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  小凹馍 Steamed concave buns made of maize flour and Chinese chives

  莜面凉皮 Cold oat noodles

  枣花馍 Steamed jujube flower bun

  天门蒸菜 Tian-men steamed dishes

  红烧肉 Braised pork in brown sauce

  泡菜鱼 Stewed fish in pickles

  各种泡菜 all kinds of pickles

  西瓜酱 Watermelon jam

  虾子焖茭白 Shrimp roe stewed with cane shoots

  蒲菜涨蛋 Cattail omelette

  蒲菜水饺 Cattail dumplings

  奶汤蒲菜 Stewed cattail in milky soup

  蒲笋干烧肉 Braised pork with dried cattail

  陈皮红豆沙 Orange flavored red bean paste

  红豆姜撞奶 Ginger milk with red bean

  莲子龟苓膏 Lotus seed tortoise jelly

  木瓜雪耳羹 White fungus broth with papaya

  鹌鹑蛋白果糖水 Quail egg white sweet soup

  黄糖糍粑 Glutinous rice cake with brown sugar

  猪脚姜 Stewed pigs feet with ginger

  冬瓜荷叶煲老鸭 Boiled old duck with winter melon and lotus leaf




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