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  - Back off! Or Im gonna break this into a million pieces. Naveen?

  退后,否则我就摔碎它! 纳文?

  - Now, isnt this whole life better than hoppin around bayou for the rest of your life?


  - Shadow Man?


  - Got a headache to you, Tiana. When you dream, you dream big. Just look at this place! Gonna be the crown jewel of the cursancy. And all you got to do, to make this reality is handle that little talisman of mine.

  这一切都属于你,蒂安娜你的梦想,我帮你加倍实现看看这里将会成为最豪华的餐厅! 而实现这个梦想 你只要把这个东西交给我

  - No. This... this is not right.


  - Come on, darlin? Think of everything you sacrificed.


  - Girl, all you ever do is work.

  - 你就知道工作

  - I told yall she wouldnt come.

  - 我就说她不会去

  - Think of all those maecenas who doubted you.


  - You aint never gonna get enough for the dang payment.


  - Woman of your background, you better off will yall.




  1. Back off 别过来,退后

  back off不单单有让人退后撤退的意思,还有你不要惹我的气愤情绪在里头哦。

  2. isnt this whole life better than hoppin around bayou for the rest of your life? 这样的生活是不是比下辈子都在沼泽地里头跳来跳去要好得多呢?

  3. Got a headache to you 你还真是叫人头痛

  4. you dream big 你有远大的理想

  5. Think of everything you sacrificed. 想想你牺牲了那么多。




  - Back off! Or Im gonna break this into a million pieces. Naveen?

  退后,否则我就摔碎它! 纳文?

  - Now, isnt this whole life better than hoppin around bayou for the rest of your life?


  - Shadow Man?


  - Got a headache to you, Tiana. When you dream, you dream big. Just look at this place! Gonna be the crown jewel of the cursancy. And all you got to do, to make this reality is handle that little talisman of mine.

  这一切都属于你,蒂安娜你的梦想,我帮你加倍实现看看这里将会成为最豪华的餐厅! 而实现这个梦想 你只要把这个东西交给我

  - No. This... this is not right.


  - Come on, darlin? Think of everything you sacrificed.


  - Girl, all you ever do is work.

  - 你就知道工作

  - I told yall she wouldnt come.

  - 我就说她不会去

  - Think of all those maecenas who doubted you.


  - You aint never gonna get enough for the dang payment.


  - Woman of your background, you better off will yall.




  1. Back off 别过来,退后

  back off不单单有让人退后撤退的意思,还有你不要惹我的气愤情绪在里头哦。

  2. isnt this whole life better than hoppin around bayou for the rest of your life? 这样的生活是不是比下辈子都在沼泽地里头跳来跳去要好得多呢?

  3. Got a headache to you 你还真是叫人头痛

  4. you dream big 你有远大的理想

  5. Think of everything you sacrificed. 想想你牺牲了那么多。




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