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But we begin in Afghanistan and the battle for the northern city of Kunduz. Afghan government troops mounting a counteroffensive a day after the city fell to the Taliban, in what was their biggest victorysince they were overthrown in 2001. The latest reports from the scene say the insurgents have now advanced towards the airport on the outskirts of Kunduz where government forces retreated on Monday and that there's now heavy fighting in the area. The Taliban say they want to win the hearts and minds of residents in the city, issuing a ten-minute video on Facebook, trumpeting their victory.

"These conquests have happened due to the help of Almighty Allah and the sacrifices of this Mujahed nation. Therefore, the Kabul regime should openly admit its defeat, stop linking the victories of the Mujahedin with outside intelligence agencies and they must not avenge their setbacks with theirindiscriminate bombardment and shelling of innocent people. They should accept the progress of the Mujahedin as a bitter reality and think about their future and the future of the entire country."



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