在压力作用下变形.

  Stop distorting what I said.不要曲解我的话.

  Empirical a.以经验为依据的,经验主义的,经验的

  Many empirical results supported the hypothesis.很多经验性结论都可证明假设成立.

  expedition n. 旅行,出行,远征;远征队探险队,考察队,迅速

  The Eight-Power Allied Expedition captured Beijing and set fire on the Imperial Garden Yuanmingyuan.八国联军攻占了北京,把圆明园付之一炬.

  Flap n.片状垂悬物;飘动摆动振动;激动,

  The bird flapped its wings and flew away.鸟振翅飞去.

  The sails were flapping gently in the wind.船帆随风摆去.

  Everything was going on smoothly;there was no flap.一切都很顺利,没有慌乱现象.

  Hamper v.妨碍,束缚,限制

  Many modernists think that rhyme and metre hamper the poets free expression.很多现代派诗人认为韵律妨碍了诗人的自由发挥.

  hypothesis n.假设,假说,前提

  This is only a sort of scientific hypothesis which has not been proved by experiments.这仅仅是一个尚未被实验证明的科学假说.

  Indefinite a.无限期的;不确定的,含糊的

  He gave me an indefinite answer.他含糊其词地回答了我.

  installment n.分期付款,分期交付; 的部分

  Many white-collar workers buy houses in installments.许多白领人士用分期付款的方式买房子.

  intuition n.直觉

  Intuition is the act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes.直觉即是能知道或感觉的行为或能力未经理性的论证过程

  Linear a.线的,直线的,线状的;长度的;线性的

  The pupil made great efforts to work out the linear equation.那个小学生费了九牛二虎之力去解决这个一次方程式.

  Miniature n.缩小的模型,缩影;微型画;微型人物像 a.微小的,缩小的

  Games are real life in miniature.游戏比赛是现实生活的缩影.

  Obedient a.服从的,顺从的

  Do all parents like obedient and well- behaved children?所有父母都喜欢顺从和 循规蹈矩的孩子吗?


  Destiny n.命运;定数,天命

  Do you believe marriage is the result of destiny?你认为婚姻是命中注定的吗?

  Destiny brought us together.命运把我们连在一起.

  Distort vt.歪曲,曲解;扭曲,使变形 vi.变形

  Metal distorts under stress.金属在压力作用下变形.

  Stop distorting what I said.不要曲解我的话.

  Empirical a.以经验为依据的,经验主义的,经验的

  Many empirical results supported the hypothesis.很多经验性结论都可证明假设成立.

  expedition n. 旅行,出行,远征;远征队探险队,考察队,迅速

  The Eight-Power Allied Expedition captured Beijing and set fire on the Imperial Garden Yuanmingyuan.八国联军攻占了北京,把圆明园付之一炬.

  Flap n.片状垂悬物;飘动摆动振动;激动,

  The bird flapped its wings and flew away.鸟振翅飞去.

  The sails were flapping gently in the wind.船帆随风摆去.

  Everything was going on smoothly;there was no flap.一切都很顺利,没有慌乱现象.

  Hamper v.妨碍,束缚,限制

  Many modernists think that rhyme and metre hamper the poets free expression.很多现代派诗人认为韵律妨碍了诗人的自由发挥.

  hypothesis n.假设,假说,前提

  This is only a sort of scientific hypothesis which has not been proved by experiments.这仅仅是一个尚未被实验证明的科学假说.

  Indefinite a.无限期的;不确定的,含糊的

  He gave me an indefinite answer.他含糊其词地回答了我.

  installment n.分期付款,分期交付; 的部分

  Many white-collar workers buy houses in installments.许多白领人士用分期付款的方式买房子.

  intuition n.直觉

  Intuition is the act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes.直觉即是能知道或感觉的行为或能力未经理性的论证过程

  Linear a.线的,直线的,线状的;长度的;线性的

  The pupil made great efforts to work out the linear equation.那个小学生费了九牛二虎之力去解决这个一次方程式.

  Miniature n.缩小的模型,缩影;微型画;微型人物像 a.微小的,缩小的

  Games are real life in miniature.游戏比赛是现实生活的缩影.

  Obedient a.服从的,顺从的

  Do all parents like obedient and well- behaved children?所有父母都喜欢顺从和 循规蹈矩的孩子吗?




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