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  答案: He iswas born in a farmer's family in Suizhong County, Liaoning Province in June, 1965. When he was a child, he dreamed of flying in the sky. He joined in/ the army in June, 1983. In 1992, he was sent to thean air force base. In August, 1996, he was one of the first 14 members from 1,500 pilots through the physical examination.

  He worked hard, butand he was among the first astronautastronauts of the county in 1998 and was chosen ∧as one of the first manned space aircraft astronauts latelater. On Oct.15, 2003, he successfully flew to space, circling around the earth about 14 circlecircles and then returned. LuckyLuckily enough, shehe was honored to have been given the chance to be the first Chinese to travel in space. 9.It's ________ taking the trouble to explain a job fully to new employees. A. worth

  B. worthwhile C. worthy

  D. valuable 答案与解析:B 句意:给新雇员详细解释一下工作要求,费点事也是值得的。It is/was worthwhile doing sth.“做某事是值得的”,符合题意。be worthy of值得……的;worth不能单独作表语;valuable贵重的;有价值的。 10.—Do you like the life in that island? —I like the way of living here. But I'm just not ________ to the dry weather. A. disappointed

  B. accustomed C. puzzled

  D. familiar 答案与解析:B 句意:——你喜欢那个岛上的生活吗?——我喜欢这里的生活方式,但我不习惯这干燥的天气。be accustomed to sth.习惯于某事;disappointed失望的;puzzled迷惑的;be familiar with对……熟悉。 11.Do not say that you do not like the dish, or that it does not agree with you, unless the host ________ you to take it. A. urges

  B. demands C. hopes

  D. suggests 答案与解析:A 句意:不要说你不喜欢吃那道菜,或那道菜不合你的口味,除非主人非劝你吃不可。urge“力劝”,urge sb. to do sth. “要求某人做某事”。demand和hope不能用于复合结构;suggest后接现在分词。 12.Do you think camping and climbing is ________ to our health? A. beneficial

  B. invaluable C. advisable

  D. worthy 答案与解析:A be beneficial to...“对……有益”。invaluable无价的;advisable可取的,明智的;worthy值得的。 13.Many young mothers wouldn't nurse their babies when they go to work, but it isn't socially ________ for parents to leave children unattended at that age. A. accessible

  B. adorable C. adaptable

  D. acceptable 答案与解析:D 句意:让小孩处于无人照顾的状态是不被社会接受的(acceptable)。 accessible可接近的,adorable可爱的,adaptable能适应的,可调节的,可修改的。 14.“We are fighting ________ an end to slavery, we won't stop our fight ________ slavery until all slaves are set free”,said Abraham Lincoln. A.for; against

  B.for; for C.against; against

  D.for; from 答案与解析:A fight for sth./sb.为了……而斗争;fight against sth./sb.与……展开战斗,因此选A项。 15.I was really anxious about you. You ________ home without a word. A. mustn't leave

  B. shouldn't have left C. couldn't have left

  D. needn't leave 答案与解析:B 此题考查shouldn't have done表示虚拟语气,意思是“本不该”。 Ⅱ.完形填空

  Today when I was taking a walk through the park, I met a friend whom I hadn't seen for ages. She looked at me with


  in her eyes, “You have kept this


  for years. It's old and out of fashion. Why do you still keep it and

  __18__it wherever you go?” I smiled at her, “It means a lot to me. ”I


  gave her my shortest answer. To be honest, I,

  __20__,could not understand the reason why I keep it.

  Suddenly, a strong wind blew


  with fallen leaves, which


  my eyes. I


  the umbrella instinctively (本能地). Then rain poured down. Thanks to my big umbrella, I didn't get wet at all.



  at my huge umbrella. “ Why do I keep it so

  long?” I asked myself. I couldn't remember when and where I bought it, for I am always tired and lazy to answer questions. It could protect me from the heavy rain. I told myself

  __25__.Looking at the people rushing through the street, I felt

  __26__.This might be



  Thunderstorms came unexpectedly and went without a warning. Sky



  The sun shone brightly.

  What a beautiful day! Just as usual, I seized the umbrella with my left hand. Still there was water


  down. I walked among the noisy crowd and listened to what they were


  in their heart. “Today I will ask for a

  __31__, or I will leave this company.” Good luck to you, I smiled to him. “I will manage to make you live forever. ” A little boy held a pet dog


  to him. “She will be all right, because she is blessed.” I heard angels singing in this city...

  When I


  my umbrella with my fingertips, I felt it was warm. Soon it became

  __34__, I held it up to avoid harmful sunshine. Do I still need a reason to explain why? Maybe I


  think about it. I need my umbrella when it is sunny as well as it is rainy. 16. A. delight

  B. curiosity

  C. anger

  D. anxiety 17. A. book

  B. bag

  C. umbrella

  D. dog 18. A. bring

  B. fetch

  C. take

  D. own 19. A. already

  B. simply

  C. hardly

  D. rarely 20. A. still

  B. either

  C. though

  D. yet 21. A. in

  B. down

  C. over

  D. out 22A.


  B. hurt

  C. covered

  D. closed 23. A. brought up

  B. broke up

  C. put up

  D. picked up 24 . A. stared

  B. glimpsed



  D. watched 25. A. slowly

  B. secretly

  C. eventually

  D. immediately 26. A. excited

  B. safe

  C. sad

  D. happy 27. A. a

  B. another

  C. other

  D. the other 28. A. cleared

  B. cleaned

  C. came

  D. lighted 29. A. pouring

  B. dropping

  C. running

  D. floating 30. A. speaking

  B. talking

  C. calling

  D. murmuring 31. A. salary

  B. increase

  C. rise

  D. leave 32. A. closed

  B. over

  C. close

  D. near 33. A. felt

  B. hit

  C. touched

  D. held 34. A. cold

  B. warm

  C. cool

  D. hot 35. A. could

  B. should

  C. have to

  D. may 答案与解析: 16. B 根据下文的意思可知所填词表示“惊讶或好奇”,故选B项。 17. C 由下文的“Thanks to my big umbrella...”可知此处选C项。 18. C bring带来;fetch去取,去拿回;take带着;own拥有。根据句意可知这里选C项。 19. B 副词修饰动词,simply意思是:仅仅。 20. B 句意:老实说,我也不知道我为什么带着它(伞)。either用于否定句,意思是:也。 21. C blow over吹过来。 22. A 这里的意思是:挡住了我的双眼。故选A项。 23. D bring up养育,抚养;break up分解;put up张贴,搭建,建造;pick up捡起,拿起,学会,搭便车。 句意:我本能地举起伞,故选D项。 24. A 句意:我盯着我的雨伞。故选A项。 25. C 根据句意选C项,意思是:最终,结果。 26. B 句意:看着街上忙忙碌碌的人们,我感到很安全。故选B项。 27. B 根据下文提到的雨伞不但可以挡雨,还可以遮阳,即还有另一个原因,故此处选B项。 28. A 句意;天晴了。clear up(天)转晴。 29. B (伞上)仍有水珠滴下。故这里用dropping。 30. D 根据空后的in their heart可知此处选D项。 31. C 句意:我将请求老板给我涨工资,否则我将辞职。

  32. C 根据上下文意思可以推断出所填词意思是:靠近,故选C项。 33. D 由下文“I felt it was warm”可知此处选C项。 34. D 由后一分句可知此处选D项。 35. B 所填情态动词表责任,故选should,意思是:应该。 Ⅲ.阅读理解

  Ever since the invention of the first telegraph at the end

  of the 19th century, English has been spreading around the world. It has a powerful influence in the media, on the Internet and in pop music that is not going to go away.

  This communication revolution has turned the world into a “global village” in which everyone needs to talk to each other and so often nowadays that means in English.

  More people now speak English as a second language across the world than as a native language. It is estimated that 1.3 billion people will use English as either a first or second language by 2050. But what will that form of English be like? Traditionally,

  British English has been taught across the world, but it is only one variety.

  Experts believe that the future shape and grammar of English, especially in its spoken form, will no longer be determined in the traditional English­speaking countries like Britain and America but in the rest of Europe, Asia and Africa.

  International organizations and business communicate with each other in English. But a new pattern of using English is developing that does not look the same to native speakers as “traditional”

  English. Researchers


  now investigating “non­native” English which is a new form of the language with changes in grammar, pronunciation and meaning. Often meanings and words from other languages find their way into English to produce a new dialect such as “Franglais” which combines aspects of French and English.

  You could say this gives English a French flavour. All of these processes are a form of natural evolution. New dialects acquire their own complex features until they become real languages in their own right. Experts are convinced that this will happen in the future as more and more people learn English and call it their own.

  36. What does the term “global village” meant? A. The world is a single community which has just the

  same size of a village. B. The world has a single economy and culture. C. The world is a single community linked by fast communication. D. The world is a single community in which everyone likes family member. 答案与解析:C 猜词题。根据文章第一自然段最后一句话可知,每个人都需要彼此交流,这意味着如今英语被更加广泛地使用。根据题意,应选C项,世界是一个单一的社会,通过快速的通信联系在一起。 37. It is believed that


  will largely influence the spoken form of English in the future. A. Britain and America B. Traditional English­speaking countries C. English­speaking countries except Britain and America D. Non­English­speaking countries in the world 答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据文章第二自然段最后一句话可知,专家认为未来英语的形式和语法,尤其是口语形式,不再是像苏格兰和美国这样传统的说英语的国家,而是其他的一些欧洲、亚洲和非洲的国家,根据题意,应选D项。 38. How do dialects become languages in their own right? A. By borrowing pronunciation and grammar rules from English. B. By making up new rules by a great language expert. C. By developing their own new features. D. By combining with British and American English. 答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据文章第三自然段第七句可知,直到以他们自己的权利,变成真正的语言,新方言得到他们自己复杂的特征,根据题意,应选C项。 39. According to the passage, the writer holds the view that in

  the future ________. A. British English will die out B. no one will speak traditional English C. there will be more new forms of English D. American English will completely take the place of

  British English 答案与解析:C 归纳概括题。根据文章第三段可知,作者认为会出现更多形式的英语,应选C项。 Ⅳ.短文改错 He is born in a farmer's family in Suizhong County, Liaoning Province in June, 1965. When he was a child, he dreamed of flying in the sky. He joined in the army in June, 1983. In 1992, he was sent to the air force base. In August, 1996, he was one of the first 14 members from 1,500 pilots through the physical examination. He worked hard, but he was among the first astronaut of the county in 1998 and was chosen one of the first manned space aircraft astronauts late.

  On Oct.15, 2003, he successfully flew to space, circling around the earth about 14 circle and then returned. Lucky enough, she was honored to have been given the chance to be the first Chinese to travel in space. wishwould/could/might+do(和将来事实相反) did(be动词一般用were)(和现在事实相反) had done(和过去事实相反) I wish(that) I had never met her. 我要是没遇见她就好了。 I wish I were really wealthy. 但愿我真的富有。 随 堂 检 测

  Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Many men were b________ underground when there was an accident at the mine. 2.Since they could not gain a________ to the public libraries, they worked mainly through family networks. 3.Her mother does not a________ of her going to study in the United States alone. buried  access approve 4.They u________ him to vote for that important bill, but he voted against it. 5.The new research team was led by the c________ engineer. 6.I offered the a____________ suggestions of spending the holiday in the mountains or by the sea.   urged chief alternative 7.The unemployment figures r________ badly on the government's policies. 8.A____________ that you are right about this, what shall we do? 9.Safety regulations are being i________ by company managers in the drive to increase profits. reflect Assuming ignored 10.Such animals as dinosaurs died out because they couldn't a________ to the sudden change of the climate.   adapt Ⅱ.选择填空(有两项为多余选项) lay off, aside from, to a certain extent, set off, tend to, approve of, be accustomed to 1.—What do you think of my proposal? —I agree with you________________. 2.I _________________ getting up so early to do morning exercise. :3.tend t to a certain extent am accustomed to 3.Her mother was ill and she had to ____________her. 4.The car factory had ____________ 1,000 workers because of the drop in sales. 5.____________physical problems, these patients also have many mental problems.   tend t o laid off Aside from Ⅲ.根据提示翻译句子 1.过马路时越小心越好。(too...to) 答案:You are never too careful to cross the street. 2.是我们该保护环境的时候了。(It's time) 答案:It's time that we should protect our environment. 3.我希望明天下雨就好了。(wish) 答案:I wish it would rain tomorrow. 4.坦率地说,我不同意他们在会上所说的话。(frankly speaking) 答案:Frankly speaking, I don't agree with what they said at the meeting. 5.总统亲自参加会议给了他们很大的激励。(动名词作主语) 答案:The president's attending the meeting gave them a great deal of encouragement. Ⅳ.交际用语 1.—Perhaps John's not in. —________.Look, the light's on. A.Yes, he can be at home B.No, he couldn't go out C.Yes, he must be at home D.No, he needn't go out 答案与解析:C 由“Look, the light's on.”可知他此刻一定在家里,所以用must be at home表示对此刻事情的肯定推测。 2.(宁波质检)—Please accept my apology for taking your book by mistake. —________It can happen to anyone. A.Oh, that's all right. B.How can you do that! C.Where is my book? D.Don't do that again. 答案与解析:A 由“Please accept my apology”知应选“that's all right”,安慰对方,表示“没有关系”。 3.(台州调研)—Please tell Bruce he has won the first prize in the maths contest. —________!He never did so well before. A. Congratulations

  B. Good luck C. That's right

  D. What a good surprise 答案与解析:D 因是别人转述获奖信息,不是与获奖本人对话,故A项Congratulations不合适;由后文He never did so well before可知选D项。 4.(江南十校测试)—Sorry for what I have said to you. —________. A.Let's forget it

  B.No, of course not C.No, nothing much

  D.I do beg your pardon 答案与解析:A Let's forget it. 是一句安慰别人的话,“忘了这回事吧,别想了”。 5.(江南十校测试)—Was that problem as easy as you thought? —________.We didn't solve it on time. A.No­brainer

  B.Indeed C.Not nearly

  D.Exactly 答案与解析:C No­brainer没头脑的人,不动脑子的人;Indeed的确如此,确实;Not nearly完全不,远不及;Exactly恰巧是。句意:——那个问题有你想得那么简单吗?——完全不是,我们没有准时解决它。根据句意选C项。 Ⅴ.语法专练 1. (2010·湖南师大附中)________ last as his coach suggested, he wouldn't have narrowly escaped being killed.

  A. Hadn't the skydiver exited B. If the skydiver hadn't exited C. Should the skydiver not exit

  D. If the skydiver wouldn't exit 答案:B  2. (2010·东北师大附中) If the students who killed themselves had only been more confident, their deaths ________. A. need have been avoided B. must have been avoided C. might have been avoided D. will have been avoided 答案:C  3. (2010·福建泉州期末)—But for the bird flu ( 禽流感 ) in Vietnam in the summer of 2004,I ________ you to go to Vietnam for sightseeing. —Really? What a pity! A. have taken

  B. had taken C. should have taken

  D. would have taken 答案:D  4. (2010·湖南师大附中月考)________, I suppose, and the housing problems for about 280,000 low­income families in this area could be settled. A. If you double your efforts B. So long as you keep your spirits C. A bit more efforts D. Making greater efforts 答案与解析:C 此句考“祈使句+and+ 陈述句”句型。在这个句型中,前面的祈使句如果带有比较级修饰名词,可将谓语动词省略,成为“比较级+名词+and+陈述句”结构。 5. (2010·常德月考)Feeling sorry for not following his father's advice that she should work in her small home city where housing prices are much lower, Jenny said, “Back home, I ________ a home owner already.” A. will become

  B. must have become

  C. would have become

  D. could become 答案:C 6. (2010·江苏调研)If Sanlu Group ________ melamine to the milk, the babies ________ too much from kidney stone. A. didn't add; would not suffer B. hadn't added; wouldn't have suffered C. hasn't added; wouldn't have suffered D. hadn't added; would have suffered 答案:B  7.(2010·北京海淀区)—I regret to say that I ________ have shouted at you the other day. —Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself. A.shouldn't

  B.mustn't C.couldn't

  D.mightn't 答案:A  8.(2010·聊城期中)—I had to walk home yesterday.I had no money for my fare. —You ________ me! I could have lent you the money! A.ought to ten



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