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  - Ray, havent seen Naveen?


  - Look at you, wheres the ring at?


  - What are you talking about?


  - Well, if captain say none I aint gonna say none. Because old Ray sealed up tight as a drum you aint got nothin out of me, no!

  原来他还没有跟你说,我就不问了老雷的嘴巴可是很严实的- 我什么都不会说的!

  - Ray?

  - 雷

  - Okay, captain aint gonna marry Charlotte he gonna marry you. soon as he get himself kissed, and you both turn human, he go find a job, get you that restaurant. I said too much, didnt I? 好吧,他不会跟夏洛特结婚,因为他打算娶你一旦他被公主吻过,你们都会变回人他会努力工作,帮你开餐厅...我好像说的太多了,是吧?

  - You said just enough, Ray! Thank you, Evangeline.




  1. havent seen Naveen? 没见着纳威么?

  2. sealed up tight as a drum 口风紧得密不透风

  tight as a drum是一个习语,表示密封得非常严实,跟鼓一样。很形象的比喻。

  3. aint got nothin out of me 从我这儿啥都得不到

  aint got nothin这种双重否定并不是肯定哦,而是强调语气。

  4. soon as = as soon as 口语里面比较缩略啦

  5. You said just enough 说得刚刚好




  - Ray, havent seen Naveen?


  - Look at you, wheres the ring at?


  - What are you talking about?


  - Well, if captain say none I aint gonna say none. Because old Ray sealed up tight as a drum you aint got nothin out of me, no!

  原来他还没有跟你说,我就不问了老雷的嘴巴可是很严实的- 我什么都不会说的!

  - Ray?

  - 雷

  - Okay, captain aint gonna marry Charlotte he gonna marry you. soon as he get himself kissed, and you both turn human, he go find a job, get you that restaurant. I said too much, didnt I? 好吧,他不会跟夏洛特结婚,因为他打算娶你一旦他被公主吻过,你们都会变回人他会努力工作,帮你开餐厅...我好像说的太多了,是吧?

  - You said just enough, Ray! Thank you, Evangeline.




  1. havent seen Naveen? 没见着纳威么?

  2. sealed up tight as a drum 口风紧得密不透风

  tight as a drum是一个习语,表示密封得非常严实,跟鼓一样。很形象的比喻。

  3. aint got nothin out of me 从我这儿啥都得不到

  aint got nothin这种双重否定并不是肯定哦,而是强调语气。

  4. soon as = as soon as 口语里面比较缩略啦

  5. You said just enough 说得刚刚好




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