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2024高三英语总复习 Unit 12 Culture Shock课时作业 北师大版



  【2024高考调研】(新课标·名校调研)北师大版·英语(高三总复习)Unit 12 Culture Shock(课时作业)

  Ⅰ. 单项填空

  1. The judge demanded that the prisoner ________ before him immediately.

  A. be brought

  B. must bring

  C. should have brought

  D. brought




  demand后接that宾语从句,谓语动词应用“should+动词原形”, should可省略。

  2. How can you ________ and see him accused of something he didn’t do?

  A. stand out

  B. stand up

  C. stand for

  D. stand by




  考查动词短语辨析。句意:你怎么能眼睁睁地看着他遭人诬陷而袖手旁观呢? stand out“显眼;突出”; stand up“站立”; stand for“代表”; stand by“袖手旁观”。

  3. As their memories decline, some old people tend to be talkative because they ________ forget what has just been said.

  A. anxiously

  B. particularly

  C. easily

  D. hardly





  4. Catherine ________ at school wearing a T-shirt with some slogans.

  A. broke up

  B. turned up

  C. came up

  D. ended up




  考查动词词组辨析。break up意为“解散;结束”; turn up意为“来到;露面”; come up意为“(植物)长出地面;发生”; end up意为“最终成为;最终处于”。B项符合语意。

  5. The technical cooperation and cultural ________ between the two countries are daily on the increase.

  A. expenses

  B. exchanges

  C. revenges

  D. extension




  考查名词辨析。句意:两国之间的技术合作和文化交流正在与日俱增。cultural exchange“文化交流”。expense“花费”; revenge“报仇”; extension“延伸”。

  6. The man has made ________ a rule never to regret and never to complain.

  A. it

  B. that

  C. himself

  D. this




  考查代词的用法。it是形式宾语,后面的不定式never to regret and never to complain作真正的宾语。

  7. — What do you think of this dress, darling?

  — Er ... sorry, dear. I ________. What did you say?

  A. didn’t listen

  B. hadn’t listened

  C. haven’t listened

  D. wasn’t listening




  考查动词的时态。根据答语中的What did you say可知,答话者没有听清楚对方的问话,该用过去进行时,表示对方刚才说话的那一刻自己没有听。

  8. Can you imagine what difficulty people had this year ________ against the severe natural disasters?

  A. fighting

  B. to fight

  C. fought

  D. fight




  考查固定搭配。“sb. have some difficulty in doing sth.”是固定句式,意思是“某人做某事有困难”,其中的介词in可以省略。故A项正确。

  9. (2024·江南十校测试)________ around the Water Cube and the Bird’s Nest, the tourists from Taiwan and I wished there ________ a joint team for the London Olymplcs.

  A. Having shown; to be

  B. To be shown; is

  C. To show; were

  D. Having been shown; to be




  考查非谓语动词。从句意可以看出the tourists from Taiwan and I与show之间构成被动关系,同时动作发生在谓语动词wish之前,所以第一空用having been shown,而第二空是there be结构的变体形式。

  10. — I’m considering returning home. I just can’t get used to the food here.

  — Take it easy. ________

  A. Storms make trees take deeper roots.

  B. East or west, home is best.

  C. From small beginning come great things.

  D. All things are difficult before they are easy.





  11. (2024·海淀模拟)The scientist was rewarded by the government for ________ such a great contribution to the country.

  A. make

  B. making

  C. being made

  D. having made




  句意:那个科学家因为对国家做出了巨大的贡献而被政府授奖。having made是现在分词的完成式,表示该动作先于主句的谓语动词was rewarded。

  12. ________ suddenly occurred to him that his parents should have arrived in Beijing by this time.

  A. What

  B. It

  C. That

  D. As




  考查固定句型。句意:他突然想起来,他的父母现在应该到北京了。此句中的it作形式主语,后面的从句为真正的主语。It occurred to sb. that .... “某人(突然)想起/想到……”。

  13. ________ published fifty years ago, his work still attracts much attention at present.

  A. In spite

  B. Though

  C. Apart from

  D. Despite




  考查状语从句。句意:尽管他的作品是在50年前出版的,但现在依然受到广泛关注。此处为省略的状语从句,其主语是his work,还原完整为:Though his work was published fifty years ago, his work still attracts much attention at present.C、D两项为介词,后面应跟名词或者名词短语,A项常用于in spite of短语。

  14. (2024·衡水模拟)I’m afraid we’ll have to work extra hours for there are still some problems ________.

  A. remaining to settle

  B. remaining to be settled

  C. remained to be settled

  D. to remain to settle




  句意:恐怕我们得加班,因为还有一些问题有待解决。首先, remain为系动词,所以只能用现在分词形式作定语;remain to be done表将来、被动含义,意为“有待于被……”,故B项正确。

  15. ________ himself by a table, the gentleman asked the wai

  ter for a cup of coffee politely.

  A. Seated

  B. Seating

  C. To seat

  D. Seat




  考查非谓语动词。句意:这位绅士在桌旁坐好后,礼貌地向服务生要了一杯咖啡。seat为及物动词,表示“使(自己)就座”,其逻辑主语为the gentleman,所以用现在分词形式。


  On January 24, 1848, a man named James Wilson Marshall discovered gold in the area of California. The news spread quickly. Thousands rushed west. They traveled on foot, by horseback and by boat to reach the gold fields. By 1849, the great gold rush was on.

  Towns and cities grew overnight. Throughout the area — in the mountains, along the streams and rivers — thousands of people searched for gold. They had food to eat and blankets to cover them. They also had mules to ride, and picks and pans to search for gold. But panning for gold does not always pan out.

  The only way to find gold was by panning. First a gold miner put dirt in a metal pan and added water. Then he shook the pan so that the water would wash the dirt. Slowly, he poured the water out of the pan. If he was a lucky miner, pieces of gold would remain.

  For many, gold mining did not pan out. For a few, it panned out well. But in time, huge machines were built that could wash many tons of dirt at a time. Panning died out.

  The word, however, remained in the language. Today, Americans still say, “It panned out well,” when something they have done pleases them. A business, a discovery, a simple event pans out well if it is successful. Unhappily, sometimes things do not pan out.

  In recent years, the word pan has taken on another meaning. Today, it also means criticizing. How it got this meaning is hard to discover. But the job of a critic is to sometimes pan the work of a writer, artist or singer.

  Sometimes, critics may pan a movie or play so seriously that no one will go to see it. There are times, however, when a play became highly successful, even though most of the critics panned it without mercy. The pans should have washed out the play. But, as actors have pointed out, sometimes a critic’s pan turns up gold.

  1. The reason why panning disappeared was that ________.

  A. nobody rushed for gold any more

  B. the gold-miners was extremely tired with panning

  C. technology had improved

  D. the gold-miners were no longer allowed to use pans

  2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. In 1849 the gold rush was very popular.

  B. The life of the gold-miners was very hard.

  C. A movie panned by a critic will certainly not be enjoyed by people.

  D. In the beginning, panning was the only way to search for gold for the gold-miners.

  3. Where can you most possibly find this passage?

  A. A history book about UK.

  B. Science text books.

  C. A story book about words.

  D. A book about making pans.




  1. 答案



  细节理解题。由第四段中“huge machines were built that could wash many tons of dirt at a time”可知答案。

  2. 答案




  3. 答案




  New research links “silent strokes(中风)”, or small spots of dead brain cells, found in about one out of four older adults to memory loss in the elderly. The study is published in the January 3, 2024, print issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. “The new aspect of this study of memory loss in the elderly is that it examines silent strokes and hippocampal shrinkage(海马收缩)at the same time,” said study author Adam M.Brickman, PhD of the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer’s Disease(老年痴呆症)and the Aging Brain at Columbia University Medical Center in New York.

  For the study, a group of 658 people aged 65 and older and free of dementia(痴呆)were given MRI brain scans. Participants also underwent tests that measured their memory, language, speed at processing(处理)information and visual perception. A total of 174 of the participants had silent strokes.

  The study found people with silent strokes scored somewhat worse on memory tests than those without silent strokes. This was true whether or not people had a small hippocampus, which is the memory center of the brain.

  “Given that conditions like Alzheimer’s disease are shown mainly by memory problems, our results may lead to further insight into what causes symptoms(症状)and the development of new method of prevention. Since silent strokes and the volume of the hippocampus appeared to be associated with memory loss separately in our study, our results also support stroke prevention as a means for staving off memory problems,” said Brickman.

  The study was supported by the National Institutes of Health.

  4. The special point of the new study of memory loss was that _______.

  A. it studied silent strokes

  B. the study was published in the American medical journal

  C. it examined silent strokes and hippocampal shrinkage at the same time

  D. a group of people were given MRI scans in the study

  5. According to the passage, we know hippocampus is ________.

  A. a kind of animal in the sea

  B. a part of the brain

  C. a kind of brain disease

  D. a symptom of a disease

  6. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. Memory loss has nothing to do with silent strokes.

  B. A small hippocampus may have a had effect on memory.

  C. A person with silent strokes has a worse memory than one without silent strokes.

  D. Silent strokes don’t affect a person’s memory very much.

  7. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

  A. The new research will surely help researchers find ways to cure Alzheimer’s disease.

  B. Memory loss is no longer a problem.

  C. The new research may contribute to a new way to deal with memory loss.

  D. The researchers have already found a cure of silent strokes.




  4. 答案



  细节理解题。由第一段第三句话“The new aspect of this study of memory loss in the elderly is that it examines silent strokes and hippocampal shrinkage(海马收缩)at the same time, ....”可知答案。

  5. 答案



  细节理解题。由第三段最后一句“... which is the memory center of the brain”可知hippocampus是大脑的一部分。

  6. 答案




  7. 答案



  推理判断题。由最后一段第一句话“... our results may lead to further insight into what causes symptoms(症状)and the development of new method of prevention.”可知。A、B、D三项过于绝对或与文章事实不符。





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