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  can / may / should / ought to / must / need等动词称为情态动词。情态动词有三大特征:一是无人称和数的变化,二是后面跟的动词不带to,三是后面 + not构成否定式,比较:

  He neednt go there so early. (他不需要去那么早。- 情态动词)

  You do not need to be an expert to make this simple design. (这么简单的设计不一定非要专家来做。- 动作动词)




  He must be a doctor. (他准是个医生。)

  否定:He cant be a doctor. (他不会是个医生。- 注意:一般不用must be )

  又如:They cant be working now.(现在他们不可能在工作。)

  May I go now?

  回答:Yes, please. / Please dont. (或:No, you mustnt)

  have to 与 must

  1) 当强调外界原因时,2) 当与将来时结合时,用have to,


  Since it is raining, we have to sty indoors.

  You will have to hurry if you want to catch the 9:30 train. (你要是赶9:30的火车,得赶紧。)

  3) 表示自然规律或必然结果,用must,


  All men must die. ( 人固有一死。)

  can 与be able to

  can表示能力,但不一定做了或做成了;be able to 表示有能力并且做成了,相当于succeed in doing, 例如:

  The patient is able to walk now. (说明病人原来是丧失了走的能力的,现在自己能走了)

  The patient can walk now. (可能的情况是,病人是能走的,但医生不让他走,如急性心梗后医生不让病人走动。)

  Shall I / we(第一人称)? 表示征求对方意见;(第二、三人称) + shall表示允诺或警告,例如:

  Shall I fetch a doctor for you? (要我为你请个医生来吗?)

  You shall be sorry for what you have done. (你会为你所做的事后悔的。)

  Will you.? 表示请求, 例如:

  Don be late for the meeting next time, will you? (下次开会别迟到了,好吗?)

  比较:I would remind you that smoking is forbidden here. (表示婉转的建议或请求:我想提醒你,这里不能抽烟。)

  neednt 的肯定式为must,例如:

  You neednt see him, but I must. (你不必去看他,但我得去。)

  cannot but + 原形动词 (意思相当于have to), 例如:

  I cannot but tell you the truth. (我不得不给你说实话。)


  情态动词的一般式用于表达现在或将来的情况,而情态动词的完成式则用来表达已经发生的事情,例如:你不应该来得那么晚。这是对已经发生的事情(你来晚了)表示自己的看法:You shouldnt have come so late.


  can / may / should / ought to / must / need等动词称为情态动词。情态动词有三大特征:一是无人称和数的变化,二是后面跟的动词不带to,三是后面 + not构成否定式,比较:

  He neednt go there so early. (他不需要去那么早。- 情态动词)

  You do not need to be an expert to make this simple design. (这么简单的设计不一定非要专家来做。- 动作动词)




  He must be a doctor. (他准是个医生。)

  否定:He cant be a doctor. (他不会是个医生。- 注意:一般不用must be )

  又如:They cant be working now.(现在他们不可能在工作。)

  May I go now?

  回答:Yes, please. / Please dont. (或:No, you mustnt)

  have to 与 must

  1) 当强调外界原因时,2) 当与将来时结合时,用have to,


  Since it is raining, we have to sty indoors.

  You will have to hurry if you want to catch the 9:30 train. (你要是赶9:30的火车,得赶紧。)

  3) 表示自然规律或必然结果,用must,


  All men must die. ( 人固有一死。)

  can 与be able to

  can表示能力,但不一定做了或做成了;be able to 表示有能力并且做成了,相当于succeed in doing, 例如:

  The patient is able to walk now. (说明病人原来是丧失了走的能力的,现在自己能走了)

  The patient can walk now. (可能的情况是,病人是能走的,但医生不让他走,如急性心梗后医生不让病人走动。)

  Shall I / we(第一人称)? 表示征求对方意见;(第二、三人称) + shall表示允诺或警告,例如:

  Shall I fetch a doctor for you? (要我为你请个医生来吗?)

  You shall be sorry for what you have done. (你会为你所做的事后悔的。)

  Will you.? 表示请求, 例如:

  Don be late for the meeting next time, will you? (下次开会别迟到了,好吗?)

  比较:I would remind you that smoking is forbidden here. (表示婉转的建议或请求:我想提醒你,这里不能抽烟。)

  neednt 的肯定式为must,例如:

  You neednt see him, but I must. (你不必去看他,但我得去。)

  cannot but + 原形动词 (意思相当于have to), 例如:

  I cannot but tell you the truth. (我不得不给你说实话。)


  情态动词的一般式用于表达现在或将来的情况,而情态动词的完成式则用来表达已经发生的事情,例如:你不应该来得那么晚。这是对已经发生的事情(你来晚了)表示自己的看法:You shouldnt have come so late.




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