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  因为牵扯到换题,请大家注意看我的预测使用说明:   预测不能像往常的月份一样保持95%以上的准确率。因此,预测将被分为安全话题和高危话题。   1. 安全话题:继续考察的概率很高,考察率95%以上,大家可以优先复习。有标记。   2. 高危话题:换掉的概率很高,考察率15%左右。大家可以暂缓,时间十分充裕的情况下再复习。无标记。   3. 另外,新题汇总我会第一时间补充在本版预测里,大家可以随时查阅。大家加了个油!!   Part 1:   必考话题:无变化,必须复习。   1. Your Work or Your Studies   2. Your Hometown   3. Your Home   安全话题:继续考察的概率很高,考察率95%以上,大家可以优先复习。有标记。   4. Cars   5. Noise   6. Museums and Art Galleries   7. Street Markets   8. Maps   9. Gifts   10. Neighbours   11. Parks   12. Food   13. Toys   14. Photography   高危话题:被换掉的概率很高,考察率15%左右。大家可以暂缓,时间十分充裕的情况下再复习。无标记。   15. Rain   16. Train Travel   17. Computers   18. Punctuality   19. Animals   20. Music   21. Television   22. Languages   23. Clothes   24. Cooking   25. Leisure Time   26. Weather and Climate   27. Concentration   28. Shopping   29. Dictionaries   Part 2:   人物:   安全话题:   Some Useful Advice that You Received   Something You Did to Help   高危话题:   A Time When Someone Helped You   An Occasion When Someone Taught You a Useful Skill   A Friend Not Seen for a Long Time   A Positive Change in Your Life   An Old Person   An Intelligent Person   地点:   安全话题:   A Move to a New School or Home   A Home You Would Like to Live In   A Place Away from Home   高危话题:   A Plan   A City You Have Visited   A Foreign Country You Would Like to Visit   An Interesting Conversation   A Park or Garden   A Place Near Water   A Tourist Attraction You Visited   A Restaurant   A Building   A Seaside Place You Would Like to Visit   A House or Apartment   媒体:   安全话题:   A Magazine   A Famous Foreign Person   高危话题:   A Television Program You Like   An Advertisement   A Foreign Film You Enjoyed   A Person who has an Interesting Job   A Person You Like to Spend Time With   A Successful Person   A Famous Person   A Comic Actor   A Film You Didnt Like

  工作事件:   安全话题:   An Indoor Game You Played in Your Childhood   A Foreign Language You Would Like to Learn   高危话题:   A Family Business   A Competition   A Busy Time   Something You Forgot   Something that Helped You Learn a Foreign Language   家庭事件:   安全话题:   A Photograph of You   A Family Celebration You Attended   A Flower that You Like   高危话题:   A Special Meal   An Important Letter   Clothes for Special Occasions   物品:   安全话题:   Another Culture   A Gift that You Gave   Something You Shared   Something You Cannot Live Without   Your First Cell-phone   Something You Bought but Dont Often Use   A Good Law   A Product from Your Country   高危话题:   A Work of Art   A Decision   Something You Saved For   A Useful Website   A Gift You Received in Your Childhood   Something Special from a Holiday   An Old Thing in Your Family   学术科目:   安全话题:   A School You Attended   A Disliked High School Subject   高危话题:   A Group   A Class / Course You Studied   户外活动:   安全话题:   An Interesting Animal   高危话题:   A Sports Event   Your Favourite Season or Time of the Year


  因为牵扯到换题,请大家注意看我的预测使用说明:   预测不能像往常的月份一样保持95%以上的准确率。因此,预测将被分为安全话题和高危话题。   1. 安全话题:继续考察的概率很高,考察率95%以上,大家可以优先复习。有标记。   2. 高危话题:换掉的概率很高,考察率15%左右。大家可以暂缓,时间十分充裕的情况下再复习。无标记。   3. 另外,新题汇总我会第一时间补充在本版预测里,大家可以随时查阅。大家加了个油!!   Part 1:   必考话题:无变化,必须复习。   1. Your Work or Your Studies   2. Your Hometown   3. Your Home   安全话题:继续考察的概率很高,考察率95%以上,大家可以优先复习。有标记。   4. Cars   5. Noise   6. Museums and Art Galleries   7. Street Markets   8. Maps   9. Gifts   10. Neighbours   11. Parks   12. Food   13. Toys   14. Photography   高危话题:被换掉的概率很高,考察率15%左右。大家可以暂缓,时间十分充裕的情况下再复习。无标记。   15. Rain   16. Train Travel   17. Computers   18. Punctuality   19. Animals   20. Music   21. Television   22. Languages   23. Clothes   24. Cooking   25. Leisure Time   26. Weather and Climate   27. Concentration   28. Shopping   29. Dictionaries   Part 2:   人物:   安全话题:   Some Useful Advice that You Received   Something You Did to Help   高危话题:   A Time When Someone Helped You   An Occasion When Someone Taught You a Useful Skill   A Friend Not Seen for a Long Time   A Positive Change in Your Life   An Old Person   An Intelligent Person   地点:   安全话题:   A Move to a New School or Home   A Home You Would Like to Live In   A Place Away from Home   高危话题:   A Plan   A City You Have Visited   A Foreign Country You Would Like to Visit   An Interesting Conversation   A Park or Garden   A Place Near Water   A Tourist Attraction You Visited   A Restaurant   A Building   A Seaside Place You Would Like to Visit   A House or Apartment   媒体:   安全话题:   A Magazine   A Famous Foreign Person   高危话题:   A Television Program You Like   An Advertisement   A Foreign Film You Enjoyed   A Person who has an Interesting Job   A Person You Like to Spend Time With   A Successful Person   A Famous Person   A Comic Actor   A Film You Didnt Like

  工作事件:   安全话题:   An Indoor Game You Played in Your Childhood   A Foreign Language You Would Like to Learn   高危话题:   A Family Business   A Competition   A Busy Time   Something You Forgot   Something that Helped You Learn a Foreign Language   家庭事件:   安全话题:   A Photograph of You   A Family Celebration You Attended   A Flower that You Like   高危话题:   A Special Meal   An Important Letter   Clothes for Special Occasions   物品:   安全话题:   Another Culture   A Gift that You Gave   Something You Shared   Something You Cannot Live Without   Your First Cell-phone   Something You Bought but Dont Often Use   A Good Law   A Product from Your Country   高危话题:   A Work of Art   A Decision   Something You Saved For   A Useful Website   A Gift You Received in Your Childhood   Something Special from a Holiday   An Old Thing in Your Family   学术科目:   安全话题:   A School You Attended   A Disliked High School Subject   高危话题:   A Group   A Class / Course You Studied   户外活动:   安全话题:   An Interesting Animal   高危话题:   A Sports Event   Your Favourite Season or Time of the Year




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