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  1.假定你是李华,你的美国朋友 Sarah打算暑期来北京旅游,来信询问改建后前门大街的情况。请你写封回信,简单介绍以下内容:

  1. 简况:长800余米.600多年历史.300余家商铺;

  2. 位置:天安门广场南面;

  3. 交通:公共汽车17.69.59等路,地铁2号线;

  4. 特色:步行街.当当车.茶馆.剧院等。

  参考词汇:步行街 pedestrian street

  当当车 trolley car

  地铁  subway

  注意:1. 词数100左右;

  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

  3. 开头语已为你写好,请将完整的回信书写在答题卡上。

  Dear Sarah,

  Thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street. Here is something about it.


  Yours Lihua




  注意:1.词数100左右; 2.信的开头已经给出(不计入总数)。

  Dear editor,

  I’m a Senior 3 student from Xinhua Middle School. _________________________________________

  3.Directions: Write an English composition according to the instruct-tons. given below in Chinese.

  假设你是李华,是社区的一所为无家可归的孩子所办的学校的一名教师。前不久,你的美国笔友James wanton为该校捐赠了150美元。请你用英语给他写一封感谢信:





  Dear James Wanton,



  说明:南方凯鹿公司(Nanfang Kailu Company)为加速开发,需招聘100人。






  请你根据以上情况拟一则招聘启事。刊登在Economy Daily上。告之应聘者,速写信与公司联系。











  参考词汇:米歇尔·罗宾森Michelle Robinson; 法学博士学位doctor of law degree; 玛丽亚Malia;萨莎Sasha

  6.假设你是晨光中学学生会主席李华。你校将于6月26日接待来自于美国某中学的学生访问团。你受学校委托,负责安排其在津的一日活动。请根据以下提示,用英语给该团的领队Smith 先生写一封电子邮件,介绍活动计划并简要说明理由,最后征求对方意见。





  1. 词数不少于100;

  2. 可适当加入细节,以使内容充实.行文连贯;

  3. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总次数。


  海河 the Haihe River

  Dear Mr.Smith,

  I am Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union, from Chenguang High School..

  Yours sincerely

  Li Hua














  3.参考词汇:冷酷杀手cool killer;女子乒乓球单打赛 the women’s singles table tennis tournament.


  1. 人们第一次认识他是在20世纪60年代末期在一次由他们兄弟五人组成的the Jacdson 5乐队的演唱会上,当时他是乐队的主唱。

  2. 一生共获得13次格莱美音乐大奖(Grammy


  3. 他的独门靠步


  9. 请你就《圣诞节将会取代春节吗?》写一篇100词左右的英语短文并发表自己的看法。


  时间 活动内容

  春节前夕 大扫除,购物

  除夕 家庭团聚,吃年饭

  春节期间(农历初一及随后几天) 探亲访友,放鞭炮



  3.参考词汇:放鞭炮set off firecrackers

  11.每年高考后,高考状元被“热炒”。他们被各种采访和社会活动所包围。对此现象,有些人表示支持,有些人表示反对。请你结合下表,围绕“Should we give more attention to top-rated college entrance exam takers?”这一话题写一篇英语短文来介绍这一现象并给出自己的看法。

  支持者认为 l.可以促进社会对教育的重视


  反对者认为 1.过度的关注对状元本人有害


  注意:1. 词数100左右 2. 可适当发挥,以使行文连贯 3. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

  Every year after the college entrance exam, the top-rated exam takers will attract wide attention from all over the country.

  12. 2011年“地球一小时(Earth Hour)”活动刚过去不久。请你请根据以下中文提纲,写一篇英语文章介绍该活动,用于班级英文墙报。


  Earth Hour

  活动时间 每年三月最后一个星期六的20:30至21:30。

  活动性质 世界自然基金会(WWF)发起的全球性活动。

  目    的 让民众了解全球变暖的影响,唤起环保意识。

  历    史 2007年在悉尼(Sydney)第一次举行。

  现    状 2011年3月27日,125个国家的1亿多人参与本活动。

  本市活动情况 1. 市民们关灯走出家门去散步。

  2. 城市一半的街灯熄灭。


  1. 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;

  2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。




  参考词汇:blow(风) 吹

  专题十五 作文答案

  1.Dear Sarah,

  Thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt Oianmen Street. Here is something about it.

  Qianmen Street is a famous street of over 600 years old. Along this 800-meter street, there are more than 300 shops. As the street is in the center of Beijing, just to the south of Tian’anmen Square, it’s very convenient to get there by bus. You may take Buses No. 17, 69 or 59. Subway Line 2 has a stop there too. Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street, but there are trolley cars to take you not only to the shops, but also to theatres and teahouses where you can experience a truly Chinese way of life. I’m sure you’ll like it.


  Li Hua

  2.I’m a Senior 3 student from Xinhua Middle School. As is known to all, senior 3 students are suffering heavy pressure of study. As a result, many students are trying to spare every minute to study, even during the ten-minute break between classes.

  In my opinion, taking the ten-minute break between classes is definitely necessary, which makes us relaxed both physically and mentally. The ten-minute break is meant for us to relax and prepare for the next class. Only by doing so can we have more energy to study effectively in class.

  My ten-minute break is always pleasing as well as relaxing. Sometimes I do some simple exercises. Sometimes I have a free chat with my classmates or just take walk outside. Therefore, I always feel energetic and listen attentively in class.

  3.One possible version:

  Dear James Wanton,

  Thank you for your recent generous gift of $150 to our school for homeless children. Your commitment to helping home-less children in our community is appreciated by those who help them and, most importantly, by them and, most importantly, by those who benefit from our serv-ices.

  Your donation will be used to purchase 15 new computers o-ver the next six months. The children are eager for the new com-puters so that they can do their homework and communicate sith friends and family. The computers are part of our facility project that is designed to modernize our facility.


  An Advertisement

  In order to quicken construction step, Nanfang Kailu Company is to employ 100 people who can fit the following requirements:

  1.About 175 meters in height and in health;

  2.Unmarried and not more than 25 years old.

  3.University graduate and over two years' work experience;

  4.Good at English and can serve as a translator and an interpreter.

  Please write to us as soon as possible if you wish to work in our company

  Nanfang Kailu Company


  One possible version:

  Barack Obama was bom in Hawaii on August 4,1961.His father is a black man who comes from Kenya while his mother is a white and comes from America.When Obama was a pupil,he wrote in a composition that he wanted to become a president when he grew up. He graduated from Columbia University in 1983 and went on to earn his doctor of law degree from Harvard in 1991. Barack was married to michelle Robinson in 1992 and now they have two daughters-Malia and Sasha. Malia was born in 1999, and Sasha was born in 2001. Obama was elected American president on November4, 2008 and he took office on January 20,2009.



  August, 2008 was an exciting month of China. At the 29th Beijing Olympics, Zhang Yining , named cool killer, won the women’s singles table tennis tournament, which also made China win its 101th gold medal since joining the Olympics in Los Angeles 24 years ago.

  Zhang Yining, born on October 5, 1982 in Beijing, began playing table tennis at the age of 6 and was selected by the National Team in 1993. Zhang Yining met many difficulties when she was growing up. But she never gave up. When she faces other players, she always feels confident and takes every chance to win the game. But in her spare time ,Zhang Yining likes swimming, music and animals.


  Michael Jackson, who became the “King of Pop” as a gifted child star, died on June 25, 2009. And he was only 50.

  The public first knew him in the late 1960s , when as a boy he was the lead singer of the Jackson 5, the music group he formed with his four elder brothers . And in his life, he won 13 Grammy Awards. Now we call him an American recording artist, entertainer, whose unique contributions to popular music and dance made him a central part of popular culture for four decades. And he was perhaps the most exciting performer of his generation, known for his crazy, complicated dance skills.

  Although he has passed away, his appearance and his music will keep fresh in our mind.

  9. 参考范文

  Will Christmas Replace the Spring Festival?

  Christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in China. Christmas cards become popular with students. People hold Christmas parties and exchange Christmas girts. A lot or TV and radio programs about Christmas are on. Meanwhile the Spring Festival is less appealing (有吸引力的)to youngsters. Thus some people wonder whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival.

  This worry is fairly unnecessary. Why ? One reason lies that Christmas only affects Christians,college students and joint-venture (合资企业)workers. Another reason is that Christmas is mostly celebrated in cities. Few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic(带有异国情调的) festival. By contrast,the Spring Festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family.

  I think,it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the West,a lot of Western holidays have been gradually introduced into China. For us Chinese we should never neglect or even discard our own traditional festivals. For centuries Chinese have observed this traditional holiday to welcome the beginning of a new year. And we will treasure the Spring Festival forever.


  One possible version:

  On the first day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calen-dar, the Spring Festival is celebrated for the coming of the Chinese New Year.

  Before it, people usually give their house a thorough cleaning and do a lot of shopping. On the New Year’s Eve, people come home and the whole family have a big dinner together. On the New Year’s Day and during the following days, people often visit their relatives and friends to give one another their best wishes for the new year. Throughout this festival period children always set off firecrackers everywhere to enjoy themselves. This festival is the most important festival for the Chinese. The festival can reflect the traditional culture which the Chinese people value very much.


  Every year after the college entrance exam, the top-rated exam takers will attract wide attention from all over the country. They accept various interviews, take part in different social activities and receive quite a lot of prize money as well.



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