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1. Focus on what you have, not on what you havent. 不要总想着你那些没有的,多想想那些你拥有的。

2. Struggling with problems is a natural part of growing. 面对问题、解决问题是成长中非常自然的一部分。

3. Worrying is literally a waste of energy. 担忧其实是在浪费精力。

4. You have the capacity to create your own happiness. 你有能力创造你自己的幸福。

5. Everything that happens is a life lesson. 生命中发生的所有事都是重要的一课。

6. Giving up and moving on are two very different things. 放弃和放手其实是两码事。

7. Distance yourself from negative people. 离消极的人远点儿。

8. You must love yourself too. 你也要爱你自己。

9. Dont let others make decisions for you. 不要让别人帮你做决定。

10. Laughter is the best medicine for stress. 会心一笑是治愈压力的一剂最有效的良药。



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