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  【文章大意】 父亲用他的方式表达着对“我”的爱。每次送我,都要和我吻别。12岁的时候,我突然对将要和我吻别的父亲说自己已经长大了,不需要任何形式的吻了,父亲伤心得泪水盈眶。然而一次意外,留给我无尽的后悔和遗憾……

  1.B 由下文的that truck,以及As he would drive可以看出,这是爸爸用车送我去上学,所以选drive,意为:用车送。句意:当天气不好的时候,他就用车送我去上学。 专题 一 │ 专题预测

  2.A business表示一个人经常的,且赖以生活的职业。这里捕鱼,就是父亲赖以生活的职业,因此A符合语境。最大的干扰项是career,该词指某种经过特殊训练,而又为之献身的终生事业,带有崇高色彩。

  3.D 从后面的“it seemed like everybody would be standing around”来看,由于这辆破车很差,噪音大,又冒着浓浓的黑烟,所以怕别人看到了笑话我,所以我就滑倒座位底下,希望自己消失。repair修理;scream尖叫;complaint抱怨。

  4.B 我作为一个小孩子,担心被别人看到自己坐在一辆破车里,所以要用watch,如果把A项改为laughing at(嘲笑)也讲得通。perform表现;play玩。 专题 一 │ 专题预测

  5.A 下文有原词复现:a goodbye kiss。句意:我12岁了,他总是和我吻别。

  6.A usual通常的;common普通的;daily日常的;sweet甜的。

  7.B 我已决定不再让爸爸吻我,所以当他倾下身来的时候,我举起了手阻止他的嘴,故选hand。

  8.C 因为父亲从未想到他对我这种爱的方式会使我如此的反感,对于突如其来的伸手阻止没有一点防备和心理准备,有点受惊,所以选terrified,意为“受惊吓的”。excited 兴奋的;pleased高兴的;bored无聊的,无趣的。 专题 一 │ 专题预测

  9.C 很显然,父亲很伤心,从后面的他转过身去,可以看出,他不想让我看到他眼睛里的泪水,所以选tears。意为“眼睛含着泪水”。

  10.A 转过身去,往外看,所以要用look out。look up向上看(和turn不符);look around环视(这里不是找东西或人,显然也不符合语境);look on旁观,观看。 专题 一 │ 专题预测

  11.B notice注意到;smell闻;sense感觉到;feel触摸,感觉。海洋不可能在父亲的身上,打鱼回来,带来的只能是海洋的味道,所以选B项。

  12.B 这里是对自己以前所做的蠢事的后悔,因为当时自己并没有长大,所以这里作者用了两个虚拟语气说:要是我当时已经长大了,我就不会对父亲说,我已经长大了,用不着吻别了。之后不久,父亲出海打鱼,再也没有回来。那样的话,父亲也不会伤心,我也不会留下遗憾。 专题 一 │ 专题预测


  I lived a hard life when I was little. I was __1__ physically and mentally. Life as an adult was not better with a broken marriage. I tried to kill myself. But thankfully I was

  rescued by a teacher, and thanks to the help of the teacher, I__2__ my life. 专题 一 │ 专题预测

  Today I am a reborn person, as founder of a home here in Sabah, Malaysia, and a general __3__ worker and social activist. At the age of 38, I left for Camphill, Aberdeen, Scotland, where I graduated as a medical educationist and a guidance doctor. When I was __4__ which university I graduated from before going to Camphill, my answer was the “University of Life”. I am now 61 years old and still active in my services for the __5__. 专题 一 │ 专题预测

  My friends never have low opinions of anyone and always are careful of negative words that can __6__ a person’s life. I was laughed at being a mixed breed(类型), and I was told that I was a hopeless child, with no brains, yet today I am a public __7__, often sought for by various press media for my advice on various social __8__. 专题 一 │ 专题预测

  For those who are __9__ some troubles in their life, never give up hope, because every event that happens in our life, whether it is good or horrible, teaches a__10__, from which we can learn something __11__. Help from friends makes us useful people. I hope my life story will __12__someone in need of help. If I can make it, you too can, even better than me. ()1.A.abused







  D.rebuilt 专题 一 │ 专题预测





















  专题 一 │ 专题预测





  ()9.A.looking through

  B.going through

  C.looking into

  D.pulling off












  D.resign 专题 一 │ 专题预测

  【文章大意】 本文主要讲述了作者的一生转变。一开始,作者受到身心虐待,差点自杀身亡。但是,一位老师救了他/她,并让他/她重生,成为一名著名的社会工作者。

  1.A 考查动词辨析。此处需要填一个与下文破裂婚姻以及想自杀等语意一致的词语。abuse虐待,用在此处指“我”在身体和精神上受到虐待。treat款待,curse咒骂,strike撞击,都不符合语境及搭配。 专题 一 │ 专题预测

  2.D 考查动词辨析。由上下文特别是下文的Today I am a reborn person可知,此处说的是“我重筑我的人生”,这也与全文的中心一致。

  3.D 考查形容词辨析。由上下文特别是倒数第二段可知,“我”现在是一位社会(social)工作者和社会活动家。

  4.B 考查动词辨析。由下半句my answer was…可知,此处说的是“当我被问及在去Camphill前我毕业于哪所大学时”。 专题 一 │ 专题预测

  5.B 考查形容词辨析。the needy需要的人;the wounded伤员;the injured受伤者。


  7.D 我被告知没有头脑,然而今天,我是一位公众人物,经常被各种资讯媒体追踪。被资讯媒体追踪,暗示“我是一位社会名人/公众人物”,故选择figure。

  8.C 由上文知道“我”是混合型名人,是medical educationist and a guidance doctor,也是social worker and social activist,因此经常被各种媒体追踪征询各种社会问题的意见或建议。social problems社会问题。 专题 一 │ 专题预测

  9.B go through some troubles经受一些磨难,符合搭配及语境。

  10.C teach (sb.) a lesson是固定搭配,意为“给(某人)一个教训”。

  11.B 作者写作时使用积极上进的口吻来写本文。此处指从教训中吸取积极的东西。

  12.A 这是作者对全文的总结。我希望我的一生的经历会触动需要帮助的人。touch触动,感动。 记叙文

  专题导读 专题 一 │专题导读

  记叙文是高考完形填空的主要体裁。其主要特点是以记叙为主,辅以各种综合表达方法,包括描写、说明、议论和抒情等。通过对人和事的描写表达作者的思想感情和中心思想。记叙的要素包括时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过和结果,即我们常说的五个w(who,what,when,where,why);记叙文的另一特点就是有一定的叙事线索,如:人物线索(人物的经历、见闻、感受等)、事件线索(中心事件的来龙去脉)、感情线索(作者或作品中主要人物的思想感情变化)、时间线索、地点和空间线索等。 专题 一 │专题导读


  真题再现 专题 一 │ 真题再现


  Behind our house is the start of a fascinating trail(小径).This trail is one of the old roads that wind through untold miles of forest.My __1__,Beans,and I walk the trail frequently.Normally,Beans sniffs alongside the trail to follow the smell of a deer track or __2__ some cause known only to him. 专题 一 │ 真题再现

  Beans is a white dog,quite handsome and very __3__.He not only understands what we tell him,but also often makes sounds as if he were trying to __4__ back.

  One morning,we took a different route,which led us to an unfamiliar trail.I was sure this trail would eventually lead us to our familiar __5__.But,no.We seemed to be far off course.After two hours,I suddenly realized that Beans probably __6__ the way home.So I urged,“Beans,take me home.”He ran down a new trail.But it merely led to an intersection(岔道口)of trails. 专题 一 │ 真题再现

  Soon it became __7__ that we were getting nowhere.I began to picture the rest of the day in the __8__,without food or drink.We had walked about ten miles.But Beans seemed totally __9__.The sniffing and exploring was going well for him.

  Finally,we __10__ a crossroad near a highway.Lady Luck suggested I should turn left.We did and __11__ reached a cottage beside a field.I knocked on the door and explained my situation to an old man.He laughed and then drove us home. 专题 一 │ 真题再现

  Since our adventure,I __12__ that Beans probably knew all along how to get home.He was just having too much fun exploring new trails. ()1. A. deer

  B. dog

  C. lady

  D. man ()2. A. imagine

  B. consider

  C. explore

  D.present ()3. A. smart

  B. sweet

  C. slow

  D.shy ()4. A. turn

  B. kick

  C. jump

  D. speak 专题 一 │ 真题再现

  ()5. A. driveway

  B. path

  C. crossroad

  D. highway

  ()6. A. knew

  B. saw

  C. showed

  D. made

  ()7. A. mysterious

  B. ridiculous

  C. fascinating

  D. apparent

  ()8. A. house

  B. forest

  C. field

  D. cottage

  ()9. A. unconcerned

  B. unconscious

  C. undecided

  D. uncomfortable

  ()10. A. left for

  B. went off

  C. came to

  D. drove toward 专题 一 │ 真题再现 ()11. A.punctually

  B. frequently


  D. shortly ()12. A.regretted

  B. remembered


  D. confirmed

  【文章大意】 “我”的狗Beans领着“我”沿着一条不熟悉的小路散步而迷路了,结果好不容易才回到家。但从冒险经历,“我”却断定Beans可能一直知道回家的路,他只是喜欢探险新的路径罢了。

  1. B 根据第二段第一句“Beans is a white dog”可判断选B。

  2. C 根据全文最后一句“He was just having too much fun exploring new trails.”可判断选C。 专题 一 │ 真题再现

  3. A 根据后一句“He not only understands what we tell him, but also often makes sounds as if he were trying to __4__ back.”可推断Beans聪明、机灵,故选A。

  4. D 根据句中的“makes sounds”可判断Beans试图用言语进行回答,故选D。

  5. B 根据上文“My __1__, Beans, and I walk the trail frequently.”和“we took a different route, which led us to an unfamiliar trail.”可综合判断选B,即“熟悉的小径”,故选B。

  6. A 根据下文So I urged, “Beans, take me home.”可推断“我”突然意识到Beans可能知道回家的路,故选A。 专题 一 │ 真题再现

  7. D 根据上文“He ran down a new trail. But it merely led to an intersection (岔道口) of trails.”可推断其实Beans并不知道回家的路,即:很快,我们已经迷路是很明显的事了,故选D。

  8. B 由前后语境可知我们迷失在一个偏僻之处,再结合第一段“This trail is one of the old roads that wind through untold miles of forest”的提示可判断选B。

  9. A 根据句中But所表示的转折关系,再结合The sniffing and exploring was going well for him的提示推断,至于迷路一事“我”着急,但Beans并不关心,故选A。 专题 一 │ 真题再现

  10. C 由前后语境可推断此处应意为“我们终于来到了离高速公路不远处的一个十字路口”,故选C。

  11. D 很快我们就来到一处村舍。shortly意为“不久”,符合语境,故选D。

  12. C 从我们的冒险经历,“我”断定(得出结论)Beans可能一直知道回家的路,他只是喜欢探险新的路径罢了。由此语境可判断选C。

  专题预测 专题 一 │ 专题预测


  I grew up in San Pedro. My dad was a fisherman. It was hard to make a living on the sea. He worked hard and would stay out there until he caught enough to feed the family. No just enough for our family, but also for his mom and dad. When the weather was bad he would __1__ me to school. He had this old truck that he used in his fishing__2__. Older than it was, that truck, out of condition, coughed all the way with loud noise and heavy smoke.

  专题 一 │ 专题预测

  As he would drive, I would fall down into the seat hoping to __3__. He would pull right up in front, and it seemed like everybody would be standing around and __4__. Then he would lean over to give me a big kiss and tell me to be a good boy. It was so embarrassing for me now. Here, I was 12 years old, and he would __5__ me good-bye!

  专题 一 │ 专题预测

  I remember the day I decided I was too old for a goodbye kiss. When we got to the school and came to a stop, he had his __6__ big smile. He started to lean toward me, but I put my __7__ up and said, “No, Dad.” 专题 一 │ 专题预测

  It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way, and he had this __8__ look on his face. I said, “Dad, I’m too old for a goodbye kiss. I’m too old for any kind of kiss.” My father looked at me for the longest time. When __9__ came into his eyes, he turned and __10__. “You’re right he said,” “You’re a big boy… a man. I won’t kiss you anymore.” It wasn’t long after that when my dad went to sea and never came back. It was a day when all of the ships stayed in, but not dad. He had a big family to feed.

  专题 一 │ 专题预测

  You don’t know what I would give to have my dad give me just one more kiss on the cheek…to touch his rough old face…to __11__ the ocean on him…to feel his arm around my neck. I wish I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would never have told my Dad I was too __12__ for a goodbye kiss.” ()1.A.take



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