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Turkey has warned Russia it will hold Moscow responsible for terror attacks on its own soil in the wake of a deadly car bombing in Ankara and mounting international tensions over the war in Syria.


Ahmet Davutoglu, prime minister, said that Wednesday’s suicide attack had been carried out by Salih Necar, a member of the YPG, a Syrian Kurdish militia that the Turkish government denounces as a terrorist group. The attack killed 28 people in the capital’s security district when explosives packed into a car detonated at traffic lights on a busy boulevard.

土耳其总理阿赫迈特达乌特奥卢(Ahmet Davutoglu)表示,周三发生的自杀式袭击是由叙利亚库尔德民兵组织“人民保卫军”(YPG)成员萨利赫蔠慑尔(Salih Necar)发动的。土耳其政府指责YPG是一个恐怖组织。这起袭击发生在土首都安卡拉一个安保严密的地区,当时一辆装有爆炸物的汽车在一个繁忙街道的红绿灯处被引爆,导致28人丧生。

But Mr Davutoglu focused some of his toughest comments on Moscow.


“I am warning Russia once more,” he said in a televised statement, saying that Moscow’s condemnation of the attack was insufficient. “If these terror attacks continue, they will be as responsible as the YPG.”


Russia denies any connection with terrorist activities.


Mr Davutoglu also asked Turkey’s international allies, especially the US, to treat the YPG, whose full name is the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units, as a terrorist organisation rather than a partner in the Syrian war.


But, to date, Ankara’s push for other countries to end their support for the Kurdish militia has registered little success.


The YPG is backed by the US and other western countries as the most effective Syrian fighting force against Isis. It is also tacitly backed by Russia, whose strikes against mainstream rebels in northern Syria have recently allowed the Kurdish militia to advance.


Turkey has warned Russia it will hold Moscow responsible for terror attacks on its own soil in the wake of a deadly car bombing in Ankara and mounting international tensions over the war in Syria.


Ahmet Davutoglu, prime minister, said that Wednesday’s suicide attack had been carried out by Salih Necar, a member of the YPG, a Syrian Kurdish militia that the Turkish government denounces as a terrorist group. The attack killed 28 people in the capital’s security district when explosives packed into a car detonated at traffic lights on a busy boulevard.

土耳其总理阿赫迈特达乌特奥卢(Ahmet Davutoglu)表示,周三发生的自杀式袭击是由叙利亚库尔德民兵组织“人民保卫军”(YPG)成员萨利赫蔠慑尔(Salih Necar)发动的。土耳其政府指责YPG是一个恐怖组织。这起袭击发生在土首都安卡拉一个安保严密的地区,当时一辆装有爆炸物的汽车在一个繁忙街道的红绿灯处被引爆,导致28人丧生。

But Mr Davutoglu focused some of his toughest comments on Moscow.


“I am warning Russia once more,” he said in a televised statement, saying that Moscow’s condemnation of the attack was insufficient. “If these terror attacks continue, they will be as responsible as the YPG.”


Russia denies any connection with terrorist activities.


Mr Davutoglu also asked Turkey’s international allies, especially the US, to treat the YPG, whose full name is the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units, as a terrorist organisation rather than a partner in the Syrian war.


But, to date, Ankara’s push for other countries to end their support for the Kurdish militia has registered little success.


The YPG is backed by the US and other western countries as the most effective Syrian fighting force against Isis. It is also tacitly backed by Russia, whose strikes against mainstream rebels in northern Syria have recently allowed the Kurdish militia to advance.




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