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  1. Though ________ money, his parents managed to send him to university.

  A. lacked

  B. lacking of

  C. lacking

  D. lacked in

  2. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the ________.

  A. 20 dollars remained

  B. 20 dollars to remain

  C. remained 20 dollars

  D. remaining 20 dollars

  3. --It will take us 15 hours _______ Weihai by bus.

  --Why not try ______ a ship? It's quicker by water than by road.

  A. to-go to; to take

  B. going to; taking

  C. to go to; taking

  D. going to; to take

  4. Though the policemen got ________ after looking for the murder in the city for a whole day,

  they felt excited when finding the __________ knife by the lake.

  A. exhausting; abandoning

  B. exhausted; abandoned

  C. exhausted; abandoning

  D. exhausting; abandoned

  5. My father used to ______ coffee in the morning, but now he is used to ______ tea --- he thinks it’s healthier.

  A. drink; drink

  B. drinking; drinking

  C. drink; drinking

  D. drinking; drink

  6. _______ make any mistakes in the exam. I went over what I had learnt again and again.

  A. In order to

  B. So as to not

  C. So as to

  D. In order not to

  7. Mr. Smith, ________ in the factory for thirty years, is on the way back to his village.

  A. to work

  B. working

  C. to have worked

  D. having worked

  8. ---How about ________ something to eat?

  ---I'd rather _______ a drink. I am really thirsty.

  A. have; having

  B. having; have

  C. have; to have

  D. having; to have

  9. I've been considering _______ my job as a teacher because a teacher is often considered _______ a gardener.

  A. to change; to be

  B. to change; being

  C. changing; being

  D. changing; to be

  10. ______ in the 1980's, it's the first factory ______ colour TV sets of high quality.

  A. Founded; producing

  B. Founded; to produce

  C, Founding; having produced

  D. Founding; produced

  11. All the members of my family, ______ my grandparents, are fond of different kinds of sports, football ________.

  A. including; included

  B. including; including

  C. included; including

  D. included; included

  12. My little daughter poured ink over my painting, completely _______ it.

  A. ruining

  B. ruins

  C. ruined

  D. ruin

  13. He is the youngest in the family, but he hated _______ a child.

  A. being treated as

  B. treating as

  C to treat as

  D. to be treated to

  14. ---My watch has been losing time for the past week.

  --It probably needs ________.

  A. clean

  B. cleaned

  C. to clean

  D. cleaning

  15. _______ the problem of rising costs, the man decided to search for another job to support his large family.

  A. Facing with

  B. To face with

  C. Face

  D. Faced with

  16. Greatly ______ as the leading scientist, he was asked to give lectures in many countries.

  A. respecting

  B. respects

  C. respected

  D. to respect

  17. _______ in the book he is crazy about, he didn't hear his mother enter the room.

  A. Buried

  B. Burying

  C. To bury

  D. Being burying

  18. The picture ______ the wall was drawn by one of his students.

  A. attaching to

  B. attaching on

  C. attached to

  D. attached on

  19. Don't rely on _______ for our holiday, because we may not be able to afford it.

  A. to go abroad

  B. go abroad

  C. going abroad

  D. gone abroad

  20. The manager discussed the plan they would like to see _______ the next year.

  A. carry out

  B. carrying out

  C. to carry out

  D. carried out

  21. The book you lent me last week is excellent. I think it is worth ______ a second time.

  A. to read

  B. to be read

  C. reading

  D. being read

  22. Turning around, I saw a little boy standing behind the tree, _______ at me curiously.

  A. stared

  B. to stare

  C. staring

  D. having stared

  23. ______ that they are inexperienced in this field, they've done a good job.

  A. Giving

  B. To jive

  C. Given

  D. Being given

  24. The ship, _________ with rice and wheat, has set sail for Africa.

  A. loading

  B. loaded

  C. to load

  D. having loaded

  25. It was fortunate that Jack narrowly escaped ________ in a traffic accident.

  A. killing

  B. being killed

  C. to be killed

  D. to kill

  26. This novel is based on a true story of a famous star, so once ________, it will be very popular.

  A. publishes

  B. having published

  C. publishing

  D. published

  27. ---How can a blind man know what something is?

  --- By feeling and ________.

  A. touch

  B. touching

  C. to touch

  D. touched

  28. The driver was sad when word came that he was forbidden ________ for speeding.

  A. to drive

  B. driving

  C. drive

  D. driven .

  29. No one is allowed, no matter who he is, _______ the room unless he has a permit.

  A. enters

  B. entering

  C. to enter

  D. entered

  30. Like many people, I dare not go out alone after dark because I'm afraid of ______.

  A. attacking

  B. being attacked

  C. having attacked

  D. attacked

  31. The key to ____ our world a comfortable and clean place to live in is to ____ industrial pollution.

  A. keeping; control

  B. keeping; controlling C. keep; control

  D. keep; controlling

  32. The driver is required by law, no matter who he is, ______ seat belt while on the road.

  A. wearing

  B. worn

  C. to wear

  D. wear

  33. I plan to have my daughters _______ at the best school in our city.

  A. educate

  B. to educate

  C. being educated

  D. educated

  34. Now that you've got a chance, you should make full use of it. Once _______, it will never come again.

  A. lost

  B. losing

  C. having lost

  D. being lost

  35. The snowstorm left, _______ severe damage to many provinces in southern China.

  A. caused

  B. had caused

  C. to cause

  D. having caused

  36. ______ delicious, the fried chicken in this shop is always selling well.

  A. Tasted

  B. Being tasted

  C. Tasting

  D. To taste

  37. The reporters hurried to the airport, only ______ that the film stars had just left by air.

  A. telling

  B. being told

  C. to tell

  D. to be told

  38. A team, _____ two doctors and three policemen, was sent to search for the lost explorers.

  A. consisting of

  B. consists of

  C. consisted of

  D. to be consisted of

  39. In front of the booking office stood a long queue of Kelly Chen's fans, ________ to get a ticket for her concert.

  A. to expect

  B. expected

  C. were expecting

  D. expecting

  40. I meant __________ that refusing him meant ________ up all our hope.

  A. to say; to give

  B. to say; giving

  C: saying; to give

  D. saying; giving

  41. With some important problems _________, they have decided to restart the both-side talks next week.

  A. settled

  B. settling

  C. to settle

  D. to he settled

  42. The aim of this training is ______ all the injured _______ timely when a fire occurs.

  A. having; treat

  B. to have; treat

  C. having; to treat

  D. have; treated

  43. The three-storey building, _______ in the 18th century, was turned into a museum in 1960.

  A. constructing

  B. constructed

  C. being constructed

  D. when constructed

  44. ______ a clear idea of how this machine works, Mary is referring to lots of materials.

  A. Gained

  B. Gaining

  C. To have gained

  D. To gain

  45. Referring to his notes during that important test led to _________.

  A. having punished the boy

  B. punishing the boy

  C. the boy being punished

  D. the boy to be punished

  46. _______ honesty and justice caused him to lose popularity among his workers.

  A. Wilson's lacked

  B. Wilson's lacking

  C. Wilson lacked

  D. Wilson to lack

  47. ______ on my computer, I found an e-mail from my pen friend, _____ me to spend the summer holiday in his city.

  A. On turning; invited

  B. On turning; inviting

  C. When having turned; to invite

  D. After having turned; inviting

  48. Alice didn't notice I was coming, her mind _________ the work she was doing.

  A. was totally fixed on

  B. was totally fixing on

  C. totally fixed on

  D. totally fixing on

  49. The old man sitting opposite me cleared his throat as if ________ something.

  A. said

  B. to say

  C. having said

  D. saying

  50. I failed my final exam last term. How I regretted ________ the teacher's advice.

  A. to take

  B. taking

  C. not to take

  D. not having taken

  51. ________ table manners, I can't stand people ________ with their mouths full.

  A. Regard; to speak

  B. Regard; speaking

  C. Regarding; speaking

  D. Regarding; to speak

  52. That was a terrible night. The rain was pouring down, _______ thunder and lightning.

  A. accompanied B. accompanied by

  C. accompanying

  D. accompanies

  53. With my husband _________ in Birmingham, I felt lonely staying in such a big house.

  A. working

  B. worked

  C. having worked

  D. works

  54. Four _______ by seven is twenty-eight. In other words, twenty-eight divided by seven is four.

  A. is multiplied

  B. multiplies

  C. multiplied

  D. multiplying

  55. --Why not take a ship for a change this time?

  --Sounds great. It deserves ________

  A. considered

  B. to consider

  C. considering

  D. being considered

  56. You're supposed _________ me, not reading a magazine in the class now.

  A. to listen to

  B. having listened to

  C. listening to

  D. to be listening to

  57. You have to prove yourself ______ innocent, that is, you had nothing to do with the murder.

  A. to be

  B. are

  C. were

  D. being

  58. It remains _______ whether the elderly will actually benefit from this plan.

  A. to be seen

  B. seen

  C. seeing

  D. to see

  59. It is a waste of time ____ such a person to join us because he will never change his mind.

  A. your persuading

  B. you persuaded

  C. of you to persuade

  D. for you persuading

  60. I know it's time I got down _____ my homework, but I just can't resist _____ computer games.

  A. to doing; playing

  B. to do; to play

  C. to doing; to play

  D. to do; playing

  61. I approve of _______to earn some money, but please don't neglect your studies.

  A. you to try

  B. you try

  C. your try

  D. you trying

  62. Lucy does nothing but ________ all day long, which makes me upset.

  A. having complained.

  B. complaining

  C. complain

  D. complained

  63. Your clothes want _________. You should have it done if you have time now.

  A. wash

  B. to wash

  C. washing

  D. being washed

  64. When caught _________, he begged for my pardon and tried ________ punishment.

  A. cheating; escaping

  B. cheating; to escape

  C. to be cheating; escaping

  D. to be cheating; to escape

  65. Your time should have been made full use of _______ the final exams, but, to my regret, it wasn't.

  A. to pass

  B. passing

  C. to have passed

  D. having passed

  66. Mr. Smith, _________ with a new mayor, is giving his farewell speech at the meeting.

  A. replaced

  B. to be replaced

  C. to replace

  D. being replaced

  67. The policy is partly ________ for causing the worst unemployment in Europe.

  A. to be blamed

  B. to blame

  C. being blaming

  D. blaming

  68. --We didn't find the Blacks attending the lecture.



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