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  rot v.腐烂,腐败 n.腐烂,腐败

  The ripe fruit began to rot when no one came to pick it.没有人来摘这些成熟的水果,它们已经开始烂了.

  rotary a.旋转的,转动的

  Some large stores have rotary doors.有些大商场的大门是旋转的.

  rupture n.破裂,裂开;断绝v.使破裂

  Iran ruptured its diplomatic relations with Iraq.朗断绝了与伊拉克的外交关系.

  streamline vt.使成流线型;使简化并更有效率

  Now cars are streamlined for speed and beauty.为了提高速度、增强美观,现在小轿车均采用流线型设计.

  stumble vi.绊倒,蹒跚;结巴地说话

  I stumbled over a stone and fell.我在石头上绊了一下,跌倒了.

  sue vi.控告,向 请求,请愿 vt.控告,起诉

  The Palestinians sued for peace.巴勒斯坦人祈求和平.

  suffice vt./vi.足够,有能力

  One glass of beer should suffice me.一杯啤酒就够我喝了.

  No words will suffice to convey my grief.没有言语能够表达我的悲伤.

  tumble n.跌倒;摔倒 vi.跌倒,滚翻; 暴跌

  Owning to the Asian financial crisis the stock prices tumbled in the world.由于亚洲金融危机全球股价暴跌.

  When a baby is just learning to walk,he will often tumble over.幼儿刚学走路时 会经常跌倒.

  Turnover n.营业额,销售量;人员调整;人员更新.

  The textile export turnover has been increased 67% this year in China.中国的纺织品出口额今年增长了67%.

  vocal a.喜欢畅所欲言的,直言不讳的;嗓音的,发声的

  A crickets chirps are not vocal;they are made by rubbing the legs.蟋蟀的鸣声不是从嗓子发出的,而是通过摩擦双腿发出来的.

  We were very vocal about our rights.我们直言不讳地表达了我们应有的权利.


  rot v.腐烂,腐败 n.腐烂,腐败

  The ripe fruit began to rot when no one came to pick it.没有人来摘这些成熟的水果,它们已经开始烂了.

  rotary a.旋转的,转动的

  Some large stores have rotary doors.有些大商场的大门是旋转的.

  rupture n.破裂,裂开;断绝v.使破裂

  Iran ruptured its diplomatic relations with Iraq.朗断绝了与伊拉克的外交关系.

  streamline vt.使成流线型;使简化并更有效率

  Now cars are streamlined for speed and beauty.为了提高速度、增强美观,现在小轿车均采用流线型设计.

  stumble vi.绊倒,蹒跚;结巴地说话

  I stumbled over a stone and fell.我在石头上绊了一下,跌倒了.

  sue vi.控告,向 请求,请愿 vt.控告,起诉

  The Palestinians sued for peace.巴勒斯坦人祈求和平.

  suffice vt./vi.足够,有能力

  One glass of beer should suffice me.一杯啤酒就够我喝了.

  No words will suffice to convey my grief.没有言语能够表达我的悲伤.

  tumble n.跌倒;摔倒 vi.跌倒,滚翻; 暴跌

  Owning to the Asian financial crisis the stock prices tumbled in the world.由于亚洲金融危机全球股价暴跌.

  When a baby is just learning to walk,he will often tumble over.幼儿刚学走路时 会经常跌倒.

  Turnover n.营业额,销售量;人员调整;人员更新.

  The textile export turnover has been increased 67% this year in China.中国的纺织品出口额今年增长了67%.

  vocal a.喜欢畅所欲言的,直言不讳的;嗓音的,发声的

  A crickets chirps are not vocal;they are made by rubbing the legs.蟋蟀的鸣声不是从嗓子发出的,而是通过摩擦双腿发出来的.

  We were very vocal about our rights.我们直言不讳地表达了我们应有的权利.




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