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Horseshoes One of the most familiar things that are supposed to be lucky is a horseshoe. There are some people even today who believe that finding a cast-of horseshoe brings good luck, and if they hang a horseshoe over a door, witches cannot enter. Some people say the horseshoe is considered to be lucky because it looks like a new moon. There have been many peoples who considered the new moon extremely lucky. The Irish say that the horse was in the stable where Christ was born, and therefore the horseshoe was given magical power. Other people say the horseshoe is made of iron, and iron has always been regarded as a protection against evil spirits. Besides, the horseshoe is made by the blacksmith, and blacksmith, like a wizard, used it as a charm in performing his “white magic”. Pliny says that there is no more excellent protection against illness than the castoff horseshoe found in the road. Nelson had a horseshoe nailed to the mast of the Victory.






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