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BRICS Leaders Xiamen Declaration


Xiamen, China, 4 September 2024


1. 我们,中华人民共和国、巴西联邦共和国、俄罗斯联邦、印度共和国和南非共和国领导人于2024年9月4日在中国厦门举行金砖国家领导人第九次会晤。围绕“深化金砖伙伴关系,开辟更加光明未来”主题,我们致力于本着未来共同发展的愿景,在金砖国家合作已有进展的基础上更进一步。我们还讨论了共同关心的国际和地区问题,协商一致通过《金砖国家领导人厦门宣言》。

1. We, the Leaders of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa, met on 4 September 2024 in Xiamen, China, at the Ninth BRICS Summit. Under the theme "BRICS: Stronger Partnership for a Brighter Future", we endeavor to build on our achievements already made with a shared vision for future development of BRICS. We also discussed international and regional issues of common concern and adopted the Xiamen Declaration by consensus.

2. 我们重申,追求和平、安全、发展和合作的宏伟目标和愿望使金砖国家在10年前走到了一起。从此,金砖国家矢志发展经济,改善民生,沿着符合本国国情的发展道路共同走过了一段非凡历程。在历次领导人会晤的推动下,我们致力于协调行动,构建起全方位、多层次的合作势头。我们坚持发展事业,秉持多边主义,共同推动建立更加公正、平等、公平、民主和有代表性的国际政治、经济秩序。

2. We reiterate that it is the overarching objective and our desire for peace, security, development and cooperation that brought us together 10 years ago. BRICS countries have since traversed a remarkable journey together on their respective development paths tailored to their national circumstances, devoted to growing their economies and improving people's livelihoods. Our committed and concerted efforts have generated a momentum of all-dimensional and multi-layered cooperation fostered by the previous Leaders' Summits. Upholding development and multilateralism, we are working together for a more just, equitable, fair, democratic and representative international political and economic order.

3. 我们始于2006年的合作进程已经培育出互尊互谅、平等相待、团结互助、开放包容、互惠互利的金砖精神,这是我们的宝贵财富和金砖国家合作不竭的力量源泉。我们尊重各自选择的发展道路,理解和支持彼此利益。我们一直坚持平等团结,坚持开放包容,建设开放型世界经济,深化同新兴市场和发展中国家的合作。我们坚持互利合作,谋求共同发展,不断深化金砖务实合作,造福世界。

3. Our cooperation since 2006 has fostered the BRICS spirit featuring mutual respect and understanding, equality, solidarity, openness, inclusiveness and mutually beneficial cooperation, which is our valuable asset and an inexhaustible source of strength for BRICS cooperation. We have shown respect for the development paths of our respective choices, and rendered understanding and support to each other's interests. We have upheld equality and solidarity. We have also embraced openness and inclusiveness, dedicated to forging an open world economy. We have furthered our cooperation with emerging markets and developing countries (EMDCs). We have worked together for mutually beneficial outcomes and common development, constantly deepening BRICS practical cooperation which benefits the world at large.

4. 我们对合作取得的丰硕成果感到满意,包括成立新开发银行(NDB)和应急储备安排(CRA),制定《金砖国家经济伙伴战略》,通过安全事务高级代表会议、外长会晤等加强政治安全合作,深化五国人民的传统友谊等。

4. We draw satisfaction from the many fruitful results of our cooperation, including establishing the New Development Bank (NDB) and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA), formulating the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership, strengthening political and security cooperation including through Meetings of BRICS High Representatives for Security Issues and Foreign Ministers Meetings, and deepening the traditional ties of friendship amongst our peoples.

5. 我们回顾乌法和果阿会晤成果,将共同努力深化金砖国家战略伙伴关系,造福五国人民。我们将本着坚定信念,在历次领导人会晤成果和共识的基础上,开辟金砖国家团结合作的第二个“金色十年”。

5. Recalling our Summits in Ufa and Goa, we will work together to further enhance BRICS strategic partnership for the welfare of our peoples. We commit ourselves to build upon the outcomes and consensus of our previous Summits with unwavering conviction, so as to usher in the second golden decade of BRICS cooperation and solidarity.


6. Believing in the broad development prospects of our countries and the vast potential of our cooperation, we have full confidence in the future of BRICS. We commit to further strengthen our cooperation.


-- We will energize our practical cooperation to boost development of BRICS countries. We will, inter alia, promote exchanges of good practices and experiences on development, and facilitate market inter-linkages as well as infrastructure and financial integration to achieve interconnected development. We shall also strive towards broad partnerships with EMDCs, and in this context, we will pursue equal-footed and flexible practices and initiatives for dialogue and cooperation with non-BRICS countries, including through BRICS Plus cooperation.


-- We will enhance communication and coordination in improving global economic governance to foster a more just and equitable international economic order. We will work towards enhancement of the voice and representation of BRICS countries and EMDCs in global economic governance and promote an open, inclusive and balanced economic globalization, thus contributing towards development of EMDCs and providing strong impetus to redressing North-South development imbalances and promoting global growth.


-- We will emphasize fairness and justice to safeguard international and regional peace and stability. We will stand firm in upholding a fair and equitable international order based on the central role of the United Nations, the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and respect for international law, promoting democracy and the rule of law in international relations, and making joint efforts to address common traditional and non-traditional security challenges, so as to build a brighter shared future for the global community.


-- We will embrace cultural diversity and promote people-to-people exchanges to garner more popular support for BRICS cooperation through deepened traditional friendships. We will expand people-to-people exchanges in all dimensions, encourage all fabrics of the society to participate in BRICS cooperation, promote mutual learning between our cultures and civilizations, enhance communication and mutual understanding among our peoples and deepen traditional friendships, thus making BRICS partnership closer to our people's hearts.


BRICS Practical Economic Cooperation

7. 我们注意到,世界经济增长更加稳固,抗风险能力增强,新动能继续显现,金砖国家继续发挥作为全球增长引擎的重要作用。同时,我们也注意到世界经济中的不确定性和下行风险依然存在,强调有必要警惕防范内顾政策和倾向。这种政策和倾向正在对世界经济增长前景和市场信心带来负面影响。我们呼吁各国谨慎制定宏观经济政策和结构性政策,加强政策沟通与协调。

7. We note that against the backdrop of more solid global economic growth, enhanced resilience and emerging new drivers, BRICS countries continue to play an important role as engines of global growth. Noting the uncertainties and downside risks that persist, we emphasize the need to be vigilant in guarding against inward-looking policies and tendencies that are weighing on global growth prospects and market confidence. We call upon all countries to calibrate and communicate their macroeconomic and structural policies and strengthen policy coordination.

8. 我们注意到,经济务实合作一直是金砖合作的基础,特别是落实《金砖国家经济伙伴战略》以及在贸易投资、制造业和矿业加工、基础设施互联互通、资金融通、科技创新、信息通信技术合作等优先领域的倡议。我们欢迎落实该经济伙伴战略的首份报告,欢迎各领域专业部长会取得的系列成果。我们承诺使用所有政策工具,包括财政、货币和结构性改革措施,实施创新驱动战略,增强经济韧性和潜力,为促进强劲、可持续、平衡和包容增长做出贡献。

8. We note that practical economic cooperation has traditionally served as a foundation of BRICS cooperation, notably through implementing the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership and initiatives related to its priority areas such as trade and investment, manufacturing and minerals processing, infrastructure connectivity, financial integration, science, technology and innovation, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) cooperation, among others. We welcome the first report on the implementation of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership, and the broad package of outcomes delivered by the sectoral ministerial meetings. We commit to use all policy tools -fiscal, monetary and structural -and adopt innovation-driven development strategies to enhance resilience and potentials of our economies, so as to contribute to strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive global growth.

9. 我们强调加强贸易投资合作有助于释放金砖国家经济潜力,同意完善并扩展贸易投资合作机制和范围,以加强金砖国家经济互补性和多样性。我们欢迎金砖国家第七次经贸部长会议在贸易投资便利化及互联互通合作框架、路线图和概要方面取得积极成果,包括通过加强贸易投资便利化、服务贸易、电子商务、与金砖国家知识产权管理部门合作活动相协调的知识产权合作、经济技术合作、中小企业和妇女经济赋权等领域合作,加强政策分享、信息交流和能力建设。我们欢迎建立自愿参与的金砖国家示范电子口岸网络和电子商务工作组。我们欢迎中国在2024年举办国际进口博览会并鼓励金砖国家工商界积极参与。

9. Stressing the role of enhanced trade and investment cooperation in unleashing the potential of BRICS economies, we agree to improve and broaden trade and investment cooperation mechanism and scope, with a view to enhancing BRICS economic complementarity and diversification in BRICS countries. We welcome the positive outcomes of the 7th BRICS Trade Ministers Meeting in terms of the cooperative frameworks, roadmaps and outlines on trade and investment facilitation and connectivity and enhanced policy sharing, information exchange, capacity building, through enhanced joint efforts on trade and investment facilitation, trade in services, E-commerce, IPR (in synergy with the cooperation activities among BRICS IP authorities), economic and technical cooperation, SMEs and women economic empowerment. We welcome the setting up of the BRICS E-Port Network that will operate on a voluntary basis and the establishment of the BRICS E-commerce Working Group. We also welcome China's initiative to host an International Import Expo in 2024 and encourage our business communities to actively participate in it.

10. 我们强调加强金砖国家财金合作的重要性,以更好地服务实体经济,满足金砖国家发展需要。我们注意到金砖国家财政部长和央行行长就政府和社会资本合作(PPP)达成共识,包括分享PPP经验,开展金砖国家PPP框架良好实践等。我们认识到金砖国家成立临时工作组,就通过多种途径开展PPP合作进行技术性讨论,包括如何根据各国经验利用多边开发银行现有资源、探讨成立一个新的PPP项目准备基金的可能性等。我们鼓励金砖国家会计准则制定机构和审计机关加强协调与合作,同意在充分考虑各国法律和政策的同时,探讨债券发行领域的会计准则趋同和审计监管领域的合作,为金砖国家债券市场互联互通奠定基础。我们同意促进金砖国家本币债券市场发展,致力于共同设立金砖国家本币债券基金,作为维护金砖国家融资资本可持续性的一种手段,通过吸引更多外国私人部门参与,促进各国国内和区域债券市场发展并加强金砖国家财政韧性。

10. We stress the importance of enhancing BRICS financial cooperation to better serve the real economy and meet the development needs of BRICS countries. We note the agreement by the finance ministers and central bank governors on cooperation on Public Private Partnerships (PPP), including through PPP experience exchange and application of the BRICS Good Practices on PPP Frameworks. We acknowledge the establishment of a temporary task force to conduct technical discussion on various ways of cooperation, including utilizing existing facilities of the MDBs based on national experiences, exploring the possibility of establishing a new PPP Project Preparation Fund and other options. We encourage cooperation and coordination by our accounting standards setters and audit regulators and agree to explore convergence of accounting standards and continue discussion on cooperation on auditing oversight in the area of bond issuance, so as to lay the groundwork for bond market connectivity among BRICS countries, with due regard to applicable national legislation and policies. We agree to promote the development of BRICS Local Currency Bond Markets and jointly establish a BRICS Local Currency Bond Fund, as a means of contribution to the capital sustainability of financing in BRICS countries, boosting the development of BRICS domestic and regional bond markets, including by increasing foreign private sector participation, and enhancing financial resilience of BRICS countries.

11. 为满足金砖国家贸易投资快速增长带来的需求,我们同意在遵守各国现有监管框架和世贸组织义务的基础上,通过促进金融机构和金融服务网络化布局,为金砖国家金融市场整合提供便利,同时确保金融监管部门更好地交流与合作。我们同意通过金砖国家反洗钱/打击恐怖融资代表团团长合作,以及在金砖国家反恐工作组工作框架下,并利用其他平台来维护各国金融系统廉洁,为落实和改善金融行动特别工作组关于反洗钱、打击恐怖融资和防止大规模杀伤性武器扩散的国际标准发挥积极作用。我们同意在符合各国央行法律授权的前提下,通过货币互换、本币结算、本币直接投资等适当方式,就加强货币合作保持密切沟通,并探索更多货币合作方式。我们鼓励金砖国家银行间合作机制继续在支持金砖国家经贸合作方面发挥重要作用。我们赞赏金砖国家成员国的开发银行签署关于银行间本币授信和信用评级合作的谅解备忘录。

11. In order to serve the demand arising from rapid growth of trade and investment among the BRICS countries, we agree to facilitate financial market integration through promoting the network of financial institutions and the coverage of financial services within BRICS countries, subject to each country's existing regulatory framework and WTO obligations, and to ensure greater communication and cooperation between financial sector regulators. We agree to take an active part in the efforts to implement and improve International Standards on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation in FATF, including through cooperation among BRICS Heads of Delegation on AML/CFT, also in the context of the work of BRICS CTWG and by using other platforms and to safeguard integrity of national financial systems. We agree to communicate closely to enhance currency cooperation, consistent with each central bank's legal mandate, including through currency swap, local currency settlement, and local currency direct investment, where appropriate, and to explore more modalities of currency cooperation. We encourage the BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism to continue playing an important role in supporting BRICS economic and trade cooperation. We commend the progress in concluding the Memoranda of Understanding among national development banks of BRICS countries on interbank local currency credit line and on interbank cooperation in relation to credit rating.

12. 我们强调创新是经济中长期增长和全球可持续发展的重要驱动力。我们致力于推动科技创新合作,发挥协同效应,挖掘金砖国家增长新动能,继续应对我们面临的发展挑战。我们对金砖国家科技创新框架计划下选择的研发项目感到满意,并注意到第二轮项目征集。我们欢迎金砖国家科技创新合作谅解备忘录,支持通过技术转移转化、科技园区和企业合作以及研究人员、企业家、专业人士和学生流动等方式加强创新创业合作。我们鼓励学术界、工商界、民间社会以及其他利益攸关方加大参与,支持通过新开发银行等现有基金、机构和平台促进科技创新投资以及跨境投资。我们同意继续就创新创业合作平台开展工作,支持落实《金砖国家创新合作行动计划(2024-2024)》。

12. We highlight the importance of innovation as a key driver for mid and long term economic growth and global sustainable development. We commit to promote cooperation on science, technology and innovation (STI) to forge synergy in tapping new growth momentum for our five economies and continue to address the development challenges we face. We commend the selection of BRICS research and development projects under the BRICS STI Framework Program and note the launch of the 2nd call for projects. We welcome the BRICS STI Cooperation MOU and support enhanced cooperation on innovation and entrepreneurship, including by promoting technology transfer and application, cooperation among science and technology parks and enterprises as well as mobility of researchers, entrepreneurs, professionals and students. We encourage increased participation of the academia, businesses, civil society and other stakeholders in this process, and support the promotion of STI investment and cross-border investment through existing funding, institutions and platforms including the NDB. We agree to continue to work on a cooperation platform for innovation and entrepreneurship and support the implementation of the BRICS Innovation Cooperation Action Plan 2024-2024.



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