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人教版2024高考英语全套解析一轮复习课件:2-2 The Olympic Games



  【易混辨析】 used to/would (1)used to表过去持续的状态或情况。其含义是现在的动作或习惯已不存在,强调现在、将来与过去的对比。 (2)would表示过去的习惯、习性、倾向等,意思是“过去常常……”,表过去不大规则的行为,或主语的关心、感慨等主观因素较强;常与often,sometimes,frequently,for hours等词连用,但不与表状态的动词连用。

  ①I used to smoke,but I gave up a couple of years ago. 我以前抽烟,但两年前就戒掉了。(现在不抽烟了) ②She would sit there for hours doing nothing at all. 她总是一连几个小时坐在那儿,什么也不做。(现在是否还有这个习惯,不清楚。) 【即境活用14】 When he was there,he________go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day. A.wouldB.should C.had better D.might [解析]句意:他在那里的时候,每天下班后总是去拐角处的那家咖啡店。would “过去常常”;should “应该”;had better “最好”;might “也许”,故A项正确。 [答案]A 7.every four years 每隔三年 every two days=every second day=every other day 每隔一天 every few years 每隔几年 every four metres 每隔三米 Take the medicine every six hours. 每6小时吃一次药。 He comes to see his uncle every third week. 他每三个星期来看望他叔叔一次。 Write on every other line. 请隔行写。 【即境活用15】 The writer goes to the library every________days and he'll finish the novel within________days. A.a few;a few

  B.few;few C.few;a few

  D.a few;few [解析]every few days每隔几天;within a few days几天内。 [答案]C

  1.No other countries could join in,nor could slaves or women! 别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加。

  【考点归纳】 句型“nor/neither+系动词、情态动词+另一个主语”用于否定陈述句之后,表示“也不”,相当于either,用于否定句。 ①She isn't a student,neither/nor is he(=he isn't a student,either).她不是学生,他也不是。 ②She couldn't work out the answer,nor could I. 她算不出答案,我也算不出来。 (1)句型“so+系动词/助动词/情态动词+另一个主语”用于肯定陈述句之后,表示前句所说的情况也适合于另一个人或物。 (2)句型“so it is (was) with+另一主语”既能表示肯定意义,又能表示否定意义,其主要用于以下情况:①上下文有两个分句;②上下文有两个(或两个以上)不同谓语;③上下文既有肯定也有否定。

  (3)句型“so+主语+系动词/助动词/情态动词”中的主语与前一句的主语通常是指同一个“人”或“物”,主语、谓语不需要倒装。这种句型表示说话者赞同前句所提到的情况或事实,其中的so 作“不错;确实如此”讲。 (4)句型“主语+do+so”中so和动词do连用,替代上文中出现过的动宾结构或动状结构,以避免重复。 【即境活用16】 If you don't sign up for the game,________. A.I don't go,either

  B.neither will I C.so will I

  D.nor do I [解析]句意:如果你不报名参加比赛,我也不参加。由于if 条件从句中用现在时表将来,故主句应该用将来时,从don't 可知是否定形式,故用neither 引导倒装句,应选B项。 [答案]B 2.There's as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.国与国之间争取奥运会举办权的竞争,就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样激烈。

  【考点归纳】 (1)as...as...“像……一样,正如”,第一个as 是副词,修饰形容词或副词的原级;第二个as是连词,引导让步状语从句。在否定句中也可改为not as/so...as...,意为“不如……”。

  (2)有关as...as 的短语 as soon as一……就…… as/so long as

  只要 as much/many as

  多达……;达到……之多 so/as far as

  远至……;就……而言 as well as

  也;又 as...as possible

  尽可能 as good as


  ①I haven't known him as long as you (have known him).我认识他的时间没有你长。 ②He was as white as sheet. 他面无血色。 ③She doesn't play as well as her sister. 她演奏得不如她姐姐好。 ④Teaching is as much an art as it is a science. 教学是一门科学,更是一门艺术。 【即境活用17】 Language belongs to each one of us,to the flower sellers ________to the professor. A.as much as

  B.as far as C.the same as

  D.as long as [解析]as much as 多达,符合句意。as far as远至;as long as长达,只要;the same as与……相同。 [答案]A 3.This is important because the more you speak English,the better your English will become.这是非常重要的,因为你讲英语越多,你的英语就越好。

  【考点归纳】 the+比较级,the+比较级 意思是“越……,就越……”。 第一个“the+比较级”是表示比较的状语从句,第二个“the+比较级...”是主语。这个句型表示从句和主句的两个变化是同时进行的,指主句的情况随着从句表示的程度而变化。 The more he has,the more he wants. 他越有越贪(他贪得无厌)。 【即境活用18】 The harder you work,________ you will be. A.the happier

  B.the happiest C.happier

  D.happiest [解析]the+比较级;the+比较级,意思是“越……,就越……”。 [答案]A

  单项填空解题技巧 ——代入法 做题时,将选项逐个代入空白处,根据句意逐个进行筛选,最后确定最佳答案。 [例](2010·湖北高考)It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money________favors to them. A.in preference to

  B.in place of C.in agreement with

  D.in exchange for [解析]将选项逐一代入空白处,可知只有D项符合句意。in exchange for 作为交换。in preference to 优先于;in place of 代替;in agreement with 与……一致。 [答案]D 【即境活用19】 The man gave the woman some rice ________ her fruit. A.in exchange for

  B.in return C.in charge of

  D.in favor of [解析]in exchange for作为交换,符合句意。in return 作为回报;in charge of负责;in favor of支持。 [答案]A 【即境活用5】 Every four years athletes from all over the world ________medals in the Olympic Games. A.compete for

  B.compete in C.fight against

  D.fight with [解析]compete for 为……而赛。 [答案]A 【即境活用6】 A new manager will come to take________charge of this company,which was in________charge of Mr.Wang. A.the;the

  B./;/ C.the;/

  D./;the [解析]take charge of 主管;in the charge of 被主管。 [答案]D 7.bargain vi. 讨价还价;讲条件 n. 便宜货 ①I bargained with the taxi driver about the price. 我与出租车司机讲价。 ②He and his partner had made a bargain to help each other. 他和他的合伙人约定,要相互帮助。 ③In my opinion,the car was a bargain at that price. 依我来看,那辆车的价格真便宜。 【即境活用7】 I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale;it was a real________. A.exchange

  B.bargain C.trade

  D.business [解析]bargain 便宜货,符合句意。exchange交换;trade贸易;business生意。 [答案]B ①The report deserves careful consideration. 这报告应该给予认真考虑。 ②They didn't deserve to win. 他们不该赢。 ③He deserves to be locked up forever for what he did. =He deserves locking up forever for what he did. 他做了这样的事,应该终身监禁。 【易错提示】 deserve后接doing,主动式表被动意义,等于接动词不定式的被动语态。有相同用法的动词还有:need,want,require等。

  【即境活用8】 —It's better for you to lose weight by taking exercise every morning. —I think your suggestion deserves________. A.try B.tried C.to be tried

  D.to try [解析]deserve to be done 相当于deserve doing 意为“值得被”。 [答案]C

  1.take part in 参加 take an active part in 积极参加 play an important part in

  在……方面起重要作用 play a role in

  在……中扮演角色 act the part of

  扮演……角色 ①She takes an active part in local politics. 她积极参与地方政治活动。 ②She played a major part in the success of the scheme. 她对该计划的成功起了重要作用。 ③How many countries took part in the Beijing Olympic Games? 有多少国家参加了北京奥运会? 【即境活用9】 (2010·北京东城一模)The Browns sent lots of invitations for their party.But because of the improper time,few people ________it. A.attended

  B.accepted C.received

  D.took part in [解析]attend出席(会议),上课,上学等。 [答案]A 2.as well as 也;还 as well as 的关键在于放在主语之后作插入语,这时它和with,including,together with 等用法一样,即主语为as well as 插入语前的部分。当as well as 连接两个不定式时,后面的不定式应该省去to。

  ①My father,as well as my two brothers,has been to the USA. 我父亲以及我的两个哥哥都去过美国。 ②Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods. 未来的农业应依靠高科技,也要靠传统方式。 【即境活用10】 (2010·山东省济宁市检测)—Lydia,what did our headteacher say just now? —Every boy and every girl as well as the teachers who________to lead the group________asked to be at the school gate before 630 in the morning. A.is;is B.are;areC.are;isD.is;are

  [解析]第一空的先行词为teachers,故用are;第二空的主语为every boy and every girl,与单数谓语动词连用。 [答案]C 3.work out 计算出;制定出;结果是,锻炼 work out 的宾语如果是代词时,代词应该放在work 和out 之间。其同义词为figure out。在表示“结果是”的意思时,同义词为turn out。

  ①Things worked out quite well. 事情的结果很不错。 ②I've worked out your share of the expenses at £10. 我已经计算出你应分摊的费用是10英镑。 ③The general worked out a new plan of attack. 将军制定出了新的进攻方案。 ④Can you work out what these squiggles mean? 你能辨认出这些潦草的字迹是什么意思吗? 【即境活用11】 (2010·大连高三模拟)We hoped to be able to move into our new house at the end of the month,but things didn't________as we expected. A.work out

  B.move out C.carry out

  D.put out

  [解析]work out 结果是,符合句意。move out搬出去;carry out执行;put out扑灭。 [答案]A 4.pick up 捡起;收听;接送某人;收拾;不经意间获得;好转 ①The train was gradually picking up speed. 火车在渐渐加速。 ②She kept picking up magazines and putting them down again. 她不停地拿起杂志又放下它们。 ③The children have picked up the local accent. 孩子都学会了当地口音了。

  ④I'd really like to pick up Grandpa at the railroad station. 我真想去火车站接爷爷。 ⑤I don't want Roger to pick up any bad habits of speech. 我不想让罗杰养成不良的说话习惯。 ⑥We're waiting until the weather picks up a bit. 我们等到天气好些再说。 【巧学助记】 【即境活用12】 (2010·湖北省武汉市调研)We'll meet again in the morning and we can________where we left off. A.look up

  B.set up C.check up

  D.pick up [解析]pick up 接着,符合句意。look up抬头看,查找;set up成立;check up核实。 [答案]D 5.stand for 代表;主张,支持;容忍,接受 ①UN stands for the United Nations. UN 是联合国的缩写。 ②I hated the organization and all it stood for. 我厌恶那个组织,也厌恶它的一切主张。 ③I'm not standing for it any longer. 这种事我再也不能容忍了。

  stand by 袖手旁观,站在一边 stand out 显眼,引人注目 stand up for 支持,维护 stand down 退出(比赛等) stand up to 勇敢地面对,经得起 【即境活用13】 TV________television. A.stands for

  B.stands out C.stands by

  D.stands up for [解析]stand for 代表,符合句意。stand out突出;stand by袖手旁观;stand up for支持。 [答案]A 6.used to 过去常常,过去曾经 I used to live in London. 我曾经在伦敦居住过。

  (1)used to 有两种否定和疑问形式,一种直接使用used;一种借助助动词did。即: used not to+动词原形=usedn't to+动词原形 did not use to+动词原形=didn't use to+动词原形 疑问形式: used+主语+to+动词原形 did+主语+use+to+动词原形

  (2)used to 用于否定句时,其后的反意疑问句要在形式上前后一致。 (3)used to 用于there be 句型中成为There used to be...意思是“过去曾经有……,过去曾存在……”。

  必修二 Unit 2 The Olympic Games

  1.No other countries could join in,nor could slaves or women! 别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加。 2.There's as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals. 国与国之间争取奥运会举办权的竞争,就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样激烈。 3.This is important because the more you speak English,the better your English will become. 这是非常重要的,因为你讲英语越多,你的英语将越好。

  [考题回放·2010广东卷] 以下是一则关于中国政府决定禁烟的报道的主要内容。 二手烟:second­hand smoke [写作内容] 请根据以上内容给学校英语墙报写一篇通讯,内容包括: 1.禁烟决定的内容及实施的时间和范围; 2.目标和措施; 3.相关数据。

  [写作要求] 只能用5个句子表达全部内容。 [评分标准]

  句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。 [优秀范文] A rule released by Chinese government that it is not allowed smoking in public will come into effect on January,1,2011 in the whole country.The no­smoking sign will be put up where all the people can see it clearly,aiming to make the goal come true in the end.According to the report,about 350 million people smoke,of whom 75% are male and the rest are female.Worse still,about 540 million people suffer from the second­hand smoke.And each year,about 100,000 people die of it.

  1.________adj.古代的;古老的 2.________n.志愿者;志愿兵 vt. & vi.自愿 3.________n.运动员;运动选手 4.________n.奴隶 5.________n.责任;职责 6.________vt.取代;替换;代替 7.________adj.快的;迅速的 8.________adj.物理的;身体的 9.________vt.罚款 10.________vt. & vi.做广告;登广告 11.________n.疼痛;痛苦 12.________vi.比赛;竞争 13.________n.奖章;勋章;纪念章 14.________n.祖国;本国

  15.________adj.规则的;定期的;常规的 16.________vt.做东;主办;招待 n.主人 17.________n.座右铭;格言;警句 18.________vt. & vi.收费;控诉 n.费用;主管 19.________adj.愚蠢的;傻的 20.________vi. & vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得

  [答案] 1.ancient 2.volunteer 3.athlete 4.slave 5.responsibility 6.replace 7.swift 8.physical 9.fine 10.advertise 11.pain 12.compete 13.medal 14.homeland 15.regular 16.host 17.motto 18.charge 19.foolish 20.deserve 1.________for 代表;象征;表示 2.in________ 主管;看管 3.________four years 每四年 4.be________to... 被录取到…… 5.pick________ 捡起 6.________with sb. for... 为……与某人讨价还价 7.________part in 参加;参与

  8.as________ 也;又;还 9.one after________ 陆续的;一个接一个地 10.compete________ 与……竞争 11.used________ 过去常常 12.as________ 至于 13.put________ 提出 14.prepare________ 为……作准备

  15.feel sorry________ 同情…… 16.on________ 故意地 17.rise________one's feet  站起来 18.apart________ 除了 19.hand________hand 手拉手地 20.be confident________ 对……自信

  [答案]1.stand 2.charge 3.every 4.admitted 5.up 6.bargain 7.take 8.well 9.another 10.against/with 11.to 12.to 13.forward 14.for 15.for 16.purpose 17.to 18.from 19.in 20.in 1.admit vt. & vi. 容许,允许进入;容纳;承认 admit sb. into...=allow sb. to come 允许某人进入 be admitted to 被(某校)录取;成为……的一员 admit 200 people=seat/hold 200 people 容纳200人 admit sth./that­clause 承认,认可 admit doing/having done sth. 承认做某事 admit sb./sth. to be...承认……为…… ①The theatre admits only 250 people. 这家戏院只能容纳250人。 ②He admitted not having done it as planned. 他承认没有按计划做那件事。 ③Our football team decided to admit him as one of the members.我们足球队决定吸收他为本队队员。 ④He is admitted to Shandong University. 他被山东大学录取了。 【巧学助记】 【即境活用1】 (2010·北京市海淀区模拟)The man didn't admit________anything at the store when he was questioned by the police. A.to stealB.having stolen C.to have stolen

  D.having been stealing [解析]admit后跟v.­ing形式做宾语。 [答案]B 2.replace v. 放回原处;代替,取代 replace sth. by/with... 以……代替或替换 replace sth.



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