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( )1. A. silence B. special C. surprise

( )2. A. village B.language C. message

( )3. A. before B.bored C.back

( )4. A. south B. nervous C.space

( )5. A. grass B. leaves C. choose

Ⅱ、听音,根据所听顺序用数字(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)给下列图片重新排序。


1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )


( )1. A . No, I cant. B. Thats a great idea!

( )2. A. Because I love pandas. B. I live in China.

( )3. A. I will go to the library. B. I went to a supermarket.

( )4. A. Some potatoes. B. Last year.

( )5. A. Shes clapping. B. She is going to London .


( )Yesterday she went into a shop.

( )Tilly saw a cat. She was scared.

( )She bought some cheese. Then she ate the cheese.

( )Tilly broke the door and ran away.

( )Tilly was a mouse.



1. Heres a _________ (地图) of Australia. Lets go to see kangaroos in zoos.

2. Then the boy in the river__________(喊) , Help , help!

3. It __________(价值为) six ___________ (千)yuan. Its not ________(便宜).

4. Dont ________ _________ (撒谎)!

5. This planet has got three ___________(光环) . Its very beautiful.

6.Beijing is the _________(首都)of China.

7. Im a good boy. My parents are very ____________(自豪的) of me.


( )1. Its very hot. _________ the window, please!

A.Open B.Opened C.Opening

( )2. A: Do you like this car? B: No, its _________ .

A. beautiful B. expensive C. perfect

( )3. The wolf ate all the _________.

A.ship B. sleep C. sheep

( )4. ______ the end everyone clapped. I _______happy.

A. In / am B. on / were C. At / was

( )5. A:Whats __________now? B: Tom is singing.

A. happen B. happened C.happening

( )6. Im good at English. Ill _________ the reports.

A. writing B. write C. writes

( )7. This planet is _______ from the sun. Its very cold.

A. near B.come C.far

( )8. Canada is ________ the north of America.

A. in B. to C. into

( )9. A: Why do you love koalas? B: ________ they are very cute.

A. Because B. So C. And

( )10. Were going to ________ English food.

A. ate B. eat C.eating

Ⅷ、补全对话, 把正确的序号写在相应的横线上。

Amy: Hello! Bob!

Bob: ________________

Amy: Guess!________________

Bob: Is it a banana?

Amy: ___________ Its round.

Bob: ___________

Amy: No, it isnt. We can eat it.

Bob: Is it the moon cake?

Amy: Yes, it is. ___________

Bob: Thank you .

Ⅸ、根据问句选答句, 把正确的序号写在题前的括号内。

( )1、What did you do yesterday ? A. Yes, it was.

( )2、Was it Chinese music? B. We went to a concert.

( )3、What did Mum play? C. It looks like a violin.

( )4、Whats a pipa ? D. It looks like a guitar.

( )5、Whats an erhu? E. She played the pipa.


Amy, Sam and Lingling are going to go to ____________. Lingling is going to speak ___________ every day.What about Daming ? Maybe hell visit his grandpas ____________ in the countryside. Sam and Amy will send Daming a ___________ from England. Daming will send them a postcard from ___________.


1. play / dont/ here / football(!)

2. went/ she / shop / the / into(.)

3. Amy / playing / piano/ is / the(.)

4. he / a/ draw / will / picture (.)

5. very / like / I / much / English (.)


Simon: Look. This country is China. My cousin Daming lives there.

He lives in the east of China.

Sam: Does he live in Xining?

Simon:No, he doesnt. Xining is in the west of China.

Sam: Does he live in Shanghai? Its in the east of China.

Simon: Yes, he does. I want to go to China one day.

Sam: Maybe you can visit your cousin.

Simon: Yes, maybe.

( )1. Daming is Simon's___________.

A. friend B. sister C. cousin

( )2. Daming lives in ______________.

A. England B.China C. America

( )3. A: Is Xining in the east of China? B:___________.

A. Yes B. No C. I dont know.

( )4. Shanghai is in the ______________ of China.

A.east B.west C.north

( )5. Maybe ________ will go to China one day.

A.Daming B. Simon C.Sam





2.Hes writing a message for his mother.

3. The day before yesterday was Sunday.

4. Dont be nervous.

5. Its difficult to choose these glasses.

Ⅱ、听音,根据所听顺序用数字(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)给下列图片重新排序。

Were having a party now. Fangfang is playing the guitar. Tingting is playing the flute. Xiaoyong is playing the piano. Feifei is playing the violin. Im playing the drums. We are very happy.


1.This computer costs eight thousand nine hundred yuan.

2. Dont feed the ducks! 3. The boy looked after pigs.

4. Heres a restaurant. 5. Sam is painting a banana.


1. Lets make a newspaper . 2. Why do you like China ?

3. Where will you go tomorrow ? 4. When did he go there?

5. Whats Amy doing ?


Tilly was a mouse. Yesterday she went into a shop. She bought some cheese. Then she ate the cheese. Tilly saw a cat. She was scared. Tilly broke the door and ran away.




Ⅰ、(25=10分) ACABC

Ⅱ、(15=5分) 2--- 3 ---1--- 4 ---5

Ⅲ、(25=10分) ╳ ╳ ╳ ╳

Ⅳ、(25=10分) BAABA

Ⅴ、(15=5分) 2---4---3---5---1



map , shouted , costs , thousand , cheap , tell ,lies , rings , capital , proud


Ⅶ、(110=10分) ABCCC BCBAB

Ⅷ、(25=10分) ECDBA

Ⅸ、(15=5分) BAEDC

Ⅹ、(15=5分) England, English, farm, postcard, China

Ⅺ、(25=10分) 答案略。

Ⅻ、(25=10分) CBBAB








( )1. A. silence B. special C. surprise

( )2. A. village B.language C. message

( )3. A. before B.bored C.back

( )4. A. south B. nervous C.space

( )5. A. grass B. leaves C. choose

Ⅱ、听音,根据所听顺序用数字(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)给下列图片重新排序。


1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )


( )1. A . No, I cant. B. Thats a great idea!

( )2. A. Because I love pandas. B. I live in China.

( )3. A. I will go to the library. B. I went to a supermarket.

( )4. A. Some potatoes. B. Last year.

( )5. A. Shes clapping. B. She is going to London .


( )Yesterday she went into a shop.

( )Tilly saw a cat. She was scared.

( )She bought some cheese. Then she ate the cheese.

( )Tilly broke the door and ran away.

( )Tilly was a mouse.



1. Heres a _________ (地图) of Australia. Lets go to see kangaroos in zoos.

2. Then the boy in the river__________(喊) , Help , help!

3. It __________(价值为) six ___________ (千)yuan. Its not ________(便宜).

4. Dont ________ _________ (撒谎)!

5. This planet has got three ___________(光环) . Its very beautiful.

6.Beijing is the _________(首都)of China.

7. Im a good boy. My parents are very ____________(自豪的) of me.


( )1. Its very hot. _________ the window, please!

A.Open B.Opened C.Opening

( )2. A: Do you like this car? B: No, its _________ .

A. beautiful B. expensive C. perfect

( )3. The wolf ate all the _________.

A.ship B. sleep C. sheep

( )4. ______ the end everyone clapped. I _______happy.

A. In / am B. on / were C. At / was

( )5. A:Whats __________now? B: Tom is singing.

A. happen B. happened C.happening

( )6. Im good at English. Ill _________ the reports.

A. writing B. write C. writes

( )7. This planet is _______ from the sun. Its very cold.

A. near B.come C.far

( )8. Canada is ________ the north of America.

A. in B. to C. into

( )9. A: Why do you love koalas? B: ________ they are very cute.

A. Because B. So C. And

( )10. Were going to ________ English food.

A. ate B. eat C.eating

Ⅷ、补全对话, 把正确的序号写在相应的横线上。

Amy: Hello! Bob!

Bob: ________________

Amy: Guess!________________

Bob: Is it a banana?

Amy: ___________ Its round.

Bob: ___________

Amy: No, it isnt. We can eat it.

Bob: Is it the moon cake?

Amy: Yes, it is. ___________

Bob: Thank you .

Ⅸ、根据问句选答句, 把正确的序号写在题前的括号内。

( )1、What did you do yesterday ? A. Yes, it was.

( )2、Was it Chinese music? B. We went to a concert.

( )3、What did Mum play? C. It looks like a violin.

( )4、Whats a pipa ? D. It looks like a guitar.

( )5、Whats an erhu? E. She played the pipa.


Amy, Sam and Lingling are going to go to ____________. Lingling is going to speak ___________ every day.What about Daming ? Maybe hell visit his grandpas ____________ in the countryside. Sam and Amy will send Daming a ___________ from England. Daming will send them a postcard from ___________.


1. play / dont/ here / football(!)

2. went/ she / shop / the / into(.)

3. Amy / playing / piano/ is / the(.)

4. he / a/ draw / will / picture (.)

5. very / like / I / much / English (.)


Simon: Look. This country is China. My cousin Daming lives there.

He lives in the east of China.

Sam: Does he live in Xining?

Simon:No, he doesnt. Xining is in the west of China.

Sam: Does he live in Shanghai? Its in the east of China.

Simon: Yes, he does. I want to go to China one day.

Sam: Maybe you can visit your cousin.

Simon: Yes, maybe.

( )1. Daming is Simon's___________.

A. friend B. sister C. cousin

( )2. Daming lives in ______________.

A. England B.China C. America

( )3. A: Is Xining in the east of China? B:___________.

A. Yes B. No C. I dont know.

( )4. Shanghai is in the ______________ of China.

A.east B.west C.north

( )5. Maybe ________ will go to China one day.

A.Daming B. Simon C.Sam





2.Hes writing a message for his mother.

3. The day before yesterday was Sunday.

4. Dont be nervous.

5. Its difficult to choose these glasses.

Ⅱ、听音,根据所听顺序用数字(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)给下列图片重新排序。

Were having a party now. Fangfang is playing the guitar. Tingting is playing the flute. Xiaoyong is playing the piano. Feifei is playing the violin. Im playing the drums. We are very happy.


1.This computer costs eight thousand nine hundred yuan.

2. Dont feed the ducks! 3. The boy looked after pigs.

4. Heres a restaurant. 5. Sam is painting a banana.


1. Lets make a newspaper . 2. Why do you like China ?

3. Where will you go tomorrow ? 4. When did he go there?

5. Whats Amy doing ?


Tilly was a mouse. Yesterday she went into a shop. She bought some cheese. Then she ate the cheese. Tilly saw a cat. She was scared. Tilly broke the door and ran away.




Ⅰ、(25=10分) ACABC

Ⅱ、(15=5分) 2--- 3 ---1--- 4 ---5

Ⅲ、(25=10分) ╳ ╳ ╳ ╳

Ⅳ、(25=10分) BAABA

Ⅴ、(15=5分) 2---4---3---5---1



map , shouted , costs , thousand , cheap , tell ,lies , rings , capital , proud


Ⅶ、(110=10分) ABCCC BCBAB

Ⅷ、(25=10分) ECDBA

Ⅸ、(15=5分) BAEDC

Ⅹ、(15=5分) England, English, farm, postcard, China

Ⅺ、(25=10分) 答案略。

Ⅻ、(25=10分) CBBAB








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