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2024届高考英语牛津译林版选修7总复习课件《Unit 4 Public transport》7-4(江苏专用)



  without aim 漫无目的地,with the aim of 目的是,怀着……的目的 (2)aim v. 企图,意欲,瞄准,aim at 对……瞄准,目的在于,旨在,aim for 致力,努力追求

  ①The aim (目的)is to mix the physical with the digital.Providing 24­hour services which can be used through many different ways. (2011·四川卷·阅读理解C) ②He does everything without aim(没目标). ——看看高考怎么考 【课本原句】 As better ways for digging tunnels were developed,the first railway tunnel under the River Thames was dug in 1884.(P50)随着挖掘隧道的更先进的方法的进展,第一条穿过泰晤士河的地铁隧道于1884年竣工。

  as 句型 as在此处作连词,引导的是一个时间状语从句,意为“随着……”。 “with+宾语+宾补”的结构,也有“随着……”的意思。 With the dark clouds approaching,the heavy rain comes.

  随着乌云压顶,暴雨来了。 a.Without your help,I couldn't have made so much progress in English. b.The street is over 600 years old with more than 300 shops along. c.With so many eyes staring at me, I felt nervous and upset. ——满分作文之佳句 ①My consultant was obviously angry with me and as we left(当我们离开时) Mr.McMahon,she turned to me.“Why on earth did you do that?” she asked in disbelief. (2011·湖北卷·阅读理解A) ②Unfortunately,that is often inaccessible as(当) blocked by the desire to be shocking or to defend some special interest. (2011·重庆卷·阅读理解E) ——看看高考怎么考 ③With winter coming on/As winter comes on(随着冬天的来临),it's time to buy warm clothes. ④As the story________,the truth about the strange figure is slowly discovered. (2011·浙江卷·单项填空21) A.begins



  D.develops 答案 D ⑤________ we grow,we come to learn to accept life as it is. (2024·邵阳市二中10月份月考) A.As




  答案 A 辨析 transport/traffic transport 作“交通”讲,实指运输工具。traffic作“交通”讲,指路上的行人车马,着重数量的多少。 His bike is his only means of transport. 他的自行车是他唯一的交通工具。 Traffic is interrupted in many places. 很多地方交通中断了。 翻译句子 ①我们将用船只运送这些产品。 We will transport the products by ship. ②With the completion of several public ________ projects,such as the MRT,commuting to work has become easier for people living in the suburbs. (2024·常德一中11月份月考) A.transportation

  B.traffic C.travel


  答案 A ——看看高考怎么考 【课本原句】 Passengers were transported in carriages without windows,which were pulled through the comparatively narrow tunnels by steam engines.(P50) 乘客坐在没有窗户封闭的车厢里,车厢在相对狭窄的隧道里由蒸汽引擎拉动。 narrow adj. 窄的,狭窄的,狭隘的 v.(使)变窄 a narrow escape 死里逃生,险些遇险 a narrow victory/defeat 险胜/勉强击败 narrow down 缩小……的范围 narrowly adv.勉强地,精细地 ①Do you know why the river narrows here(为什么河道在这儿会变窄吗)? ②The boy had a ________ escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus. (2024·益阳市一中11月份月考) A.narrow



  D.fine 答案 A ——看看高考怎么考 【课本原句】 Visit our ticket office and buy one of the travel cards that permit you to travel all over the underground system.(P51)来我们的售票处,买一张可以游览整个地铁系统的门票吧。

  permit vt.&vi.允许,许可 n. 许可证,执照,通行证 permit sb to do sth

  允许某人做某事 allow sb to do sth

  允许某人做某事 permit doing sth

  允许做某事 allow doing sth


  【注意】 具有以上用法的动词还有forbid,advise等。即:permit,allow,forbid,advise后直接动词作宾语时,要用doing,后跟to do时应先接sb。 辨析 permit sb to do sth/promise sb to do sth (1)permit sb to do sth 指允许某人做某事,动作由对方完成。 (2)promise sb to do sth 指答应某人(向对方承诺)要做某事,动作由承诺人完成。 Father promised me to buy a new bike and didn't permit me to lend the bike to others. 父亲许诺给我买一辆新自行车并且不允许我把它借给别人。 ①Please note that,for safety reasons,pushing chairs are not permitted(不允许)in the State Apartments. (2010·天津卷·阅读理解A) ②Promise me never to be late(答应我不要迟到)again. ③We'll have a picnic in the woods,________. (2024·湖南桃源县一中11月份月考) A.weather permits

  B.weather permit C.weather permitting

  D.if weather permitting 答案 C ——看看高考怎么考 ④Passengers are permitted ________only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane. A.to carry

  B.carrying C.to be carried

  D.being carried 答案 A 【课本原句】 After World war Ⅱ ended in 1945,more people travelled on the underground,so the system was enlarged and more lines were added,including the Victoria Line,which was linked with other lines at almost every station.(P51) 1945年二战结束后,更多人乘坐地铁,因此地铁系统被扩大,更多的地铁线建成;其中包括几乎连接所有的站点和其他线路的维多利亚线。

  enlarge vt. 扩大,扩展,扩充,放大 Can you enlarge photographs?你会放大照片吗? Bryce's Department Store enlarged its furniture department about a year ago. 布赖斯百货公司大约在1年前扩充了其家具部。 I want to enlarge the lawn.我想扩大草坪的面积。 His interests have recently enlarged. 近来,他的业余爱好更加广泛。 The newspaper ________ its editorial staff by engaging two new people. A.enlarged



  D.Enriched 答案 A ——看看高考怎么考 【课本原句】 In 1854,the British government gave approval to the construction by the Metropolitan Railway Company of an underground railway in the centre of London,between Paddington and Farringdon,via King‘s Cross,St Pancras and Euston.(P50) 1854年,英国政府批准大都会铁路公司在伦敦中心修建帕丁顿和法林顿之间途经国王十字、圣潘克拉斯和尤斯顿的地下铁路。 The plan had the approval of the school authorities. 计划得到学校当局的认可。 We can't start the job until we have the director's approval.未经局长批准我们不能开始这项工作。

  approval n. 赞成,同意;批准 approve vt.

  赞许;批准 have sb‘s approval

  得到某人的同意 meet with sb‘s approval

  得到某人的同意 obtain approval

  得到认可 receive approval

  得到赞成 approval of authority

  当局的批准 approval of hearers

  听众的赞许 approval of the majority


  【联想拓展】 The firm's directors quickly approved the new idea. 公司的董事们很快赞同了这个新想法。 Alan is someone who always needs the approval of other people.艾伦这个人总是凡事都希望得到别人的首肯。 That letter was sent with my approval. 那封信经过我的批准才寄出。 We won't start building without the council's approval. 没有市议会的批准,我们不会动工。 I'm afraid they won't approve of your going there. 我担心他们不会赞成你到那儿去。 ①They are subject to your ________,but the final list is to be sent to the manager for his ________. A.obedience;approval

  B.approval;agree C.approval;approval

  D.conformity;approval 答案 C ——看看高考怎么考 ②Our teacher gave her ________ to our plans for a graduation party and she also promised to join us. A.approach

  B.application C.access

  D.approval 答案 D ③Her mother does not ________ of her going to study in the United States alone. A.admit



  D.approve 答案 D 【课本原句】 However,new trains had to be developed and the plan required raising a large amount of money,so the digging was postponed until 1860,the initial tunnels were opened in 1863 and were just beneath the surface of the ground.(P50) 然而需要开发新的火车,并且这个计划需要筹集大量的金钱,所以挖掘工作一直推迟到1860年。首批地铁隧道于1863年开通,这些隧道紧靠地面。 The sun is now beneath the horizon. 太阳此刻落到地平线下了。 She was sitting directly beneath the painting. 她坐在那幅画的正下方。

  beneath prep. 在……之下,向……下面 辨析  beneath/below/under (1)beneath表示“在……下方”时,与表面相接触,与介词on相对应,多用于正式文体中。 (2)below与介词above相对应,常指在某物体之下,但不一定在该物的正下方。也可指在海平面或地平线之下。 (3)under与介词over相对应,通常表示处于正下方,一般与表面不接触。 He wore a woolen vest beneath his shirt. 他衬衫里面穿着一件羊毛背心。 He waited below her window until she opened it and spoke to him. 他在窗下一直等到她开窗和他讲话。 She was carrying her handbag under her arm when I saw her. 我看到她时,她腋下夹着手提包。 It turned out that she won the first prize in the competition,which was ________ her expectation. A.beyond

  B.to C.above

  D.beneath 答案 A ——看看高考怎么考 【课本原句】 The floods washed away soil along the road.Part of the road is still under repair.(P59)洪水冲掉了沿途的泥土,部分公路目前仍正在维修中。 repair n.& v. 修理,修补 under repair

  在修理中 beyond repair

  无法修补(修复) in need of repair

  急需修理 in good repair

  维修良好 repair the wrong


  under construction

  在兴建中 under discussion

  在讨论中 under review

  在复习中 under study

  在研究中 under consideration

  在考虑中 under investigation

  在调查中 under control


  【联想拓展】 根据句意完成句子 ①Look out! Don't get too close to the house whose roof is under repair. ②Sarah had her washing machine repaired the day before yesterday. ③I have to go to work by taxi because my car is being repaired at the garage. ④As a result of the serious flood,two­thirds of the buildings in the area need repairing. ——看看高考怎么考 【课本原句】 In 1884,the Metropolitan Railway Company and the Metropolitan District Railway linked up.(P50)1884年,大都会铁路公司和大都会地区铁路部门联合起来了。

  link up 连接,会合,联合 be linked with/to... 与……有关系 link...with/to... 把……与……连接起来,把……连接到……上 link arms 挽着手臂

  ①Even below the drink driving link(环节),driving will be affected. (2011·福建卷·阅读理解A) ②They have planned to link up the two areas by telephone(用电话把两个地区连接起来). ③________ to the crime,the suspect was arrested. (2024·邵东创新实验学校第3次月考) A.Linking

  B.Linked C.To be linked

  D.To link 答案 B ——看看高考怎么考 【课本原句】 This has speeded up travel between the two cities.(P59)这使两个城市间的旅行变得快捷。

  speed up 加速 speed by (时间)

  很快地过去,飞逝 speed...away

  迅速将……带离 pick up/gain speed

  逐渐加速 at top/full speed

  以全速 at high/low speed

  以高速/低速 at a speed of...

  以……速度 More haste,less/worse speed. 欲速则不达

  ①What's more,the firms that “slowed down to speed up(加速)”improved their top and bottom lines,averaging 40% higher sales and 52% higher operating incomes over a three­year period. (2011·四川卷·阅读理解E) ②To get rid of alcohol from the body is a very slow process and it is not possible to speed it up(加速) with any measures like taking a shower or having a cup of tea or coffee. (2011·福建卷·阅读理解A) ——看看高考怎么考 ③They are broadening the bridge to ________ the flow of traffic. (2011·山东卷·语法和词汇知识25) A.put off

  B.speed up

  C.turn on

  D.work out 答案 B ④Liu Xiang's running career began to ________ after he won the gold medal in the Olympic Games. (2024·武冈市一中10月份月考) A.speed up

  B.fly away

  C.give away

  D.take off 答案 D 【课本原句】 The floods washed_away soil along the road and part of the road is still under repair.(P59)洪水冲掉了沿途的泥土,部分公路目前正在维修中。

  wash away 冲掉,冲垮,冲走 wash one‘s hands of

  不再过问,洗手不干 wash well/badly

  好洗/不好洗 be washed out

  被抛弃,被取消 wash up


  ①这种布很容易洗。 The kind of cloth washes well/easily. ②The dirty marks on the skirt won't ________. (2024·邵东创新实验学校第4次月考) A.wash up

  B.be washed out C.wash away

  D.washed away 答案 C ——看看高考怎么考 【课本原句】 This notice is aimed at increasing people's knowledge of the problem.(P62)这个公告目的是增加人民对这个问题的认识。

  be aimed at 目的是,旨在,针对 aim n.

  目的,目标,瞄准 achieve one‘s aim

  达到某人的目的 miss one‘s aim

  某人未击中目标 have a high aim in life

  胸怀壮志 take aim at...


  Unit 4 Public transport

  晨读在线  请你根据以下提示,结合生活中的一个事例,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈微笑的作用。 The best example of universally understood body language may be the smile.A smile can help us get through difficult situation and find friends in a world of strangers.A smile can open doors and tear down walls. 注意:①无须写标题; ②内容只需涉及一个方面; ③词数不少于120。 【范文欣赏】  请进行完形填空(每空一词) I still remember how nervous I was on my first day in the new school three years ago,1.when I found it difficult to follow my teacher in the first English class.The teacher spoke English throughout 2.the class,which was totally different 3.from the lessons I had taken before. In the morning class the next day,the English teacher came to me while I was reading the text aloud as 4.other students.After listening to me for a while,she gave me a big smile and said 5.she liked my voice very much.The smile shone on the whole day 6.and the following days.A week later,I volunteered to take charge 7.of English study in my class. Thanks to the comforting smile in my 8.first morning class,I began to be confident.(134 words) 【名师点评】 叙述自然流畅,文风朴实无华,通过叙述老师的微笑来说明它给作者带来的积极作用。非限制性定语从句which was totally different from the lessons I had taken before用得很好,高级词汇shine,volunteer,confident,take charge of,thanks to等的出现使文章陡增亮色。 【疯狂背诵】 请用10分钟背诵范文

  【还原范文】 请将下列句子翻译成英语 1.我依然记得三年前我进入新学校的第一天,当我发现第一堂英语课上自己很难跟上老师的时候我多么紧张。 I still remember how nervous I was on my first day in the new school three years ago,when I found it difficult to follow my teacher in the first English class. 2.老师在课上从头至尾都讲英语,那完全不同于我以前上的课。 The teacher spoke English throughout the class,which was totally different from the lessons I had taken before. 3.第二天的早自习课上,当我像别的同学那样大声朗读课文时,英语老师向我走了过来。 In the morning class the next day,the English teacher came to me while I was reading the text aloud as other students. 4.听我读了一会儿后,她给了我一个大大的微笑,说她非常喜欢我的声音。 After listening to me for a while,she gave me a big smile and said she liked my voice very much. 5.这个微笑照亮我这一整天,还有以后的日子。 The smile shone on the whole day and the following days. 6.一周后,我自愿负责我们班的英语学习工作。 A week later,I volunteered to take charge of English study in my class. 7.感谢第一次早自习时的那个舒心的微笑,我从此开始自信。 Thanks to the comforting smile in my first morning class,I began to be confident. Ⅰ.单词默写 1.convey vt. 运送,输送;表达 2.authority n. 权力;权力机构;权威;权限 3.anniversary n. 周年纪念;周年纪念日 4.enlarge vt. vi. 扩大,增大 5.modest adj. 适度的,适中的,不过分的;谦虚的,谦让的 6.flash n. 闪光,闪烁;简明资讯,快讯 7.annual adj. 每年的,一年一次的 8.aggressive adj.好斗的,侵略性的,咄咄逼人的 9.alcoholic adj. 酒精的;含酒精的 10.reservation n. 预订,预约;保留意见 11.choke v.be unable to breathe 12.growth n. the process of growing 13.undertake vt. to promise or agree to do something 14.punctual adj. arriving or doing things at exactly the right time 15.violate vt. to take no notice of a promise or agreement Ⅱ.词汇拓展 1.distinction n.声誉,名声;区别→distinctive adj.区别性的→distinguish vt.区别,鉴别 2.permit v.允许→permission n.准许,允许→allow (同义词) 3.separately adv.分别地,单独地,各自地→separate adj.分开的,独立的→separate vt.分开,分隔,隔开→separation n.分开;分居 4.arrange vt.按排,整理→arrangement n.按排,整理 5.believe vt.相信→belief n.信念,相信→believable adj.可相信的,能相信的→unbelievable adj. 难以置信的,惊人的 语境助记——词不离句,句不离段 The expansion of modern advanced transportation makes our life more convenient,orderly and punctual.But on the other hand,the accidents it caused are confusing and annoying us.



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