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  21. abundant 大量的、充足的 ample、plentiful

  22. near 附近、临近的 adjacent、adjoin

  23. accurate 准确的、精确的 precise、 exact)

  24. big 巨大的、大的 massive、 colossal、 tremendous

  25. ugly 骇人的、丑陋的 hideous 祖先 Ancestor、Predecessor

  26. Forefather

  27. Difference 不同 Gap[简单但是牛]、Distinction

  28. Crime 犯罪 Delinquency、Criminal Act

  29. Environment 环境 Circumstance、Atmosphere、Surrounding、Ambience

  30. Pollution

  31. Human 污染 Contamination 人类 The human race、Humanity、Humankind

  32. Danger 危险 Peril、Hazard

  33. In modern society 在当今社会 In contemporary society、In present-day society、In this day and age

  34. top 顶峰 peak、summit

  35. vague=obscureunknown or known by only a few people

  36. competitor=rival、opponent

  38. opinon=perspective、standpoint

  39. fame=prestige、reputation

  40. insult=humiliate




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