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  课时作业(二十九) [选修6 Unit 4 Global warming](限时:35分钟)It was her giggling that drew my attention. Note taking really wasn't all that funny.

  Walking over to the offender,I asked for the


  Frozen, she refused to give it to me. I waited,all attention in the classroom on the quiet


  between the teacher and the student. When she finally


  it over she whispered,“ Okay,but I didn't draw it.”

  It was a hand­drawn


  of me, teeth blackened and the words “I'm stupid” coming out of my mouth.

  I managed to fold it up calmly. My mind,


  , was working angrily as I struggled not to


  . I knew the two most likely candidates for drawing the picture. It would do them some


  to teach them a lesson,and maybe it was high time that I did it!

  Thankfully,I was able to keep myself


  When there were about six minutes remaining, I showed the class the picture. They were all silent as I told them how


  this was for me. I told them there must be a reason


  and now was their chance to write down anything they needed to tell me. Then I let them write silently while I sniffed in the back of the classroom.

  As I


  the notes later,many of them said something like,“I've got nothing against you,” or “I'm sorry you were hurt.” Some kids said, “We're


  of you.” But two notes,from the girls who I


  were behind the picture, had a list of issues. I was too __14__

  ,too strict...

  Reading those notes,I realized that over the course of this year,instead of


  my students,I had begun commanding them to


  . Where I thought I was driving them to success I was


  driving them away.

  I had some apologizing to do. But the next day in the classroom, one boy and one girl each handed me a card. The one


  by all the boys expressed sincere regret for the ugly joke. The one from the girls asked for


  This was a lesson for both the kids and me. Forgiveness does not change the past,but it does enlarge the



  1. A. note

  B. advice

  C. reason

  D. help

  答案:A。我走到那位刚才发出笑声的女孩身旁,我要她把纸条给我。note笔记,便条。由上文的Note taking really wasn't all that funny和下文发生的事情可知答案。

  2. A. battle

  B. competition

  C. argument

  D. conversation


  3. A. took

  B. thought

  C. turned

  D. handed

  答案:D。当她最后把便条交给我的时候,低声地说了一句,“好吧,但不是我画的。”hand over交出,送交;take over接收,接管,接任;think over仔细考虑;turn over翻倒,倾覆。

  4. A. statue

  B. graph

  C. picture

  D. poster


  5. A. otherwise

  B. however

  C. therefore

  D. besides


  6. A. leave

  B. cry

  C. explain

  D. argue


  7. A. good

  B. harm

  C. favor

  D. punishment

  答案:A。给他们一个教训可能对他们有好处,或许是我该做这件事的时候了!do sb. good固定搭配,“对某人有好处”。

  8. A. amused

  B. controlled

  C. uninterested

  D. relaxed

  答案:B。谢天谢地,我能够控制住我自己。keep myself controlled自控。

  9. A. meaningful

  B. forgetful

  C. regretful

  D. hurtful


  10. A. aside

  B. above

  C. beneath

  D. behind

  答案:D。 我告诉他们这背后肯定有某种理由。behind在背后,在……的背后,在……的后面。

  11. A. wrote

  B. finished

  C. read

  D. collected


  12. A. proud

  B. fond

  C. afraid

  D. ashamed

  答案:C。有些孩子说“我们害怕你”。be afraid of害怕。

  13. A. figured

  B. promised

  C. concluded

  D. confirmed


  14. A. talkative

  B. mean

  C. clumsy

  D. considerate


  15. A. forcing

  B. encouraging

  C. comforting

  D. teaching


  16. A. appreciate

  B. apologize

  C. compromise

  D. achieve


  17. A. actually

  B. normally

  C. immediately

  D. generally


  18. A. decorated

  B. offered

  C. signed

  D. bought


  19. A. thankfulness

  B. forgiveness

  C. compensation

  D. communication

  答案:B。来自女孩子们的那张便条请求原谅。ask for forgiveness请求原谅/宽恕。

  20. A. friendship

  B. education

  C. knowledge

  D. future

  答案:D。宽容不能改变过去,但可以开拓未来。和空前的the past相对的应该是future。Ⅰ.单项填空:30 on Tuesday morning, ________Strangely, Mr. Green, also ________ to the new policy, made no remark in the discussion.

  A. opposing

  B. oppose

  C. opposed

  D. having opposed

  3.There were some different opinions at the meeting but it was a great success________.________of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.





  5.________ everyone here, I'd like to thank our special guest for his entertaining speech.

  A. Thanks to

  B. In case of

  C. Instead of

  D. On behalf of

  6.We firmly believe that war never settles anything. It only ________ violence.

  A. runs into

  B. comes from

  C. results in

  D. begins with

  7.Modern furniture design ________ to simplicity, and so do many other things in our life.





  8.—What on earth are the police busy with?

  —They have been looking into how the plane crash ________.

  A.came out

  B.came up

  C.came down

  D.came about

  9.Li Hua, who was busy preparing a report, couldn't ________ the loud noise, so he kept all the windows shut all day long.

  A.put up with

  B.come up with

  C.catch up with

  D.keep up with

  10.—Have you got any idea for the summer vacation?

  —I don't mind where to go________there's sun,sea and beach.________ the case of the women's rights and responsibilities.





  12.They are ready to take________action regardless of________consequence.

  A./; a

  B.the; thethe

  D.an; theand they are strongly ________ to war.

  A. opposed

  B. referred

  C. stuck

  D. devoted

  14.Her ________ had never been good enough for her hopes to be realized.

  A. problems

  B. reputations

  C. challenges

  D. circumstances

  15.—Jack,you seem in high spirits.________We won the match 4∶0.

  A. Guess what?

  B. So what?

  C. No wonder.

  D. No double.

  Ⅱ.阅读理解 New Mexico, in the southwest of America. Nature has created huge moving hills of pure white sand. These sand dunes cover more than seventy­thousand hectares of desert.

  It is one of the largest sand dune fields in the United States. The bright white sand dunes are always changing,always moving, like waves on the ocean.Driven by strong winds, the sand moves and covers everything in its path. It is like a huge sea of sand.. There is not much rain.The heat in summer is intense. The sand lacks nutrients.Plants and animals struggle to survive. A few kinds of plants grow quickly to survive burial by the moving sand dunes. Several kinds of small animals have become white in color in order to hide in the sand.

  More than five hundred thousand people visit White Sands each year. They climb on the dunes and observe the moving sea of sand.

  White Sands is about twenty four kilometers southeast of the city of Alamogordo, New Mexico. In the visitor center at the entrance of the park, you can find out special activities and guided walks. You can drive about thirteen kilometers into the center of the dunes. It is like driving on a lonely white planet.Along the way there is information that tells about the natural history of White Sands.

  You can also explore the dunes on foot, seeing some unusual and beautiful plants and flowers. Signs along the trail tell about the plants growing in the sand. You can even camp there overnight. But you must be careful. It is easy to get lost in the waves of moving sand especially during sandstorms. There is no water to drink. The temperature can rise to thirty eight degrees Celsius in summer. There is no shelter from the sun's rays.

  White Sands is part of America's National Parks System, and it is just one of the unusual examples of America's natural and cultural treasures.

  16.Which of the following plays a major role in making for the extreme environment?

  A.Plants and animals.

  B.Strong winds.

  C.Intense heat and little rain.

  D.Many people.

  17.Walking on dunes, people will ________.

  A.enjoy the beautiful sight of sand moving

  B.see many kinds of white plants and animals

  C.find out some special activities

  D.get lost easily and quickly especially during storms

  18.What do we know about White Sands from this passage?

  A.It is one of the largest sand dune fields in the world.

  B.You can get to know its natural history while driving in it.

  C.The temperature here can rise to thirty­eight degrees Celsius any time.

  D.You are not allowed to camp here overnight.

  19.What is the main purpose of the passage?

  A.To attract tourists to White Sands.

  B.To describe the history of White Sands.

  C.To introduce guided tours to White Sands.

  D.To explain the power of nature at White Sands.

  B[2024·山东卷] ence—other countries might learn from its mistakes.

  For thousands of years, Polynesian people lived on the remote island of Nauru, far from western civilization. The first European to arrive was John Fearn in 1798. He was the British captain of the Hunter, a whaling ship. He called the island Pleasant Island.

  However, because it was very remote, Nauru had little communication with Europeans at first. Then whaling ships and other traders began to visit, bringing guns and alcohol. These elements destroyed the social balance of the twelve family groups on the island. A ten­year civil war started, which reduced the population from 1,400 to 900.

  Nauru's real troubles began in 1899 when a British mining company discovered phosphate(磷酸盐) on the island. In fact, it found that the island of Nauru was nearly all phosphate, which is a very important fertilizer for farming. The company began mining the phosphate.it is a strip­mine. When a company strip­mines, it removes the top layer of soil. Then it takes away the material it wants. Strip­mining totally destroys the land. Gradually, the lovely island of Nauru started to look like the moon.

  In 1968, Nauru became one of the richest countries in the world.Every year the government received millions and millions of dollars for its phosphate.

  Unfortunately, the leaders invested the money unwisely and lost millions of dollars.In addition, they used millions more dollars for personal expenses.Soon people realized that they had a terrible problem—their phosphate was running out. Ninety percent of their island was destroyed and they had nothing.By 2,000, Nauru was almost financially ruined.Experts say that it would take approximately $433,600,000 and more than 20 years to repair the island. This will probably never happen.

  20. What might be the author's purpose in writing the text?

  A. To seek help for Nauru's problems.

  B. To give a warning to other countries.

  C. To show the importance of money.

  D. To tell a heartbreaking story of a war.



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