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Jeb Bush has abandoned his White House bid after a dismal performance in the South Carolina Republican primary on a night that saw Donald Trump, the New York property magnate, score a big win in the Palmetto State.

杰布布什(Jeb Bush)在南卡罗来纳州共和党初选中表现惨淡,随后他宣布退出总统竞选。同一晚纽约地产大亨唐纳德礠朗普(Donald Trump)在这个别名矮棕榈州的南部州取得了重大胜利。

Mr Bush ended his campaign after achieving just 7.8 per cent of the vote in a state that the former Florida governor once hoped to win. In a concession speech, he said he was “proud” of his campaign, but that the voters had spoken. “The people of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina have spoken,” Mr Bush said. “I respect their decision.”


Mr Trump won a convincing near-33 per cent of the vote in the southern state. Marco Rubio, the Florida senator, emerged in second place with 22.5 per cent, just ahead of Ted Cruz, the conservative senator from Texas, with 22.3 per cent. John Kasich, the Ohio governor, came just behind Mr Bush, with 7.6 per cent. Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon, received 7.2 per cent of the vote.

特朗普在这个南部州赢得了令人折服的近33%的选票。佛罗里达州参议员马可脠比奥(Marco Rubio)以22.5%的选票居于第二,刚好领先于获得22.3%选票的德克萨斯州保守派参议员特德克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)。俄亥俄州州长约翰愠罓奇(John Kasich)正好处于杰布布什之后,获得了7.6%的选票。退休神经外科医生本愠森(Ben Carson)获得了7.2%的选票。

After fierce contests in Iowa and New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton is riding new momentum off the back of the Nevada caucus, a victory that her supporters hope will steady her campaign after a turbulent six weeks.

在爱荷华州和新罕布什尔州的激烈角逐后,希拉里克林顿(Hillary Clinton)在内华达州党团会议中再下一城,她的支持者希望在经历了6周的波折之后,这场胜利能为她的竞选保驾护航。

Mrs Clinton took 52.7 per cent of the Nevada vote against 47.2 per cent for her opponent Bernie Sanders, a better than expected finish for the candidate whose campaign staff had predicted a closer race.

希拉里在这场党团会议中赢得了52.7%的选票,而她的对手伯尼儠德斯(Bernie Sanders)获得了47.2%的选票。这个结果好于希拉里的竞选工作人员的预期,他们曾预测两人的选票会更为接近。

Jeb Bush has abandoned his White House bid after a dismal performance in the South Carolina Republican primary on a night that saw Donald Trump, the New York property magnate, score a big win in the Palmetto State.

杰布布什(Jeb Bush)在南卡罗来纳州共和党初选中表现惨淡,随后他宣布退出总统竞选。同一晚纽约地产大亨唐纳德礠朗普(Donald Trump)在这个别名矮棕榈州的南部州取得了重大胜利。

Mr Bush ended his campaign after achieving just 7.8 per cent of the vote in a state that the former Florida governor once hoped to win. In a concession speech, he said he was “proud” of his campaign, but that the voters had spoken. “The people of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina have spoken,” Mr Bush said. “I respect their decision.”


Mr Trump won a convincing near-33 per cent of the vote in the southern state. Marco Rubio, the Florida senator, emerged in second place with 22.5 per cent, just ahead of Ted Cruz, the conservative senator from Texas, with 22.3 per cent. John Kasich, the Ohio governor, came just behind Mr Bush, with 7.6 per cent. Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon, received 7.2 per cent of the vote.

特朗普在这个南部州赢得了令人折服的近33%的选票。佛罗里达州参议员马可脠比奥(Marco Rubio)以22.5%的选票居于第二,刚好领先于获得22.3%选票的德克萨斯州保守派参议员特德克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)。俄亥俄州州长约翰愠罓奇(John Kasich)正好处于杰布布什之后,获得了7.6%的选票。退休神经外科医生本愠森(Ben Carson)获得了7.2%的选票。

After fierce contests in Iowa and New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton is riding new momentum off the back of the Nevada caucus, a victory that her supporters hope will steady her campaign after a turbulent six weeks.

在爱荷华州和新罕布什尔州的激烈角逐后,希拉里克林顿(Hillary Clinton)在内华达州党团会议中再下一城,她的支持者希望在经历了6周的波折之后,这场胜利能为她的竞选保驾护航。

Mrs Clinton took 52.7 per cent of the Nevada vote against 47.2 per cent for her opponent Bernie Sanders, a better than expected finish for the candidate whose campaign staff had predicted a closer race.

希拉里在这场党团会议中赢得了52.7%的选票,而她的对手伯尼儠德斯(Bernie Sanders)获得了47.2%的选票。这个结果好于希拉里的竞选工作人员的预期,他们曾预测两人的选票会更为接近。



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