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  I am very sorry to tell you that I have to decline your job offer. To be honest, it would be a very good chance for me to work in your company. However, the current situation doesnt allow me to do this.   This has been a difficult decision for me, but I have to do this. On on hand, I have accepted anoter job offer before you informed me your decision, which is more in line with my skills and career goals. On the other hand, two hours commute to your building is really a burden on me. On account of all these, you can understand why I could not accept your offer.   I hope this does not cause you too much inconvenience. Anyway, I do appreciate your kindness to discuss the details of the position with me and give me time to consider your offer. Meanwhile, I widh that your company would find a more suitable talent as soon as possible.   Sincerely yours   Jane   4)求职信结构公式   右上角:日期   左上角:称呼   正文:第一段:交代写信目的,申请某职位,说明获得招聘信息的来源,表达申请职位的愿望。   第二段:介绍自己的学习经历、能力和特长,证明自己能够胜任工作。   第三段:感谢对方抽出时间和经历,随信附有自己的简历,并愿意提供进一步的信息,希望等到面试的机会。   右下脚:署名


  I am very sorry to tell you that I have to decline your job offer. To be honest, it would be a very good chance for me to work in your company. However, the current situation doesnt allow me to do this.   This has been a difficult decision for me, but I have to do this. On on hand, I have accepted anoter job offer before you informed me your decision, which is more in line with my skills and career goals. On the other hand, two hours commute to your building is really a burden on me. On account of all these, you can understand why I could not accept your offer.   I hope this does not cause you too much inconvenience. Anyway, I do appreciate your kindness to discuss the details of the position with me and give me time to consider your offer. Meanwhile, I widh that your company would find a more suitable talent as soon as possible.   Sincerely yours   Jane   4)求职信结构公式   右上角:日期   左上角:称呼   正文:第一段:交代写信目的,申请某职位,说明获得招聘信息的来源,表达申请职位的愿望。   第二段:介绍自己的学习经历、能力和特长,证明自己能够胜任工作。   第三段:感谢对方抽出时间和经历,随信附有自己的简历,并愿意提供进一步的信息,希望等到面试的机会。   右下脚:署名




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