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  The Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty in China lasted from 1573 to 1620,the same year the Pilgrims reached Massachusetts in America. At that time, in the beautiful Chinese city of Hangchou, the city Marco Polo called Kinsai and praised as the grandest, most beautiful city on earth, as splendid as paradise, lived a very rich man named Yu.

  中国明朝万历年间(1573-1620年), 1620年也就是 清教徒抵达美国麻萨诸塞州 的那一年 .当时,中国有个美丽的城市叫杭州,城里住着一个叫姓余的富贾。马可波罗曾称杭州为Kinsai并且称赞它是世界上最壮观、最美丽的城市,宛如人间天堂。

  Mr. Yu enjoyed doing good deeds. He never killed anything.


  At the time of our story, a family in his neighborhood had been robbed of almost everything they had. Mr. Yu generously donated money to help his neighbors get back on their feet. His neighbors wife was deeply touched by his kindness.


  One day she happened to get ten eels, so she sent them over to Mr. Yus house so he could cook them for his aged mother. Even though eels are a great delicacy for most Chinese, the Yus never killed anything, so their servants put the eels into a big pottery urn and prepared to let them go someday. What with one thing and another, everybody forgot all about the eels in the urn.

  有一天她刚好获到了十条鳗鱼,于是将其送至余家孝敬余年迈老母。尽管对大多数中国人来说,鳗鱼是难得的佳肴。但是余家从未杀生,遂余家的仆人们就把这些鳗鱼放到一个大瓮里,准备哪天把它们放掉。 出于这个那个的原因 ,所有人都把瓮里的鳗鱼忘掉了。

  Some time later, Mr. Yus aged mother dreamed that a group of ten people came into her room and knelt down before her bed. How strangely they were dressed! Every one had on tan clothes and a pointed cap. They said, We beg your mercy! Please save our lives? Then they left.


  Old Mrs. Yu woke up. She was confused by this weird dream. She didntknow how she was supposed to save anybodys life. She just didnt know what to do, so, being a sensible old lady, she went to ask her fortune teller to advise her.


  Her fortune teller cast his sticks and examined the date and looked at her palm and said, Do not worry your august head. This is a lucky dream, not an un-lucky dream. These are living creatures which want you to save their lives. You need not look too far. They are right in your own honorable house.


  She hurried home and turned everything topsy-turvy to find the lives to save.Finally one of the servants remembered the eels in the urn. They realized there were ten eels, just as there were ten people in the dream.


  When Mrs. Yu heard about this, she said, We almost took ten lives by accident! Right away, she had the eels taken to the lake and released.


  The eels lived happily ever after, and the Yus got richer and richer.

  以后,这些鳗鱼们快乐地生活着 ,余家也越来越富有。




  The Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty in China lasted from 1573 to 1620,the same year the Pilgrims reached Massachusetts in America. At that time, in the beautiful Chinese city of Hangchou, the city Marco Polo called Kinsai and praised as the grandest, most beautiful city on earth, as splendid as paradise, lived a very rich man named Yu.

  中国明朝万历年间(1573-1620年), 1620年也就是 清教徒抵达美国麻萨诸塞州 的那一年 .当时,中国有个美丽的城市叫杭州,城里住着一个叫姓余的富贾。马可波罗曾称杭州为Kinsai并且称赞它是世界上最壮观、最美丽的城市,宛如人间天堂。

  Mr. Yu enjoyed doing good deeds. He never killed anything.


  At the time of our story, a family in his neighborhood had been robbed of almost everything they had. Mr. Yu generously donated money to help his neighbors get back on their feet. His neighbors wife was deeply touched by his kindness.


  One day she happened to get ten eels, so she sent them over to Mr. Yus house so he could cook them for his aged mother. Even though eels are a great delicacy for most Chinese, the Yus never killed anything, so their servants put the eels into a big pottery urn and prepared to let them go someday. What with one thing and another, everybody forgot all about the eels in the urn.

  有一天她刚好获到了十条鳗鱼,于是将其送至余家孝敬余年迈老母。尽管对大多数中国人来说,鳗鱼是难得的佳肴。但是余家从未杀生,遂余家的仆人们就把这些鳗鱼放到一个大瓮里,准备哪天把它们放掉。 出于这个那个的原因 ,所有人都把瓮里的鳗鱼忘掉了。

  Some time later, Mr. Yus aged mother dreamed that a group of ten people came into her room and knelt down before her bed. How strangely they were dressed! Every one had on tan clothes and a pointed cap. They said, We beg your mercy! Please save our lives? Then they left.


  Old Mrs. Yu woke up. She was confused by this weird dream. She didntknow how she was supposed to save anybodys life. She just didnt know what to do, so, being a sensible old lady, she went to ask her fortune teller to advise her.


  Her fortune teller cast his sticks and examined the date and looked at her palm and said, Do not worry your august head. This is a lucky dream, not an un-lucky dream. These are living creatures which want you to save their lives. You need not look too far. They are right in your own honorable house.


  She hurried home and turned everything topsy-turvy to find the lives to save.Finally one of the servants remembered the eels in the urn. They realized there were ten eels, just as there were ten people in the dream.


  When Mrs. Yu heard about this, she said, We almost took ten lives by accident! Right away, she had the eels taken to the lake and released.


  The eels lived happily ever after, and the Yus got richer and richer.

  以后,这些鳗鱼们快乐地生活着 ,余家也越来越富有。




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